The Promotion [MF] [Facesitting]

Ally was up for a big promotion at work. The weeks of interviews, meetings, and presentations had really drained her these last two weeks and she was exhausted and on edge every night of the week. Needless to say, it had been a long dry spell for us. Today was the day she expected to find out if she got the promotion. We figured she got the job because she was meeting the CEO for the third time and her male colleague who was up for the same promotion was not meeting the CEO.

Last Friday night was date night [MF]

My wife had to work unexpectedly Friday so I was with the kids all day, but it did give me time to clean the bathroom and bedroom so we had a clean space to fuck.

We dropped the kids off at the grandparents for a sleepover and then went for a 4 mile hike in the foothills. It was a strenuous hike in the sun. We had to take a few rests and we were definitely sweaty and stinky at the end of the hike. We drove back to town and ordered Japanese takeout from a new restaurant down the street. Before we picked up the food we stopped at the liquor store and bought some special cold sake to pair with the sushi.

After we ate dinner and drank sake, my wife rolled a joint while I put on Reggae music and cleaned up the kitchen. I watched my wife smoke the joint and move her feet and legs to the beat of the music and I could feel the arousal build inside of me. We made eye contact and laughed because she was obviously feeling it too. It was only 8:15 pm so I knew we could get a nice long fuck session in and still get to bed at an early hour. (The things you look forward to when you have two young kids).