[18F] My Daddy Fucked Me

My Daddy Fucked Me

Wet lips brushed the side of my head, drawing me out of my sleep. I recognized the soft feel of them, their gentle touch. Daddy was home.

“How are you baby girl?”

I smiled and snuggled back into my pillow, not quite ready to give up the peaceful sleep I had been in. “Good,” I mewed. The heavy bed sheet on top of me lifted up and pulled back, exposing my shoulder to the afternoon chill.

“Good.” Daddy’s voice was thicker than usual, rough and gravely. More of the blanket came off, revealing my breasts and the dip of my waist. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.” My hip was uncovered now. “What are you doing?”

Daddy’s hot breath rolled over my skin. “I told you,” he spoke into my flesh. “I missed you.”

“Stop it Daddy.” I tried to put some frustration in my voice, but it just came out playful. Darn it. I wasn’t ready for Daddy to come home yet. I just woke up. I was still sleepy. I hadn’t showered. In another hour I would be all ready, but right now? I just wanted to go back to sleep.

[F18] Cum in me, I need you

I want to feel you cumming inside me

Something gentle and sensual, on your lap maybe. Your face in my hands as I kiss your forehead and shut my eyes. Your hands wrapped around my throat so that you can feel the racing pulse of my heartbeat. I’m whispering for you to squeeze harder, just as my pussy grips you with all its might.

You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, your feet on the rug to stay warm. I’m riding you gently. Sweet and slow, like the tide on a clear day where the wind isn’t in a hurry and people are lazily strolling down the shoreline. Gently. Steadily, taking you as deep as I can, making sure my pussy lips are memorizing every inch of your cock. Over and over, tiny little waves and lots of tender kisses.

When my face is red, you relinquish my throat. Your hands trail down my back, sliding over my shoulder blades, my spine, and come to rest on my ass. A fresh shudder runs through my body when you grab my cheeks. That’s my favorite. That soft little rising and falling. My ass coming down on your thighs, taking your cock inside my pussy as far as it can possibly go, till it’s pressing against some deep, unexplored depth of my soul.

[F] (18) Fingered by a stranger

I spied them across the room, tall, beautiful. Drink gave me the confidence to approach them, and they seemed to find me attractive too. We chatted for a while, and then went to sit on one of the sofas outside. They sat first and I nestled in between their legs. Their arms were around me and I was leaning back on their chest. Someone had taken over the decks with acid house music and we were watching people dance.

Their hands slid up my top to my breasts and began to caress them. I wasn’t wearing a bra.

‘People will see!’ I protested.

Their response was to move their hands down…to unbutton my shorts. I felt a hand slide into my knickers and fingers begin to explore.

‘Let them see,’ they breathed in my ear. Their other hand moved back up to my breasts and they began to kiss my neck.

I should stop this, I thought, I should. We shouldn’t do this in public! I should stop them, but how can I when this feels so…fucking…good!

I’m the Teachers Little Playtoy [F18]

I thought I told you not to wear panties to my class,” muttered the Teacher as he raised my skirt.

I was sitting on his desk in an empty classroom, digging into the wood with my fingernails and biting my lip. How do I tell him that I wore them on purpose? That I loved it when I disobeyed him and he punished me.

He searched me with his fingers until he felt the handle of the butt plug. “Did you have it in all day?”

I nodded, swallowing a whimper as he pressed on it.

“Remember,” he said. “If you make a sound, we’ll stop.”

I didn’t dare look over my shoulder and meet his eyes. He slapped my ass once. Then, when I didn’t react, he slapped me again to make certain. My cheeks stung from his palm. I imagined that my pale skin was now brilliantly red with his hand print marking me.

With a heavy sigh, he let my skirt drop. “You want an ‘A’ in this class, right?”

I nodded again. Heat rushed to my face, my heart skipped a beat, and then I heard him unbuckle his belt, and I braced myself.

[F18] More F on F Sex!

I was invited by my friend Bella over for a sleepover. She and I had been friends for a couple of years and it wasn’t an uncommon occurrence for us to sleep over at each other’s places for multiple days in a row. This time was no exception.

When I arrived, she invited me in and we immediately began the night with a glass of wine. For some reason, tonight felt different. I didn’t know why, but it just did. Having spent some time on my OnlyFans earlier today, I was already feeling horny before things had even started.

Bella was by no means unattractive. In fact, she was the exact opposite. She was around 5 foot 5 inches, built from years of playing multiple sports, with long pale blonde hair that reached just the top of her perky little breasts. I had always been jealous of her body and frequently admired how her pale skin always looked beautiful with her bright blue eyes.

Bella took my hand after we finished our first glasses of wine and led me to her basement, where her big screen TV was set up for a marathon. As soon as we plopped down, bottle of wine in between us, she pressed the button on the remote and our show came on.

[F18] I just love F on F

Jade blinked owlishly, staring at the girl’s embarrassed face, unable to quite believe her ears. “You mean like…?” She curled her fingers in a come-hither motion, and her new roommate’s face went an even brighter shade of pink as she nodded. “Five times?”

“Yes…” It looked like she wanted to curl up into a ball and hide. Jessica felt bad pushing the girl on something she was obviously mortified about, but as her shock faded she was incredibly curious.

“Like, you have to-” she wiggled her fingers again, “five separate times, or just y’know, *finish* five times?”

“Um…” Her cheeks burned. “… separate…” She struggled to regain some amount of her composure, turning away from Jessica’s gaze. “It’s really hard on my schedule…”

“I can- actually, no, I can’t imagine, but that sounds like it sucks.” Jessica rubbed the back of her head. “What kind of symptoms…?”

“Shortness of breath… difficulty concentrating… increased blood flow… irrational decision-making…” It sounded like she was reading the warning label off the side of a pill bottle, and it took a second to click in Jessica’s mind.

“So you’re just horny twenty-four seven if you don’t go five times a day?” she asked, grinning.