At 23, I met up with a girl for the first time and fucked her in some public toilets within the hour [FF]

So yes I’m a massive fan of cock (I think that’s an understatement) but it doesn’t mean I haven’t explored with women before.

When I was 23 (I’m 27 now), I’d been having sexual thoughts about girls and, although I had explored a little bit with women before, I hadn’t done much more than kissing and some touching.

I met a gorgeous lesbian via Instagram – she was tomboyish and really attractive and we were messaging for a couple of weeks until we agreed to meet up. I was really nervous to be honest which isn’t like me so we agreed to drink together. I caught the train and had already drank nearly a bottle of wine on the journey – she was drinking too on her train and we both brought a bottle of vodka with us.

We met up with each other and we were both already tipsy (in broad daylight) so it already wasn’t awkward. We had opted for a picnic (pretty much just a vodka picnic in the end) on a lovely family park that was halfway between where we both lived. We were taking shots of vodka together and we were both very quickly very drunk. I was all over her and kissing her pretty much laid on top of her – even though there were families nearby! Oops.

I snuck away from friends on a night out to fuck my ex teacher in the middle of the city centre and then returned like nothing had happened [FM]

I would consider this one of my tamer sex stories but here goes ..

I was 19/20 at the time and was visiting my hometown for Christmas (I was studying and living at university at the time in a different city) and me and my friends from school were on a night out in the city centre.

We bumped into one of our teachers from school and we were chatting to him in the smoking area (Most of us don’t smoke but just so we could hear each other) and he was catching us up on the teachers who were still at the school and how the school was doing etc.

He was about 50-55 at the time. He wasn’t a teacher who other students found attractive back at school but I took a shine to him back in my school days because he was a funny teacher and I’ve always liked older men.

I let my weird neighbour come round and watch me and my boyfriend fucking [FM]

This was my first real experience of exhibitionism and when I realised I had a taste for it.

It was my second year of university so I was 20 at the time (I’m 27 now) and was with my boyfriend of 1 year but we were always on and off, it wasn’t a stable relationship by any means – we were both unfaithful to each other a lot but just accepted it. I was in a 6 bed student house but my bedroom was on the ground floor.

We had a really weird neighbour who was about 45 – he lived alone next door in his 6 bed house. We used to hear strange noises coming from his house like him having sex, him watching porn but also just weird unexplainable noises. The police once came round to ask us if we knew what car he usually drove. His curtains were always closed and his lights were always off. Weird things would just happen next door – but I’ve always liked weird.

When I was 18, I used to love fucking my older cousin. [FM]

Ok so this is a long one so I need to try and shorten it down or put it into 2 parts.

9 years ago (when I was 18) I was on a night out with friends. I bumped into my older cousin (he was 37 at the time). I didn’t expect to see him because I didn’t think he lived in our area (he was always travelling). It turns out he was staying with parents for a while. I asked if I could come back with him to see my auntie and uncle as it had been a while. I’m not sure what my intentions were at this point and I don’t think he had any intentions at all.

We got back to his parent’s house. It was the early hours so we crept up the stairs. He set up the room he had been stopping in for me and he gave me one of his shirts to wear as a pyjama top. He told me he was going downstairs to sleep on the sofa and that he would see me in the morning.

I [F] love sleeping with my older cousin [M]

9 years ago when I was 18, I was on a night out. I bumped into my cousin who is 19 years older than me. He was staying with parents and I asked if I could come over to see them in the morning. He agreed and we went home together. He was setting up the room for me and said he would stop downstairs. I asked him to get in bed with me. We started kissing and I sucked him off then climbed on top of him and we fucked and he came in me. His parents were sleeping next door. The next day I went downstairs (his parents were still asleep) and he started wanking and came and had to quickly clean up as his parents were coming down. We did it once more a few weeks later but then I went to university and moved away.

Fast forward to 9 years later (me 27 and him 46), I messaged him saying I’d love to do it again. He was hesitant but we did. I went round and we had some amazing sex but mostly kissing and we connected on an insane level and said we had feelings for each other. He said we couldn’t let it happen again because it’s become about more than just sex.

The perfect night. I sent this erotic fiction to a guy and he didn’t even open it. Tell me if it made you hard ? [F/M]

I’d love to sit at a family thing with you after a night of mad, passionate sex. No shower, I’d want your cum still dripping out of my pussy and arse. Or even if we did it the night of the gathering, sat there all evening acting normal but knowing what we’d be getting up to later on.

Both getting to yours and the door has barely shut and you approach me from behind, lifting my dress straight up and putting your fingers straight inside me and feeling how wet I’ve been all night from the anticipation, maybe I wouldn’t wear underwear either so you could slip straight in. My hand on the back of your neck, feeling you breathing and talking dirty in my ear telling me how much you’ve wanted to fuck me all night.

Then you’d ask me to turn round and get on my knees and take your cock right to the back of my throat. You forcing my head on you and skull fucking me hard, treating me like the slag that I am. When you’re about to finish, you’ll not let me swallow, you’ll pull out of my mouth and cum on my face, my dress is already on the floor so your cum will drip all over my tits. You’ll wipe your cum all over me and into my mouth and use your fingers to force cum down my throat so that I get to at least taste some of you as you haven’t allowed me to swallow.

The perfect night [F/M]

Both getting to yours and the door has barely shut and you approach me from behind, lifting my dress straight up and putting your fingers straight inside me and feeling how wet I’ve been all night from the anticipation, maybe I wouldn’t wear underwear either so you could slip straight in. My hand on the back of your neck, feeling you breathing and talking dirty in my ear telling me how much you’ve wanted to fuck me all night.

Then you’d ask me to turn round and get on my knees and take your cock right to the back of my throat. You forcing my head on you and skull fucking me hard, treating me like the slag that I am. When you’re about to finish, you’ll not let me swallow, you’ll pull out of my mouth and cum on my face, my dress is already on the floor so your cum will drip all over my tits. You’ll wipe your cum all over me and into my mouth and use your fingers to force cum down my throat so that I get to at least taste some of you as you haven’t allowed me to swallow.