MIL01: How It All Began [M34/F48] [cheat] [cons] [oral]

During the first 10 years of my marriage, my mother-in-law (48) and I (34) began to flirt… eye contact here… a lingering touch there… a suggestive comment when no one could hear.

Eventually, the tension built until one afternoon at the in-laws… we were left alone inside while everyone else was outside.

We were on the couch side-by-side. She leaned into me… Her head on my shoulder… I could feel her breast against my arm.

I put my arm around her… we held hands… both knowing the step we were about to take.

She looked up at me, her eyes searching… I leaned down and kissed her… a brief, but monumental kiss… expressing our desire and breaking a barrier.

She exhaled, squeezed my hand tightly, and buried her face in my chest. I pulled her to me in a firm embrace… our bodies melding as one.

She seemed to collect herself, ready to continue. She raised her head, looking into my eyes… her eyes searching mine for agreement that I was OK.

I leaned into her again and kissed her. This time, our tongues searching and finding each other’s. We kissed for what seemed several minutes, our hands beginning to roam.

My hand found her breast and she broke away, closing her eyes tightly, her body tensing. She placed her hand over mine and pulled it tightly into her breast.

We resumed kissing, her body leaning back, presenting her breasts to me, allowing my hand to roam over her… eventually moving under her sweatshirt to feel her bare skin and bra.

Her passion fanned by attention and caresses she had not felt in years, she began moving her hand over my lap, feeling my hard cock.

She moaned into my mouth and began fumbling with my belt… I finally opened my belt and pants to her probing hand. She moved her hand over my cock, leaking precum and separated from her hand by only the flimsy material of my underwear.

Next, she slid her hand into my underwear and gasped when she felt the bare skin of my rock-hard cock. Her hand felt so soft holding me. She caressed and stroked me, increasing the intensity of our kisses.

Finally, she broke our kiss, turned her gaze to my lap, and pulled back my underwear so she could see my cock and stroke me with both hands. The earth stopped turning when she lowered her head to my lap and took me in her mouth. I tensed and nearly lost my load in her mouth.

She moved her head up and down… her velvety mouth making love to my cock with a desire she had never been able to release.

As she lay in my lap, I raised the back of her sweatshirt and unclasped her bra, exposing her smooth back. While she continued sucking and stroking, my hands moved under her, and she shifted, giving me access to her bare breasts.

As I neared orgasm, she sat up, giving me a glimpse of her naked breasts. She had a dazed look of passion, eyes glazed… lost in the moment. She continued to stroke me, her hands smooth over my cock, and I began thrusting in her hands.

After a few more strokes I came with such force I had never known. My mother-in-law gasped as my cum rained down over her hands.

Spent, she laid her head on my chest and gently caressed my shrinking cock. I pulled her close to me and kissed the top of her head, smelling her beautiful hair. We sat like that for a moment, enjoying the connection between us…and wondering where we would go from this moment.

She then went to get a warm washcloth to clean me, her breasts still exposed. She cleaned me, closed my pants, fastened her bra, then kissed me again. We stood, hugged each other in a warm embrace, then joined the others.

This was the beginning of a torrid affair for the next 10 years.
