Update: [m/f] Had sex with my best friends Very hot mom

Here is the first encounter I had with her . . . http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/30ivdr/mf_had_sex_with_my_best_friends_very_hot_mom/

Okay, so since my first post we have been texting. Usually about 1 or 2 nights a week and it usually turns a little dirty. So it had been about 2 weeks after we hooked up and she asked if I was coming back from college for the weekend? I wasn't planning to, but she said if i did, she had a surprise. So I went back on a friday and we agreed that we would meet at a bar downtown. We went and had a couple of drinks and walked around for awhile. She then told me to follow her in my car, so we drive for awhile and I realize she's just driving back to her house. So we pull up and I just wait in my car until she come and knocks on the window telling me to come in. She then tells me what the surprise is . . . her husband is gone for the weekend out of town. So we go inside and she recommends we watch a movie together before we go to bed. She went to her bedroom and changed out of her dress into some pajama pants and t-shirt, with her hair pulled back in a pony tail. She asked me to go pick out a movie while she laid down on the couch, so i went over, picked one out, and got it running. She waves me over to come lay down and spoon her, so I did. We made it about 30 min in until she started getting restless and grinding her ass against my dick which quickly got hard. She asked if I was wanting to play and of course I said yes, but she said we will after the movie. She turned her head back and kissed me while she put my hand on her tit, and then turned back to the movie. About 10 min later I couldnt wait any longer. I stuck my hand down her pants and started rubbing her pussy. She rolled over on top of me and we started making out. She took off her shirt and pants leaving a purple bra and thong set that looked really hot. She told me to leave my clothes on for a bit as she unzipped my pants and just pulled my dick out. It was kind of hot to be getting my dick sucked while completely dressed. After a couple minutes I cam all over my pants and shirt. She laughed and said I should go clean up, so I went to the bathroom and tried to scrub it off before it soaked in. I went back in the living room in my underwear and she wasn't in there. I went back to find her on her bed waiting. I crawled in with her and we started fucking. We had sex for maybe 30 min before we went to bed. I had 4 orgasms that night and by the end i could barely get up for any more play.
I woke up the next morning and she was already up. We had cereal in the kitchen before she sent me on my way. (I had to but on the clothes I had cum on :-/) The next night I got a text at 11 P.M. that just said "Come over"

I show up and she was really drunk and said I could do anything I wanted to her. I told her I wanted to fuck her somewhere she hadn't fucked her husband… She took me into their garage and climbed into her car. We fucked in there for a bit, then went to her bed. She said she was about to pass out, but wanted me to fuck her first. When i finished, I got dressed and she was passed out, so i just went ahead and left… The next morning I got a text saying thanks, and havent heard from her since. Its been about 9 days or so and I havent heard from her. I dont know if i should text her or not, but idk what we'd talk about. I guess ill just wait until the next time I go back from college.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/33ib7i/update_mf_had_sex_with_my_best_friends_very_hot


  1. You’ve got a good thing going here man. She sounds really hot and sexy!

  2. Fake… The "come in to get a clean pair of pants" part in part one gave it away.

  3. I would text her if I were u… Keep things light and flirty, don’t be clingy.

  4. > she was really drunk and said I could do anything I wanted to her. I told her I wanted to fuck her somewhere she hadn’t fucked her husband… She took me into their garage The old reddit switcharoo

  5. My guess would be she hasn’t texted since her husband probably came back. Go ahead and send her a text but nothing too obvious in case he sees it

  6. If it’s been 9 days then it is a safe bet that you could text her and not come off as clingy. Don’t start a normal conversation though, just be like "so when am I allowed back over to have some fun?" or something along those lines.

  7. Shoulda fucked her in the ass, maybe somewhere she hasn’t fucked yet. Nice story.

  8. Except less incriminatingly should other eyes see it, since she requested you keep it hush.

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