Taking it down my throat [Oral, Squirting Orgasm] [M26/F31]

[Names have been changed for this story, so I shall refer her as Yui]

Muffled moans filled the room as Yui had her hands over her mouth, stopping her from making too much noise. My mouth was deep between her legs, sucking on her clitoris as her juices leaked all over my chin. I could feel it swelling up, making it easier to suck it between my tongue and roof of my mouth. I hugged her thighs, feeling her smooth skin and warmth while I ate her.

“Omg yes yes yes… Don’t stop baby don’t stop…”

I knew she was on the road to orgasm, with her breathing becoming heavier and moans in quicker intervals. I grabbed on tight to her, not loosening up amist her struggles. I held my breath, sucking harder on her clit.

“Please please please please please… OHH”

Her back arched forward, raising her hips up as her moans went silent. I continued sucking nonetheless and with one last twitch, she climaxed.

Taking it down my throat (Oral, squirting orgasm) [M26/F31] [MF]

[Names have been changed for this story, so I shall refer her as Yui]

Muffled moans filled the room as Yui had her hands over her mouth, stopping her from making too much noise. My mouth was deep between her legs, sucking on her clitoris as her juices leaked all over my chin. I could feel it swelling up, making it easier to suck it between my tongue and roof of my mouth. I hugged her thighs, feeling her smooth skin and warmth while I ate her.

“Omg yes yes yes… Don’t stop baby don’t stop…”

I knew she was on the road to orgasm, with her breathing becoming heavier and moans in quicker intervals. I grabbed on tight to her, not loosening up amist her struggles. I held my breath, sucking harder on her clit.

“Please please please please please… OHH”

Her back arched forward, raising her hips up as her moans went silent. I continued sucking nonetheless and with one last twitch, she climaxed.

Coincidence [M/F]

I lifted the flower pot at the exact location and sure enough, there was a piece of paper below the pot. I immediately took it off, placed the flower pot back down and headed off quickly. I could not let anyone else see me or know that I have the paper to her address.

I was no stranger to NSFW twitter, as most of the time I watched porn from there since my country blocked most of the sites. There was a user I followed that has caught my attention the most, constantly revealing her sexy curves and assets with her face covered to hide her identity. Strangely enough after looking back at her pictures, her figure and curves reminded me of my office colleague, Leanne, who I had a one night stand a few days ago. Nevertheless I kept this assumption to myself and never asked her or the anonymous user about it.

Nameless [M/F]

She was from the programming department, who’s room was beside ours. Even though our teams were right next door, we never mingled as I was from the IT network team. We never worked on any projects before, as there was no need for our both teams to mingle.

She was usually in a t-shirt or tank top with skirt, with her hoodie when it gets cold sometimes. Her body was the hottest in the office, with her petite but lean build from the workouts and bikini pictures on social media. I recognised the gym from the office building as I have been there for orientation before, but never used it since I do calisthenics workouts.

The only interaction we have is when we walk past each other in office and at the common pantry. Each time we walk past each other, we both would check each other out. I would check her out from her tummy down while she checks me out waist up, as I was wearing jeans and she’ll sometimes wear crop tops on casual Friday. Each time we checked each other out, we would lock eyes for a few seconds before breaking contact and go our own ways. She was my eyecandy, turning my gaze into her room each time I walk past and seeing her interact with the rest of her team. The small hope in me that wished we were both in the same team was always brushed away as there was no chance that that’ll happen.

One of many times

Lenne landed on bed with her arms up from the push, lifting her top alittle and exposing her belly button. I reached down and kissed it, moving my way up and lifting her top as I went upwards to her chest. Her nipples flicked out, erected and standing partially from the cold and her erotic thoughts as it was pulled. Circling them gently and smoothly with my fingers, I could see the gasp of anticipation as her chest raised. Giving out a little giggle, I leaned forward with my mouth forward and latched on to her nipples

Her nipples were both teased at the same time, being sucked and the other pinched and rolled between my fingers. The gasps turned into moans as she gave out a cute giggle before stroking the back of my hair. I could feel her love and embrace even though I was the one teasing and giving her pleasure. There was nothing technical in those, just going by my inner sexual intuition as I sucked and caressed her. Her nipples grew harder between my lips as my tongue could feel her excitement, making them easier to suck and circle around. My fingers transited from gentle teasing to twisting her nipples left and right, briefly hitting her twist limit as she gave a deeper moan.

Party game (Part 2) [M/F]

Her pussy was exposed with her juices glittering from the light as I held her panties that I yanked off her in my hand. Her leg continued to kick the air till she realised her panties were already off.

‘”Oh my god…..” She said as she covered her face as her legs came down.

“Wow… You have a nice pussy you know” I said as I stroked her vagina lips up and down, passing by her clitoris.

“You stupid…” She said as she lifted her hand from her face to smack me.
“I already said I’m not comfortable with it…”
“I’m pussy conscious okay…” She said as her eyes start to tear.

“I-I’m sorry… But if I can I’ll try to help you with that…” I replied with some guilt in me.

“How…” She said sobbing slightly

Without a word, I lowered my head gently to her pussy, sniffing and admiring it in more detail. Her cleanly shaven pussy was in full view of me as I stuck my tongue out and gave her clitoris a lick.

Party game [M/F]

“Hey why not we play a little game” she suggested while holding a cup of water in her fingers.

“Yeah what’s it about?”

“We’ll both take a mouthful of water and first one to spit it out or swallow loses a point”
“We can do absolutely anything to make the other party lose” she explained while she pours another cup for me.

“Yeah sounds nice” I agreed as I picked up the cup of water to partake in the game.

We were rushing a proposal till midnight, and upon completion we decided to make use of the empty office and crash on the office couch, before she suggested this game. Although tired, but had enough energy to go along with her.

“Okay ready… Go”

We both took a mouthful of water and held it in, with our cheeks slightly puffed up. She immediately put the cup down on the table and started laying her hands on my sides, attempting to tickle me.