Introducing British Girls to Cut Cocks by Word of Mouth [MMFF] [MF]

This story is a two-for-one, as it’s about the time my best friend’s girlfriend seduced me out of what can only be described as curiosity. Everyone in this story is 21 years of age or older.

A little unglamorous context: I grew up in the UK, where it’s extremely uncommon for men to be circumcised. Absent a religious reason, it’s something that’s only done for medical reasons and as such, many women go their entire lives without ever encountering a cut cock.

By the time I reached my twenties, with some of the worst handjobs in history in my past, I’d learned to love my unorthodox manhood and more importantly, how to teach others to love it too. I haven’t been with a huge number of women, but I’ve been a first for all of them.

One such occasion was Glastonbury – a huge music and arts festival in England – during my first year of college. It’s hard to explain the atmosphere of Glastonbury; the “anything goes” vibe, the sense that the real world is on hold and that anything that happens there was inevitable, and has no bearing on the rest of your life. Over 100,000 people in a field in rural Somerset; three days of music from the biggest artists in the world, bands you’ve never heard of in tiny tents, performance art, and hippies trying to sell you crystals to heal your chakra. A different world.

As Good As Your Pictures [First Person] [MF]

I’m wearing my best suit – midnight blue, tailor made, perfect. I adjust my cufflinks as I survey the bar of the International hotel. It’s the kind of bar where buying more than one drink necessitates a meeting with a Financial Advisor – expensive-looking drinks, expensive-looking decor, and expensive-looking people.

She must be one of them. I’ve never actually met her before. Just pictures. But oh, what pictures. We’ve been speaking for months. Well, messaging. As these things are prone to do, they began to escalate until one day I got a message saying:

“I’m in your city on business. I’ll be at the bar of the International hotel at 9PM. Don’t let me down ;) “

And there’s one woman in the bar who stands out, not just from the rest of the patrons but from the world itself. She looks amazing in a sexy. figure-hugging dress and I can see the outlines of her curves as I approach her from behind and put my hands around her waist.

I whisper in her ear, close enough that she can feel my breath on her neck as if I was kissing it.

Four more than friends [MMFF]

Names have obviously been changed to protect the guilty, but I assure you this is all 100% true.

When I was 18, I was part of a small but incredibly tight-knit group of friends; two boys and two girls. Me, Michael, Chloe, and Laura. This is two stories in one, and it’s a little long, but it deserves to be told in its entirety.

The four of us had quickly bonded in our Sixth Form common room over a love of rock music, and spent most weekends with each other in one the small, safe, dull towns in which we all lived. We weren’t big drinkers and we weren’t particularly enamored of drugs, but we were open to experimenting. And one weekend, these factors all combined to change the dynamic of our group forever.

When my parents went out of town and my brother filled the house with his pot-dealing friends it seemed rude not to invite everyone over. Chloe couldn’t make it, but soon Michael, Laura and I were giggling in the garden, stoned to the point that inhibitions were a distant memory and drunk in that way you only get drunk at 18; buzzing off three drinks and convinced you’re the most inebriated person that’s ever lived.