Revenge of a Salesman [MF]

Disclaimer: I know the details of this story aren’t realistic in a COVID-19 world, but apparently my fantasy life hasn’t caught up to 2020. Hope you can still enjoy it, and stay safe out there!

Our car rolls to a stop in a small parking lot. I look around, and notice this isn’t the restaurant we were headed to for dinner. I raise my eyebrows at my husband.

“Sorry honey, this won’t take long. I got a last minute appointment. I promise, we’ll still have our date night.”

I roll my eyes. My husband always has to have the fancy, new toys. I don’t even know what we’re here to look at. Cars, maybe? I start loading the book on my phone as we walk into the small showroom. Maybe erotica isn’t the best thing to be reading in public, but it is date night, afterall.

We’re greeted by a salesman, I hardly look up as he greets my husband. Then his hand comes into my field of view.
“Ma’am?” says a deep voice.

I look up into beautifully rich dark eyes with amusement dancing in them.

Punishing My Mistake [MF] [CNC]

My mistake was in thinking I was replaceable. I laugh now. What a joke it is. I squint against the headlights reflecting off the rear view. He’s following too close again. This is the 11th time we’ve done this and he still thinks I’m going to run away. Or maybe this is just part of the game for him. Makes it seem more real. Not necessary. I don’t think I could hate him more.

That’s the point of it all, of course. To punish myself for thinking I mattered. For thinking I was special. Nothing reminds you how insignificant you are more than submitting to the abuse of a man that you despise. I approach the turn and flip on my blinker out of habit. Of course it’s not needed, we’re the only two cars out here tonight. He always chooses the location perfectly.

Who Do You Belong To? [MF] [Public] [D/s] [cheating] [fiction]

This is a continuation of Owen and Kallie’s second encounter. It can stand on its own but you might be lost if you don’t read “Did You Mean it?”


“Stand up”

“Yessir!” I say with a smirk, as I peel myself off of the hotel room door I’m slumped against. His eyes dance with amusement. Luckily, Owen enjoys my spirit. A glint of mischief flashes in his eyes as he steps back into the hallway from our protected alcove. He glances up and down the hall and then back at me.

“Take off your shirt.”
I blink at him and I can feel myself blushing as I realize what he wants. I bring my fingers to the hem of my shirt and hesitate, looking back at him.
“Problem, my sweet?”
“No,” I sigh, and then pull my baggy t-shirt up and over my head, making sure it catches on my tits as I do, feeling them bounce against my ribs once my shirt releases them.

I drop my shirt to the ground next to where my phone is sitting and look at him. His gaze is firmly fixed on my tits and the corners of his mouth turn up just a bit.

Who Do You Belong To? [MF] [Public] [D/s] [cheating]

This is a continuation of Owen and Kallie’s second encounter. It can stand on its own but you might be lost if you don’t read [Part One](

You can also read about their [First Encounter]( for more of their back story.


“Stand up”

“Yessir!” I say with a smirk, as I peel myself off of the hotel room door I’m slumped against. His eyes dance with amusement. Luckily, Owen enjoys my spirit. A glint of mischief flashes in his eyes as he steps back into the hallway from our protected alcove. He glances up and down the hall and then back at me.

“Take off your shirt.”
I blink at him and I can feel myself blushing as I realize what he wants. I bring my fingers to the hem of my shirt and hesitate, looking back at him.
“Problem, my sweet?”
“No,” I sigh, and then pull my baggy t-shirt up and over my head, making sure it catches on my tits as I do, feeling them bounce against my ribs once my shirt releases them.

Did You Mean It? [MF] [Oral] [Public] [cheating]

“Is he asleep?” the message I’ve been waiting for finally flashes across my screen.


“Open the door, Slut.”

Holding on to my phone, I sneak out of bed, tip-toe across the hotel room, grabbing a room key as I go, and crack open the door just enough to peer out, keeping the light spilling in from the hallway from reaching the bed. I wonder what he has arranged for me to do. I look out into the hall and there HE was. Owen.

I feel my lungs empty as my heart starts to race. I lick my lips and swallow hard as he smiles. My knees literally go weak at the sight of him smiling at me there in the hallway. Thankfully, my grip on the door and the wall are enough to keep me upright. It’s only our second time being face to face, but I know I will never tire of this man.

“You just gonna stare at me?” He says, with a chuckle.

Do You Want To Tell Daddy No? [MF] [anal] [cons nc]

“It will be about 10 minutes,” the hostess says.

