[MF] True Story of my workplace adventure

I didn’t know this sub existed until somebody suggested I add my story here – so here’s a link to it from the other sub … absolutely true story of a workplace adventure. This sub is AMAZING so glad I found it!

True Story of a workplace adventure (Part3)

Part 2 is here – this part gets a bit more graphic


I sat in the hotel room for about 10 minutes before I heard the buzz of the electronic lock and the clunk of the lock itself opening. She walked in, and quietly closed the door behind her. She stood with her back against it, in the nearly black room, lit only from the bit of moonlight that could penetrate the sheer curtains. I went to her and leaned in, so that my lips were nearly touching hers. I asked “Did you enjoy the gift?”

“Yes.” she said

“And what do you say when I give you a gift? I asked back

“Thank you for my gift.”

“Good. But why are you still wearing them?”

She pulled both of the hip bands down, inverting them as they got lowered, the nub escaping last… until they hit the floor.

“It’s not polite to leave a gift I picked out just for you on the floor, is it?”

She squatted down and picked them up, murmuring “no it’s not, I’m sorry” along the way.

True Story of a workplace adventure (Part 2)

Part 1 is here


<< I’m new at this and trying not to get too graphic, but these are all true stories :-) >>

After she left my office, I got back to work for a while – I knew she would be watching the elevator from her own office so she could ride down with me. At around 5:45, I packed my bag and walked over to it, and of course, she came out of her office and caught up with me.

“Ah, I forgot something, have a good night” I said and turned and walked away from her. I heard the familiar ding of the door opening behind me as I got back to my office. I waited a moment, heard the doors close, then turned to head back. And there she was, waiting with cheeks flushed, and posture rigid as if to tell me she was in control of herself.

“No need to wait” I said

She didn’t speak.

True story of a a workplace adventure

She was a bit of a submissive, nothing humiliating or violent, but being told what to do in a stern voice – or a close whisper – turned her on. I learned this about her before I knew much else about her.

We were both low level managers in the same department sitting together in a staff meeting when one of our peers – a large man with 10 more years experience than I – was giving me a hard time about a decision I had made. When he got a bit loud and leaned over the table to make whatever his point was I sat back in my chair and said very softly “you’re going to back up and soften your tone or you and I are going to have a serious problem.” Our eyes were locked and stayed that way until he glanced down at the table, loosened his posture and backed off. At that moment I could see from the corner of my eye, her head fall back just a bit, a quick bite on her lip, and her knees press together while she shifted her weight in her chair.