That’s What (F)riends Are For (M)

So if you've read any of my previous posts you know I'm a married mid 30s guy – who plays on the side (we have a don't ask,don't tell, don't get herpes policy) 6'1" 240 7" or so white guy.

This story took place a couple months ago and I thought I'd share it here. It does require a little bit of back story.

In high school I dated Christine, we were great together – best of friends great sex the while damn nine yards. But ultimately it was high school and this is no hallmark movie, so we broke up. We did however remain very good friends for years and occasionally partook in some very hot nsa sex. Well I got married and we drifted apart but have always kept in touch sporadically and to be honest she is still the best friend of the opposite sex I've ever had.

Fun with Friends MFM

This story took place earlier this week with my friends, a married couple I play with Brody and Becky. Last time we played was chronicled here for those of you interested:

So, the other Brody called me to see if the next morning Id stop by and give him a hand moving a refrigerator into his garage. I told him I would of course i would (in addition to occasionally letting me fuck his wife he is my best friend as well). The next morning I get my work clothes together so I can shower and such at their place after we move the fridge. I arrive and they are morning drinking and I chide them on it, to which Brody replies "no kids, no work, why not?" I really didn't have a good comeback so we just set about the job at hand.

When we finished I told them I needed to shave and shower for work. Their bathroom is downstairs right off of their bedroom so we all head down and Becky gets me a towel and a wash cloth etc while Brody and I bullshit in the bedroom. When everything is all ready I go into the bathroom and shut the door. I take my clothes off and get in my bag to get my shaving supplies and realize I forgot my razor.