[FF] story about me and my long time friend with benefits having fun together~

So for some starting context this story is about me and my friend Lily. We have been close friends since high school during which we on and off dated and near the end of high school we agreed to become friends with benefits and even now in college at 21 years old are both still friends with benefits with each others and some others as well and this story is based of one of the times we got together to have sex about 2 weeks ago ( we have had sec since then but i wanted to share this story since i told it to someone else on reddit and asked if i should post it and they said yes ).

Story about when Me [F21] and my long time friend with benefits [F21] deiced to go to her place and have some fun together~ [friend with benefits, lesbian sex, kissing, foreplay, female orgasm]

Some base context for my story and what me and my friend look like: Me and my friend with benefits named Lily have been close friends since high school during which we on and off dated until near the end of high school when we agreed to become friends with benefits and even now roughly 3 years later while where both in college and 21 years old we are both still friends with benefits with each others and some other girls as well. This story is based of one of the times we got together to have sex about 2 weeks ago ( we have had sec since then but i wanted to share this story since i told it to someone else on reddit that i chat with and they said it was great and people would love to read it ).
To help you imagine this all as you read i have some sfw pics that while hiding my friend Lily’s identify still show of her body and gives you a general idea of what she looks like which you can see said pics via clicking this link Here. Also here are a few more details about her: she is 5’2, she is white, she has brown eyes, she is a B cup, she likes rock, metal, and K-pop music, she is a decent bit skinner then average but still has a nice ass and thighs that are a little bit to a somewhat decent bit bigger then average for someone of her size, she is friendly, honest, and supportive but not afraid to put her foot down when needed, she struggles to hide her true emotions a little bit so its sometimes easy to tell when she is hiding the fact she is flustered, horny, happy, upset, ect, and she is a bit more easy going of a person then average.
Im personally too shy to show pics of myself online so to help you imagine what i look like think here is a base decryption of my appearance. im 5’7, im white and a little pail, im a bit skinny / skinny then average so much so I only weigh 135 pounds roughly, I have lightish grey eyes that are tinted / mixed with light blue, I have long darkish brown hair that a mix of both wavy and my hair goes straight down my back before stopping at about a inch before being even to where my belly button is, im a DD cup but like I said im skinny then average my DD cup chest is a little to bit smaller then what DD might be for some other girls, according to what im told and what i have noticed i have a nice ass and thighs that while not large my ass and thighs are little / decent bit bigger and nicer then average but only by like 10% I would say if I had to guess.