Pitch black shower sex [FM]

Im not really fond of shower sex. Water surprisingly does not make for good lube. So the times my bf and I messed around in there, we usually took it outside the shower, but last night was crazy different and wildly unexpected.

My bf was trying to get me to shower with him and I didn’t want to because I had already showered earlier in the day, but he loves showering with me.

I naturally threw a fit. He picked me up and carried me to the shower room. The second he let me down he gripped my hands above me and took my hoodie and shirt off like nothing.

While I was trying to get my clothes, he slid my bottoms off. Now, I’m not gonna lie. I did want to join him, I just really love teasing him. So I wasn’t gonna make it so easy for him.

If he wanted me in the shower, he was going to have to work for it.

Anyways, I decided to slide my leggings and undies off cause I didn’t want them touching the floor and told him, “Fine I’ll join you.” And told him to get naked and jump in and that I’d jump in after.

Categorized as Erotica

Pitch Black Shower Sex [FM]

I’m not really fond of shower sex. Water surprisingly does not make for good lube. So the times my bf and I messed around in there, we usually took it outside the shower, but last night was crazy different and wildly unexpected.

My bf was trying to get me to shower with him and I didn’t want to because I had already showered earlier in the day, but he loves showering with me.

I naturally threw a fit. He picked me up and carried me to the shower room. The second he let me down he gripped my hands above me and took my hoodie and shirt off like nothing.

While I was trying to get my clothes, he slid my bottoms off. Now, I’m not gonna lie. I did want to join him, I just really love teasing him. So I wasn’t gonna make it so easy for him.

If he wanted me in the shower, he was going to have to work for it.

Anyways, I decided to slide my leggings and undies off cause I didn’t want them touching the floor and told him, “Fine I’ll join you.” And told him to get naked and jump in and that I’d jump in after.

A little beach fun [FM]

This happened a couple months ago but I still think about it often!

My bf and I found this hidden beach along the coast a couple years ago and it became our favorite spot. We mostly only ever see surfers out there and at max I’ve only ever seen 2 or 3 other people actually on the beach, which is odd because this beach is actually between a really popular spot and it’s not a small beach. There’s miles of sand either way which we always have to ourselves.

We were staying the night in this beach town so we weren’t in any hurry to leave so we decided to stay late.

By around 3pm we had the place completely to ourselves. We just relaxed and explored waiting for sunset to arrive.

When golden hour hit, he was sitting on our beach towel and I was laying on his lap just watching the waves when I felt something shift against the back of my head.

I instantly knew what it was and I turn to him with a look that said, “really?” To which he just smiled and told me we did have the beach to ourselves.

Role playing as his Elven Slut [FM]

Every day I’m thankful my boyfriend is not a prune in the bedroom, because the second I bought a cute pair of fairy/elven ears, my first thought was, “I need to go down on him with these on.”

And after showing him what they looked like, he smiled, narrowed his hazel eyes over me and my ears before saying, “Yes.” to my idea.

However, work was keeping us fairly tired and busy, but I hadn’t forgotten. Friday night came and as he was laying in bed, I snuck off to get ready.

I did my hair, put on some cute makeup, put on some lingerie, and on went my pointy ears.

The smirk that plastered his face when I walked in the room had my heart pounding. And wordlessly, I slid on the bed, onto my knees and opened my mouth. Doing exactly what I had fantasied about.

He didn’t need me to tell him what to do. And as he stood up on the bed, unbuttoning his pants, I enjoyed watching his eyes shift from my body, to my face, and to my ears.

[F]irst time I considered using my safe word

I’m a brat. 100% and I love being put in my place and often this leads to rough sex, which is why we have a safe word… just in case, but I’ve never considered using it until today.

Earlier in the day I’d seen a video on Reddit of a man and woman wrestling for sex and it turned me on so much just thinking about being the weak, helpless woman…so naturally I began to misbehave and goaded him to wrestle me.

It started off playful at first, but naturally it switched. He really started to put his weight and strength on me and though I really tried to get free, inevitably, I ended up with my wrists in one of his hands and me completely naked.

The fight wasn’t over though. Now I was trying to avoid him penetrating me. I put all my strength into it, but with a frustrating amount of ease he’d turned me on my stomach and his cock was pressed against my entrance.

My first time squirting

I was particularly horny this day and I had probably used my vibrator 4 times. However, by nighttime, I was still horny and I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t want to wake up my bf, so I resorted to using my hand. I started feeling like I wanted to blow. I would get so close to orgasming, but it just wasn’t happening.

I figured I’d rubbed my clit too much, but I was so desperate to release. I’d reach the edge and then nothing.

An hour and a half had passed and finally I realized I wasn’t going to be able to achieve orgasm without help. So, I quietly slipped out of bed, grabbed my vibrator and made my way to the restroom so no one could hear me.

My bladder felt full and I figured that could be why I wasn’t orgasming so I decided to pee first (so glad I did this).

After washing my hands, I went to town. I was leaning against the wall. At first I started rubbing my clit with my fingers. I was wet soon and began to feel the need to clamp down on something.

Categorized as Erotica