Trying a vibrator for the first time… and think I [F] may have been overheard….

So I have just got my first ever vibrator, it’s kind of crazy I’ve never had one before as I’m such a sexual person, but I guess I just got really good at pleasuring myself without one and never felt the need. But I’m very glad I took the plunge, it’s next level!

I’m current staying with a friend and have been really conscious of being in her space. I waited until she was at work and I had the place to myself before trying it out for the first time.

But this afternoon, I was so horny and really wanted to try it again, so I decided just to go for it, even though I knew her and her boyfriend were in the next room.

My [F] first experience of working in a strip club!

The world of stripping had always intrigued me, it seemed mysterious and forbidden. I would get drunk and proclaim to my friends that I wanted to be a stripper, but when I sobered up I would back track and say I was just being silly and drunk and didn’t mean it. But the truth is there was a part of me that got a huge thrill from the idea of stripping off in public, feeling eyes roaming over my naked body, and knowing I was igniting desire in those watching. I ended up jokingly putting ‘working as a stripper’ on my bucket list, saying maybe one day I would do it for one night only, as a kind of joke, to tick it off my list and say I’d had that experience.

Advice please!

I’ve recently got in to writing erotic literature (mainly based on my real life experiences) and have been getting a huge thrill out of it! I was wondering if anyone knows of other good places to post my stories, outside of reddit? Other good erotica sites etc? Thanks in advance for any advice!

Orgasam edging in a shared dorm room [F] (23)

I love to travel and have done several solo backpacking trips. I normally stay in communal hostel dorm rooms, as it keeps the budget down and is a good way to meet people. The only problem with this is, I have a very high sex drive and this environment doesn’t give me the opportunity to masturbate as much as I would normally! On my last trip I got in to the habit of playing with myself regularly anyway, and just getting very good at being subtle about it. Sometimes it’s extra tricky, as the bunk beds shake around or even squeak with the slightest of movements. I would start very slow and gently, running my finger back and forth over my clit, just ever so delicately exploring my pussy. Under the covers of course, so no one could see what I was doing. The thrill of being surrounded by others in the room of course adds to the excitement and before long I would be soaking wet. At this point, every fiber in my body wants my fingers to start moving faster and for my hips to start rolling and grinding in rhythm. But, I know if I do this, the bunk bed will start shaking and making noise and everyone I’m sharing with will know what I’m up to! So instead, I force myself to keep my body still and keep my fingers stroking my clit with the same slow, light movements. The tension builds to an unbearable level, it’s honestly near impossible not to move and make noise. I am so turned on and close to cumming, I know it would only take a few seconds of quick movements with my fingers and I would be exploding my wetness all over my sheets, but even those few seconds would give me away. So instead, I kept on with the incredibly slow and careful movements, and this has me edging, staying right on the cusp of orgasming. It is so intense, and when finally I do cum (still being careful not to move or make a sound) it is probably the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had. Waves of pleasure washing over my whole body, tingling stretching right down in to my toes, absolutely other worldly bliss. I have tried to repeat this experience at home but never managed! When I get to the edging stage, I don’t have the will power to hold back and always end up flicking my fingers quickly right at the end and having a normal orgasm. It is only when I have the motivation of knowing I’m surrounded by others and can’t get caught, that I am able to control myself like that! I also have a few hostel dorm room sex stories, where I’ve hooked up with someone else… but then I was much less subtle! Well save them for another time!

Sharing the guy I (f23) was dating with one of my girl friends at a sex party

I’d be dating Matt for around a month, he was cute, sexy and pretty submissive. I was always the one calling the shots. When I first told him that I had experience of going to sexy parties and the kink scene, he was pretty shocked. Being a couple of years younger than me and only having had one girlfriend before, he was pretty inexperienced and that sort of thing was another world to him! But I soon warmed him up to the idea that he should try it out, and next time an event came up we agreed to go together.

The story of the first time I (f23) hooked up with another woman. [FF] I mostly like men, but the thrill of tasting another womans pussy for the first time was quite something!

I was working in a bar when I met Natasha, one of my fellow barmaids, we clicked instantly and soon became friends. She was a similar age to me, very petite – made me feel tall and I’m only 5ft4 – with long blonde hair and an amazing smile.

One night a couple in the bar got in to a heated argument and stormed out, cutting their night short. The thing is, they had just ordered and already paid for a bottle of champagne! I got Natasha alone and let her know that there was an unused but already paid for bottle, and that her and I should enjoy it! Being a little more cautious than I about it, she said we should leave it a while longer before drinking, in case they came back for it… but she didn’t take too much convincing, and before long we were diving in!

I (f23) gave a hand job to a stranger in a crowd during carnival- we hadn’t even made eye contact! [FM]

Last year I went to Rio for carnival, it was amazing, thousands of beautiful people partying in the streets, wearing next to nothing and all hooking up. On our first day out, I was dressed in tiny gold hot pants and a matching boob tube. Every 5 minutes some topless stud was coming up to me and asking if he could kiss me!

That afternoon the heavens opened and absolute torrential rain began to pore down on us. Me and my girl friends ducked in to a doorway for shelter, but we weren’t the only ones to have that idea, there was already several people in there, who squeezed up to make room for us. More and more people kept coming, and soon we were all jammed in to the doorway like sardines.

I found that I was pressed up against a statuesque muscled Brazilian man, a young guy, maybe only around 20. He was standing directly behind me, so that as more people shoved in, I found myself with my back pressed tight against his bare chest, my bum, in its tight hot pants, pushing against his crotch.

If only took one line and I (f23) was offering up my wet pussy to a stranger in the public pool. [FM]

I (f23) was on a solo backpacking trip, I had spent a few days in this small town and booked the overnight bus for that evening on to the next place. I wanted to spend the day by the pool, it was the rainy season, but the sun was out today and I planned to make the most of it. The cheap backpacker hostel I was staying in didn’t have a pool, but I went to the fanciest Hotel in town and manged to sneak in to theirs… naughty naughty!

As it was the off season the place was dead. There was only one other person at the pool, a handsome Italian man in his 40s, who was doing lengths. I slipped off my clothes, till I was just in my bikini, which barely covered my large breasts, and dived in to the water. I began swimming up and down. Each time I passed the Italian man, our eyes would meet, lingering… eventually we both stopped, treading water.

He spoke first “how long are your staying here? ”

“My bus leaves tonight actually” I replied.

“But you can change your bus, no?”

[FMM] My first ever spitroast… and I had an audience!

Last year I (f23) went to my first fetish party. The party itself was quite a big event, with stage performances etc, hundreds of sexy people dressed in all sorts of kinky outfits. While there, I met a man who invited me to an after party… deciding to throw myself in to the whole experience I accept the invitation!

The after party was back at his apartment, and there was around 30 people there, none of whom I knew. The host who had invited me, introduced me to his friend, they were both sexy older men in their 40s.

After a couple of drinks I was feeling very comfortable and relaxed and the host began to to kiss me, first on the lips and then slowly moving down my neck. After a moment, I felt his friends fingers stroking the inside of my thigh. Turning towards him I began to kiss him also, as the hosts hands began to move over my breasts, teasing my nipples. The men stood me up and led me to the middle of the room, where they began to slowly undress me, the rest of the party goers were sitting around drinking and talking and they all turned to watch what was happening.