Most men have a desire when you’re in the mood to try your own cum once you finish jerking off. However, that feeling quickly fades and becomes repulsive as soon as you let that seed go. Then the revolving door of “Well, fuck… I’ll just try it next time” cycles through your head. Every. Single. Time.
Why is this? Why do we get so worked up and ready to drain our balls in to our own mouths to find out how it tastes, only to pussy out right after the explosion? Fucking despicable, I tell you.
I found a fool proof way to finally do it. My wife (29F) and I got down to business yesterday. Our first date night since the baby was born. We stripped each other down. Her voluptuous 38G breasts pressed up against me (see post history for pics of them). Pulling her head back by the strands of her hair, my breath hot and heavy on her neck as my tongue ran up and down. Panting like a dog in heat, I pushed her back on to the bed and spread her legs. Heat emanating from her pussy.