MIL02: Going Further [M34/F48] [cheat] [cons] [oral]

After that eventful day, the sexual tension between my mother-in-law (48) and me (34) only increased. Every time I saw her, I looked for opportunities to touch her. If we could steal a private moment, we would kiss, my hands moving over her body. One of my favorite games was to always try to unclasp her bra. She would step away, then give me a sly look, her eyes beginning to glaze over as she ran her tongue over her lips.

Let me describe my mother-in-law’s appearance. She is about 5’4” tall with blonde hair, blue eyes, a round face, and medium-sized breasts. Her skin is bronzed and freckled from enjoying the sun and beach for many years. She’s mature, with the baggage of motherhood showing on her body, but she is one sexy woman!

She takes pride in her appearance. When dressed, her hair is always perfect…though I take pride in messing up during our trysts! Her nails are manicured, including her toes…I will share some feet photos later. 😊 She does not have an extensive lingerie collection, staying conservative, but she likes to be pretty and will show me a new purchase every now and then.

MIL01: How It All Began [M34/F48] [cheat] [cons] [oral]

During the first 10 years of my marriage, my mother-in-law (48) and I (34) began to flirt… eye contact here… a lingering touch there… a suggestive comment when no one could hear.

Eventually, the tension built until one afternoon at the in-laws… we were left alone inside while everyone else was outside.

We were on the couch side-by-side. She leaned into me… Her head on my shoulder… I could feel her breast against my arm.

I put my arm around her… we held hands… both knowing the step we were about to take.

She looked up at me, her eyes searching… I leaned down and kissed her… a brief, but monumental kiss… expressing our desire and breaking a barrier.

She exhaled, squeezed my hand tightly, and buried her face in my chest. I pulled her to me in a firm embrace… our bodies melding as one.

She seemed to collect herself, ready to continue. She raised her head, looking into my eyes… her eyes searching mine for agreement that I was OK.

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