[MF] I fucked my ex in the shower after she made out with my friend

First time poster. If you guys enjoy this, I’ve got plenty of other stories. I smoked a bowl before starting so let’s see if it brings out the creativity. Also have a saved picture of her ass I’m switching between to remind me.

We’ll start with myself- I’m currently a 24/M in Wisconsin. I’m a good looking fella, ladies say. 6’0, husky (we like to drink beer for breakfast in Wisconsin) dark buzzed hair, hazel eyes and a full beard. 6″ cock and quite thick and veiny, I’ve always made every girl I slept with cum from penetration so it’s a decent wand, freshly shaved. My ex, we’ll call her A, is 5’7, 130 pounds, brown hair. Fairly small tits, my guess was an A cup but she always wore B bra’s and her nipples showed when she leaned forward (unintentionally). Very nice plumb ass to make up for the tits and a shaved pussy.

Now, a little background on our relationship. My ex and I lost our virginities to each other in high school the morning after prom. As you can guess, we were head-over-heels for each other being a first real love. I had gotten blown and had finger fucked her for a few months before we finally fucked. I really turned this girl in to a sex fein since our relationship, she’s been with more dudes than my mom using POF. We were together for 3 years and were definitely exhibitionists. We fucked in 24 places over the course of our relationship, including public parks, her aunt’s, cousin’s and grandma’s beds, swimming pools and my mom’s jeep among others. I can share some of the others if you guys want.

At the time this story takes place, we were in between our 1st and 2nd relationship. I was actually seeing a girl, not officially, at this time and was also fucking that girl (twice the week this happened). So my buddy since middle school came over and we were drinking and watching movies. What the hell else is there to do in Wisconsin during the winter? We were in the living room when I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my phone after downing my 6th whiskey and coke. There’s a text message from my ex. “Heyyy, what are you up to?” We were still talking during this time and she had no idea I was fucking another girl. “Chillin’ with Brian and drinkin’, what about you?” “I’m bored, can I come over? :)” “Sure, sounds good. See you soon” I said. I put my phone on my lap and looked at Brian, “The slut is coming over”. “Fuck that slut,” Brian said and chuckled. My buddies weren’t a huge fan of her. Probably was the whiskey talking though. 30 minutes later A texts me that she’s here. I finish topping off my 7th Canadian Club with coke and walk to the door to motion her inside. She walks in and comes to the kitchen where I’m pouring her a drink, “ooo, thank you,” she says with a big smile on her face. We walk in to the living room where Brian is nose deep in his drink. “Sup slut,” Brian says with a middle finger directed at A. “Sup douchebag,” A responds. A sits down in between Brian and I and puts the freshly poured whiskey to her lips.

3 drinks later for each of us, we finish the first movie and put in another. A gets up before the movie starts and goes to make another drink with extra ice to water down the burn of the alcohol. She stumbled a bit on the way back to the couch, visibly tipsy. She starts to guzzle down this drink and sucks an ice cube out of her mouth and leans over to me. She locks my lips and pushes the ice cube out of her mouth and in to mine with that slutty tongue of hers. Brian notices me looking at him and raises his eyebrow in a “dude, what the fuck are you doing” look to him. A returns to her sitting position and takes another gulp with an ice cube protruding from her cheek. This time she leans over to Brian and does the same with him. I see her out of the corner of my eye and could care less since I was seeing another girl. She repeats this 3 more times for each of us until her ice cubes were gone. I feel another vibration in my pocket and see my current lady’s name (Kayla) pop up with a text. “Hey hottie, I’m kind of turned on after this long day working, can you call me?” I excuse myself and head to the bathroom to pretend I’m shitting. I unlock my phone and dial Kayla’s number and am answered with a “mmm” and a soft sigh. I’m clearly pretty hammered at this point as my head is spinning and respond to her with some stupid slurs that were piss poor for a sexual greeting. “I’m naked on my bed baby, what would you do to me?” I respond with my overconfidence, alcohol-induced reply, “Well, first I would lift your legs up on my shoulders and tease your pussy before attacking your clit with my tongue.” I will admit that I eat pussy like a champ, I can thank watching porn since age 10. “Yeah? What else baby” Kayla sighs. “I would make you cum all over my mouth and force your mouth to my cock and make you gag.” “Yummy,” Kayla says as I hear her shift her hand to her pussy. “After you’re done drooling on my cock, I’ll force you to sit on it and bounce your big titties in my face.” Kayla’s breaths become deeper and quicker now and I can hear her fingers sloshing in her wet pussy. “After you share your cum with my cock, I’ll force you on all fours and shove your head in to the pillow while I ram you from behind.” All Kayla can manage is a “yeah…” in between moans. “I’ll grab you by the ponytail and yank as I slam in to your pussy while everyone can hear you scream my name” I said. “And before I dump my babies in to your pussy, I’ll move you over to the mirror to watch as I pump you full.” A loud “Ughhhhh!” follows this and she squirts all over her sheets and I begin to get my whiskey dick hard. “Next time I see you, you better make this happen” Kayla says after catching her breath. “You bet I will baby.” We say our goodnight’s and I wait until my boner becomes flaccid before returning to the living room. I walk in quietly and find the slut hovering over Brian making out heavily. I clear my throat and she quickly jumps off of him and pretends I didn’t see that. Both of them are hammered too which is the only reason Brian would be caught dead doing anything with her. We continue watching the movie and have another 3 drinks before the credits roll. We were all zombies at this point so I turn the TV off and crawl to the floor to lay down while A and Brian recline the couch to sleep.

