The Lonely Passenger [Part 1]-A Tale from Desperate Shores B&B [MF]

*This is my first thrust (haha) at erotic fiction. I’m fairly new to erotic writing, so I appreciate any constructive criticism. Warning: This is a long post.*

Just like every morning, I stood at the kitchen sink. The clicking of my husband’s jaw as he masticated his breakfast acted as a metronome while my muscle memory scrubbed dish after dish. *How had my life become an endless loop of tedium with disappointments and regrets as waypoints?*

“I think that dish is clean enough, Abigail.” Roy said with his usual warm chuckle.

The sound of my full name pushed me deeper into my thoughts. *Abigail? People close to me called me Abby and lovers whispered Abs into my ear. Abigail? That was for strangers and acquaintances.*

“Abigail,” He was louder now. “You’re gonna scrub the flowers off that plate.”

I shook off my thoughts and moved onto the next plate.

“You’re really out of it lately.” He placed his dishes next to the sink.

“Am I?”

“Feel better.” Roy leaned in to kiss my cheek.

A Tale From My Hussy Days [6]- A Hussy Interrupted [FMM]

*Long story, because that’s how I like it. Also no actual sex happened…unfortunately. Despite the lack of sex, it was an erotic experience for me. It was also a missed opportunity that still makes my hussy heart ache.*

*I was in my 20s, a time that I lovingly call My Hussy Days.*

I lived in a small southern town, which had a descent nightlife despite its tiny population. Choices ranged from neighborhood dive bars, tumble down strip joints, and a couple of honky-tonk dance clubs.

This particular night, I was at one of the dance establishments with my more sexually conservative group of friends, one of them being a mother hen type.

It was a slow night at the club, so I settled into a fun convo with my friends. We were crowded around a tall table top next to the dance floor. I wasn’t looking for any company, so my outfit and makeup were tame, white tank top with short jean shorts, and barely there makeup.

Even though I wasn’t officially out “on the prowl,” I still scanned the crowd for things of interest. I was (and still am) an opportunist. One of my mantras was (and still is) “I get in where I fit in.”

[F] With questions for the writers and the readers…

*If this isn’t the sub for this I apologize in advance.*

I’m new to erotic writing. So far, I’ve just been sharing true stories from my past. I still have a few more non-fiction pieces to share, but eventually I want to write more fiction in this genre. For me, the best way to learn how to write is to read…a lot.

There’s so much content out there and I have no clue where to even begin. My hope is that my fellow redditors can help point me in the right direction.

Can you guys share pieces that you enjoyed? And/or name other writers on reddit that produce and share fiction/non-fiction erotic writing? It would be really helpful if you add what makes their writing appeal to you.

If there are any writers reading this. Are there any resources that you’ve found helpful in improving your erotic writing?

A Tale From My Hussy Days [5]-Helping a Friend [MF]

*Long post, because that’s how I like it.*

*This happened in my 20’s during a time that I lovingly call My Hussy Days.*

*I always believed that helping a friend in need made you a true friend in deed. I also believed in not shitting where you eat, but sometimes I had to prioritize.*

There was this guy *(we’ll call him Kent)* that I worked with for a number of years. Kent was a lanky, blond white guy, who was a little nerdy and a lot ornery, but once he was comfortable with you he showed more of his sweet and goofy side.

We started our jobs around the same time, so we ended up helping each other through training and early parts of our careers. During this time, he never once came onto me or even so much as checked me out, which made me trust him more than other coworkers.

Emotionally, we were in different places. He was in a hurry to get married, become a father, and be a committed family man. I, however, was more interested in exploring…other things.

A Tale From My Hussy Days [4]-Hussy Drive-By [MF]

*This happened in my 20’s, a time that I lovingly refer to as “My Hussy Days”. It’s also one of my most relived memories. Warning! This is a long post.*

*Sundays were always a day that I nursed hang overs and relaxed, but sometimes I would get really bored. When that happened, I ended up playing games that I called “Hussy Drive-bys”.*

*This particular game, I would be out shopping and looking for a random man with specific qualities. He had to look bored, morose, or repressed in some way. Bonus points if he was married and carrying shopping bags or a purse. I would get close and purr some sort of dirty phrase or desire from behind him. Then when he turned in surprise, I faked a shocked expression and giggled that I thought he was someone else. Mostly, that would result in an awkward laugh from him or a mumbled “Lucky guy.” However, every now and then a man would actually give chase and I would have to lose him in the store. Then sometimes he would catch up with me…*

A Tale From My Hussy Days 1-[F]42

*[F]42. I was much younger when this happened*

There was a bar in Louisiana that did a risqué competition at the end if the night. The prize was $100. There were no rules or limitations on what you do or expose. However, you had to use the “condiment” of the night. On this particular night, it was Aunt Jemima.

I was with my BFF, a fellow hussy, and she wanted to sign up. I was nervous, because it was a huge crowd and they make me anxious. She talked me into it, but I would be there only as support.

The time came. The doors were locked, the contestants lined up, bouncers in place, and the crowd got quite. Then the music came on to signal the start.

Round 1: I danced on my friend and faced her towards the crowd. I took off her blouse real slow while I stroked her body. The sight of all these lustful faces starring up at us really got me into it and my friend and I were grinding on each other. A bouncer passed me the Aunt Jemima and I poured the syrup onto her chest and rubbed it all over her tits and pink nipples. The crowd was so fucking hot and vocal with their encouragement. I ended up sucking and licking syrup off of her and then having her suck my fingers clean.