Fucking Daddy’s potential business partner [FM]

Ever since I was about 14, Daddy occasionally brought me along with him to business meetings where he was trying to land a client. I never really understood what he did but he said he wanted me to learn about this stuff. I always liked it. He said I brought down the formality of the meetings which let him connect easier with the potential client plus I loved meeting new people. I always had a bubbly, jokey personality. I’m quite good with people and as I got older I started to realise that my personality combined with my (admittedly) good looks and petite body was a very strong pull with clients. From about ages 15 onwards I started to understand my affect on men more and more, in school and in these meetings. Guys would come in disgusted by the idea of working with Daddy and leave happily partnered. Daddy’s always very authorative, convincing and kind, I put most of the deals made down to his business skills but occasionally I see a tingle in the clients eyes that made me realise what he was actually being seduced by.

How I lost my virginity… to the “wrong” guy. [cheat/cuck] [MF]

When I was 15 I got into a serious relationship with a wonderful guy. His name was Max. He was everything I would have hoped for in a man. He was kind, loving, caring, sensitive, he’d put me first all the time, he’d listen to me and he’d ultimately always be there for me. On top of it all he loved my friends and my friends loved him. As far as looks go I would say he was about average. He didn’t stand out physically, wasn’t into sport which was a bit of a downside for me, I love sport, I’m a tiny girl but I love running and taking part in sports with my friends. He made up for it though, supporting me through my volleyball games, basketball and track races. It was a dream relationship, or so I thought.

Despite his many great qualities Max had a few downsides. He was a shy, awkward guy when it came to other people. He could talk to me without a problem but when it came to other people it was very difficult for him. I would push him to be a little bit more confident but it was very hard for him. It led to intimacy issues. He couldn’t kiss me in public, hold me in public. