Fucking My Checkout Girl [MF]

Skip to the —— if you don’t care for back story.

My wife calls me as I’m driving home from work to ask me to stop at the store. She tells me to pick up baby formula and a bottle of wine because she’s had one hell of a day. No problem, I could use a few extra minutes to myself anyway. Our baby boy had just had his 6 month birthday last month, so my life was pretty crazy at the moment and I was looking for any amount of me time that I could get.

I stop off at the next exit and find the nearest grocery store. I hadn’t been to this location before, but it’s a big chain store so it wasn’t unfamiliar. It doesn’t occur to me until I’m walking through the automatic doors that my list is such a cliche. Baby food and booze. The thought makes me chuckle. I find her favorite bottle of Chardonnay, put it in my basket and head for the baby isle. I always forget how expensive formula is, almost $36 for the big can. I decide to get two, lord knows we’ll use it.

[MF] The Roadtrip Roadhead [Oral]

A little backstory here. A few days ago I responded to a Dirty Pen Pals post from a girl looking to get into some role playing. We hit off, and have been messaging back and forth every 5-10 minutes for the last 3 days. We’re currently working through our 3rd fantasy together, currently hers, and she’s at work today so hasn’t responded in several hours. I’m sexually frustrated by this you could say, I’ve come quite fond of her speedy responses in the last few days. And for her to stop without warning… she must be punished. The girl, we’ll call her Mo, has shoulder length brown hair, olive skin, and hazel eyes. That’s really all you need to know about her. Let’s dive in shall we?


Mo & I were on a cross country road trip together. It had always been on my bucket list to drive from one ocean to another, and Mo didn’t have anything to do for the next few days so she happily tagged along to see all different parts of the country. It should be noted that I drove the whole way, because 1. I love driving, and 2. this was my bucket list after all. Up until this point, we hadn’t had any sexual contact yet, just some light flirting is all.

The Time I Fucked The New Waitress [MF]

This story is very long, sorry if that’s not your thing. Feel free to scroll down to the —— if you don’t care about the back story and want to get right into it.

I was very late for work. Speeding through traffic, flying through the parking lot, screaming about how there’s no spots remotely close to my work. I finally found one and started trotting across the parking lot towards the door, locking my car along the way. I swung open the door to find that the bar was relatively quiet for lunch today, thank god. I walked behind the bar, said hey to the bartender, Jason, and went into the kitchen to clock in. It was a small bar, but a community staple in this small college town. I grabbed the schedule hanging on the wall, just to see who else was working today during my shift. Jason was pulling a double, which wasn’t uncommon as he was one of only 3 managers. Poor guy. I saw that Lee had called in sick today, which was really unfortunate for me because he was supposed to help me in the kitchen during the dinner rush, and then relieve me after. Now I was going to have to not only work the dinner rush alone, but also close the kitchen by myself. Great.

The Divorce..

Dave sighed as he signed his name for what felt like the 100th time in the last half hour. He kept flipping to the next page, signing his name here, initialing by the orange sticky note there, it seemed never ending. He could feel his lawyer’s eyes keeping track of his work, making sure he didn’t miss signatures while simultaneously making small talk with another lawyer across the table, as well as his very soon to be ex wife, Melissa, or Mel as he called her.

Dave and Mel has been married just shy of 16 years, and had two kids; Sarah who was 15, and Danny who was 12. But Dave wasn’t thinking about any of that now. Right now, Dave was thinking about the 46 page document in front of him detailing how half of his belongings would no longer be his and his soon to be new status of ‘divorcee’. He hated that word. He wasn’t sure how their marriage had gotten here. They had done the couples counseling and anything else their friends and therapist had recommended, but in the end they were both unhappy and decided it was time to stop trying to force it to work.