[m/f] Had sex with my best friends VERY hot mom.

So this is my throwaway account since my friends know my main one. Im 21 and have been friends with Ryan since early high school. All through high school everyone always joked about how hot Ryan's mom was. She was in her early 40s, about 5'6, and in great shape. (she was a runner) All 4 years of high school I was best friends with Ryan and spent almost every week at his house. His mom was always extremely nice and friendly, but never gave off any vibe that she would do anything wrong (they were a church going family). We were close enough where we would talk anytime we were together, but it was never anything inappropriate.

Fast Forward to 3 years after high school. In those 3 years I was going to college 2 hours away, so I only saw her maybe 10 times in that time span and they were all very brief hellos. Ryan and I were still really good friends and we planned to meet up and go on a trip over spring break. Me and 2 other friends went to pick him up at his parents house. We got there, and while he was loading up I had a brief catch up with his mom. Again, nothing unusual. Just the expected, "oh, we've missed seeing you around, etc. etc.". So we pack up and head out to camp for a few days.