I invited an old friend to my housewarming party and he fucked my wife [MF]/[MMF]

A while back, Chloe and I moved into a new place. It was much nicer than anywhere we had lived before, a large house with plenty of room that was perfect for entertaining. My wife loved to host, and she loved parties, so of course she started planning a housewarming party the moment we moved in. Her plan was to invite basically everyone we knew with the assumption that a lot of people wouldn’t be able to make it and we’d end up with a medium-sized group.

So we planned the party and sent out invitations. Among those invited was an old friend of mine named Taylor. Taylor was one of those guys who got along with everyone. He and I met in high school, and while his “tribe” was definitely the jocks, he was friendly enough with everyone that people were just drawn to him. I remember him as being one of the only jock-types that I actually liked and we became friends. Of course, that was years ago, and he and I sort of lost touch when he went off to play football for a university team. But now he was back in our home state, so we invited him. Taylor was definitely one of the invites we expected to get a “no” from, but to both my surprise and Chloe’s he RSVP’d “Yes” almost immediately after invites went out.

My Wife’s Friend Matt Comes to Visit [consensual cuckold] some [humiliation] [long] [MF]/[MMF]

This story happened well into my relationship with Chloe, after the craziness of college and when we had our lives together. Careers, a home, financial stability, and (critically) no kids. Don’t get me wrong, we were both still quite young, but not college students anymore. At the time, Chloe didn’t really have anyone she was seeing steadily (outside of me, that is), so the cuckold aspects of our relationship were limited to roleplay. That didn’t bother us too much, but we both agreed that there was just no replacement for the real thing.

One of the people who showed up most often in these roleplays was a guy named Matt. You might recognize that name if you’ve read my other stories, but I’ll give a little context for anyone who hasn’t. Matt was the first guy I ever watched Chloe fuck, and he also happens to have the biggest dick I’ve ever seen in real life. He’s about an inch taller than me, making him about 3″ taller than Chloe, but he’s absolutely ripped. He was already fit in college, but after college he went on to become a firefighter and his physique got even better.

My wife fucked our best man (and one of the bridesmaids) in front of me [FMF] [Cheating/Cuckold]

Chloe and I met Brian and Alyssa in college. Brian and I met playing club sports, and Alyssa was in the same calculus class as Chloe. It wasn’t long before they both became a part of our friend group, and by the second semester of sophomore year they were dating. As the non-monogamous aspects of my relationship with Chloe began to develop (by which I mean, as she began to cuck me regularly), we remained “just friends” with Brian and Alyssa. We would go on double dates with them, take walks in parks, and generally do wholesome couple activities together. This went on throughout college and after graduation.

That’s not to say there was no sexual tension whatsoever, though. Once Chloe and I became close with Brian and Alyssa (henceforth Brilyssa), we shared the details of our relationship with them while drinking on a double date. We described it as we usually did — an open relationship that was open for Chloe, but not for me. They were both fascinated and intrigued, and the usual slew of questions began.

“Don’t you get jealous?”

“Doesn’t it bother you that she can fuck other people and you can’t?”

My wife fucked our best man (and one of the bridesmaids) in front of me [FMF] [Cheating/Sharing/Cuckold]

Chloe and I met Brian and Alyssa in college. Brian and I met playing club sports, and Alyssa was in the same calculus class as Chloe. It wasn’t long before they both became a part of our friend group, and by the second semester of sophomore year they were dating. As the non-monogamous aspects of my relationship with Chloe began to develop (by which I mean, as she began to cuck me regularly), we remained “just friends” with Brian and Alyssa. We would go on double dates with them, take walks in parks, and generally do wholesome couple activities together. This went on throughout college and after graduation.

That’s not to say there was no sexual tension whatsoever, though. Once Chloe and I became close with Brian and Alyssa (henceforth Brilyssa), we shared the details of our relationship with them while drinking on a double date. We described it as we usually did — an open relationship that was open for Chloe, but not for me. They were both fascinated and intrigued, and the usual slew of questions began.

“Don’t you get jealous?”

“Doesn’t it bother you that she can fuck other people and you can’t?”

My girlfriend wore her prom dress to cheat on me [MF] [Cuckold/Cheating]

This story takes place in my junior year of college. By this time, Chloe and I were well beyond the point of “testing the waters” in terms of the non-monogamous aspects of our relationship. Most of the rules we set initially had been broken, and those that remained served more as guidelines than actual boundaries. This made it more difficult for me to cope with the emotional impact of watching my girlfriend spread her legs for other men time and time again, but it made it all the more erotic as well. It also opened the door to some new possibilities, which made our relationship even more exciting.

Anyway, the event that catalyzed this story was one of Chloe’s sorority functions. Every few years, the sorority held a formal dance, with all the girls in their nicest dresses and the guys in three-piece suits. Chloe was generally more than happy to have any excuse to get dolled up, so she went all out for the event. She had me pay for her to get her nails done, and I ended up ordering her a new pair of heels to wear as well. The dress she chose was the same dress she wore to her senior prom, the very same prom I had taken her to over three years prior. Of course, she fit into it easily, still as petite at 21 as she had been at 18, and she looked absolutely stunning.