The next morning, I wake up before everyone else and lay there and look at Facebook, still buzzed as a mother fucker. 15 minutes later, A wakes up and greets me. “Jeez I don’t remember anything from last night,” A yawns. I laugh and deny, “Yeah me either, I’m still drunk.” “I’m gonna take a shower, want to join me?” A says. I deny first and she responds with, “Well, if you don’t then I’ll do it with someone else…” I really did turn this girl in to a fucking slut. “Alright, fine…” and I sit up with a groan and follow A in to the bathroom. She begins undressing, unhooking her oversized bra to unleash the bee stings and pulls her thong down to her feet. She catches me looking at her in the mirror and exclaims, “You can’t look!” She climbs in to the shower and I get undressed, pulling back the shower curtain to her “No you can’t come in!” with a drunken giggle. I disregard her stupidity and step in to the shower. She starts to soap her hair while facing me and hands me the bottle of body wash. “Rub me down,” she smiles and winks. I pour some soap in to my hands, rub my hands together and start to clean her arms and shoulders. I move to her belly and legs to tease her from what she really wanted. She bites her lip as my hands finally make their way to her tits. I stroke them and give her nipples a pinch. This unleashes her first moan of the moaning and I turn her around so my chub is between her large ass cheeks. I clean her back with Mr. Miyagi swipes and start to rub her plump behind. Her right arm reaches behind my neck and I move one hand to her breast and the other to her pussy. My fingers mimic the Mr. Miyagi rub against her clit and we lock lips. After a minute, she disengages me and gets on her knees. I’m hard as a rock at this point and before opening her mouth to take me in her, she says “So I heard you talking dirty to a girl last night, I assume you’re fucking this bitch?” I angrily grab the back of her head and force her lips around my veiny dick. She takes it to the back of her throat as the tears start to form in her blue eyes. A removes my dick from her mouth and asks in a confident tone, “So does that slut suck your cock as good as this?” I shake my head and smile, then force my member back down her throat. She gags on it for a few minutes then stands up and wraps her right leg around my back. “Give me the real reason I came over last night,” she whispers. I insert myself in to her dripping pussy and grab her by her ass for leverage. I pump in to her for 5 minutes as she cums multiple times, leaving a trail on my balls. We stick our tongues down each other’s throats before getting out of the shower and lay on the floor. A mounts my throbbing cock and begins grinding her juices back and forth until I’m covered. A orgasms twice more and asks if I’m close. I shake my head with a shit face grin as Canadian Club had given me a Viagra effect. She hops off my dick and tells me to plow her from behind. “Just don’t cum inside me,” she says. I reluctantly agree and force myself in to her pussy and grab hold of her ass. I thrust in to her as quietly and violently as I could. Pump after pump until 15 minutes later I feel my babies prepare themselves for lift-off. I ask her, “You ready for this slut?” She mumbles as she can’t logically speak in her orgasm-induced haze. She spits on her right hand and starts rubbing my balls. I pump faster until I’m ready to bust and pull out of her, gripping tightly on the tip for a stronger orgasm. I release 6 ropes, the first two shot to her freshly washed hair and the last four on to her ass, leaking down to her asshole. I spank her cheek and begin to dry myself before getting dressed while A does her makeup with a towel wrapped around her slutty body. I walk out of the bathroom and tiptoe to the living room to find Brian awake and he high-fives me as I walk by. “Well done,” Brian chuckles. He doesn’t remember making out with the slut to this day, but I do. And I fucked that whore to take out my aggression.

I had fucked my current girl once more the day after before I called our casual relationship quits and went back to being a full-time fuck buddy for the ex. This continued for a few months before I began dating my now fiance. I’ve got plenty more stories with A as well as other one-night stands and girlfriends if you guys want me to write more. Thanks for listening and Go Pack Go.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5isz4y/mf_i_fucked_my_ex_in_the_shower_after_she_made


  1. Just a tip, use a fake name like “Alicia” instead of “A.” Makes the story flow better.

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