I find a spot away from the draft of the door to lean my shoulder against the wall and get out my phone to text Owen and let him know. I can’t believe I’m finally meeting him.

I think back to that moment just 3 weeks ago when he told me, “come to Texas.”

“You don’t really want that.” I said.

“Perhaps not. We can simply have dinner. We’re friends, right?”

“Ha! Ok. I’ll wear one of my modest sweaters so as to not tempt you…”

So here I stand, wearing a grey turtleneck sweater, black skinny jeans, and calf high boots. I feel good, but respectful of the situation. Unlike my husband, his girlfriend doesn’t know about our relationship. I can’t believe how nervous I am. I love him. Meeting him is the dream.

Suddenly, a hand slides under the back of my sweater to grip my bare waist, and I feel a warm breath against my ear as a low voice says, “as if you really thought that sweater would keep you safe from me, Fucktoy.”

He Started Tender [mf]

“Be mine, tonight?” He asked, his voice raw with hunger. It felt significant and something in his request made me apprehensive, but I couldn’t deny his need. I could never deny him anything.

“I’m always yours,” I said.
“Mmm…thank you, my Sweet.”

He started tender. Exquisitely so. I love when he is tender. He tucked my hair behind my ear then settled his fingers at the base of my neck, gently pulling me into his chest. He kissed the crown of my head, and when I looked up at him, he gently, chastly even, kissed my lips. His kiss hit a longing, discordant note and I searched his eyes for clues.

He seemed tortured, but there was something else. Resolve, maybe? My breath caught and I grasped his hand, twining our fingers together. He brought our hands up to his lips and slowly kissed each of my fingers, lingering at my thumb.

The Things I Do To Please Him [F]

I have a kik pal. Well more of a kik master. He was my first kik pal. First man other than my husband to see my tits. He reached out when I posted I wanted to dress like the slut I want to be. He helps me be…sluttier. Challenges me.

Last night was the hardest, and best, challenge yet. He asked me to go out on my deck, naked, at 1am, with a glass dildo, and fuck myself in the ass. He asked for video of my face so he could tell how it felt. He was kind and allowed me lube. He knows that I’ve only tried anal with my husband once and only used plugs otherwise, so it was a brand new experience for me.

I stood on my deck, one foot up on the bottom of the railing, and bent forward, resting one arm on the top rail. I started to record my face as I used my other hand to slide the dildo in. I was surprised it wasn’t as hard to do as I expected. And it didn’t hurt much. It actually felt good. I could see stars in the sky and the cool air felt good. I was excited the challenge was easier than I anticipated, and I was looking forward to anal with my husband again because I could tell I would be able to cum easily, given the right stimulation. I sent him the first video and awaited his instructions, all the while enjoying this new sensation.

The massage

I’m getting a massage for the first time today. Hubby has never gotten me one before but he said he wanted me to relax and enjoy myself today. I wasn’t sure how much to take off so I decided to just strip down naked under the sheet. Better safe than sorry! The massage therapist opens the door. He’s tall. He looks strong. Fuck! He’s hot! Won’t mind his hands on me for the next hour. “Hello Miss,” he says in a deep voice. “I’ll be taking care of you today.” Is it just my imagination, or did he grin a little when he said that?

He pulls the sheet down to my waist and starts rubbing my back. Mmmm. It feels so nice having his big strong hands on my bare skin. “Any areas bothering you in particular?” He asks? “My lower back is pretty tight” I tell him. He works his way down there and for the next few minutes he silently works all the tension out of my back. “I feel some tightness coming from your glutes, if we don’t take care of that, your back will just be sore again in a few days,” he says, then slides his hands under the sheet onto my bare ass. Shit, is this normal? I don’t care, it feels so good. I hope he doesn’t notice how wet I’m getting. I know he’s just doing his job, but it feels so good having someone take care of me like this.

The Camping Surprise [MMF]

This is a telling of a recent fantasy. Let me know if you like it! Maybe I’ll write more. ;)

I wake up to my husband peeling my thong off and burying his face between my legs. I feel my bare nipples budding up in the cold morning air. I’m disoriented and it takes me a moment to remember that we are in a tent. I can tell by how quiet it is outside that the sun must just be rising. We spend a few minutes with his tongue dancing around my clit. Then he slides two fingers in and I moan. What a nice way to wake up! He rises between my legs but makes no move to undress. “What are you doing?” I ask him. He just looks at me with a smirk on his face but doesn’t say a word.