I know it’s a long read. I hope that it is worth your time. Enjoy!

So, my current ltr and I are going through a rough patch. I have been with her for a 3+ years and her family or friends have yet to meet me. In fact, her family hates me, and they don’t even know who I am. Simply said, things are very complicated, and I am very frustrated with the whole thing.


Last month I ran into a girl whom I became friends with last year in college. Shes an Arabic girl who is really sweet, funny and pleasant to talk to. She is religious, very composed as a person, and always wears loose clothing. I never really saw what her body looked like and never felt sexual towards her. She also knows my gf and is aware that we are dating.



Skip this part if you dont want read how I met her.

I started going out with this girl in high school. She was my “first love” as people say. The thing is, I come from a conservative minded immigrant household, but her family was an easygoing American (husband is not in the picture). Her mom was a hard-working single mother who always did her best to support her kids.

This lady was always happy to have me around. I got invited to thanksgiving dinners (American thanksgiving dinners are really delicious). Her mom would offer me a beer or cigarette when I came over. I used to come over and hang-out with her mom alone while waiting for my gf. We would talk about everything, including sex. Soon after, me and my gf broke up but the mom and I still texted each other and stayed friends.

A few years later (I was 19), my ex-gf and I ended up going to the same college. It just so happened that we ran into each and started talking again. Eventually, we gave dating another shot. Everything was going well, and the mom was really happy when she heard that we got back together. I was really looking forward to coming over again during the summer, and just spending time with her family including her mom. But this time it was different.


One year in college I kept having dreams about my roommate’s gf and how I was fucking her. I didn’t know what to do with myself around her since we were very close and friends. She came over all the time, and we felt pretty comfortable around each other, so I never thought of her that way. But after these dreams I couldn’t even look at her. I was close with my roomate too, so I kinda felt guilty but also good at the same time (its a weird feeling to explain).


One day, my roommate was away for a couple of days as he went back to his hometown. Me and his gf decided to watch a movie and drink (what else is there to do on a Tuesday night lol). As the movie goes on, she got tired, so she lied down on the couch with her feet on my thighs. Idk why but I instinctively started massaging her feet. She asked me what I was doing, and I told her that if she didn’t like it, I can stop. She then smiled and said how it felt really good as her feet were really sore from standing all day. 15 mins later I asked her if she would want me to massage her back. She paused and looked at me 10 seconds, but then she agreed.