A New Year’s Eve Gangbang for my College Girlfriend [Group] [sharing] [bi] some [foot fetish] [cum]

During my junior year of college, I lived in a two-bedroom apartment with my girlfriend, Chloe. While the apartment wasn’t very large, it was big enough for hosting small parties, and Chloe absolutely loved throwing parties. When New Year’s Eve rolled around, I already knew she was going to want to have some people over, but I don’t think either of us could have anticipated what was going to happen that night.

Maybe we should’ve, though, because as part of our preparation for the party, we made a “dirty Jenga” game to use as party entertainment. If you aren’t familiar, the idea is that you take a marker and write a command on each Jenga tile. Then, when someone pulls that tile, they have to do the action in order to complete their turn. Most of the actions were related to drinking, like “take a shot” or “finish your drink”, but there were also a few more sexual options: the “strip 1” tile required you to remove an article of your clothing, while “strip 1 other” let you tell another player to lose an article. There was also a “strip all” tile, which required the player to get completely naked, but Chloe and I figured that if anyone at the party pulled that one and didn’t want to, we would allow them to take another turn instead.

My Girlfriend was the Slutty College Intern [cuckold/hotwife/sharing] [MF]

If you’ve read my other stories, then you already know that my girlfriend, Chloe, was a bit of a slut in college. Parties almost every weekend, and a new dick at least twice a month. While she spent a lot of time in school getting fucked by guys who weren’t me, that didn’t mean she neglected her studies. In fact, she was an *excellent* student, and she was on a trajectory to be a very successful business professional after graduation.

In the interest of setting herself up for the future as best she could, Chloe knew it would be a good idea to get some work experience while still in school to pad out her resume. She went to our college’s co-op office, and they matched her with a position in our city. The job was an administrative assistant at a small engineering firm, which fit in well with Chloe’s career goals. If you don’t know what an administrative assistant, think of it like a secretary with more responsibilities. She liked the job a lot, especially the lax dress code that allowed her to wear tank-tops and yoga pants to work.

It’s the Little Things [FF] [Sharing] minor [Cuckold] [Bi]

It’s easy to remember the big moments in a wife-sharing/cuckolding relationship, and after several years of our relationship, Chloe and I have had a lot of big moments: three day trips to visit old crushes and fuck them nonstop, threesomes and foursomes, and dozens of other experiences. Sometimes even *more* memorable, though, are the smaller experiences, especially those that happen in college when everyone is trying to have sex all the time. This is one of the smaller experiences we’ve had that I’ll never forget.

I remember picking up Chloe from a frat party once, around 11pm which was fairly early for her to be calling it a night. I think word had gotten out that the police were raiding parties in the area, so her and her friends decided to call it a night early. I wasn’t surprised to see two of her other sorority sisters, Makayla and Amber, headed towards my car as well when I arrived. It wasn’t uncommon at all for Chloe’s friends to get rides home from me. Chloe and Amber sat in the back together, and Makayla got up front with me. They barely acknowledged me, but were carrying on a conversation about the party they had just left.

It’s the Little Things [FF] [Cheating]/[Open Relationship]

It’s easy to remember the big moments in a wife-sharing/cuckolding relationship, and after several years of our relationship, Chloe and I have had a lot of big moments: three day trips to visit old crushes and fuck them nonstop, threesomes and foursomes, and dozens of other experiences. Sometimes even *more* memorable, though, are the smaller experiences, especially those that happen in college when everyone is trying to have sex all the time. This is one of the smaller experiences we’ve had that I’ll never forget.

I remember picking up Chloe from a frat party once, around 11pm which was fairly early for her to be calling it a night. I think word had gotten out that the police were raiding parties in the area, so her and her friends decided to call it a night early. I wasn’t surprised to see two of her other sorority sisters, Makayla and Amber, headed towards my car as well when I arrived. It wasn’t uncommon at all for Chloe’s friends to get rides home from me. Chloe and Amber sat in the back together, and Makayla got up front with me. They barely acknowledged me, but were carrying on a conversation about the party they had just left.

Foursome Becomes Twosome in my First Group Sex Experience with Chloe [some cuckold] [long] [minor foot fetish] [Group]

*Author’s note: This is a continuation of my other stories. However, as with my other writing, it should stand on its own well enough that you shouldn’t have to read the others. While this story is mostly about a group sex experience, the cuckold elements start to come in strong towards the latter third. Thanks for reading, and as always, your feedback drives if I write more and if so what I write about next.*


The thing you have to understand about my relationship with Chloe was that the cuckolding aspects developed over time — I wasn’t eating other men’s cum out of her pussy in the first week, or even the first couple years. Instead, she spent the first couple of years mostly using her freedom to have hookups at parties or fuck randoms off of Tinder. There were a couple of bumps along the way, like times when feelings were caught or rules were bent a little too far, but what got us through it all was our excellent communication.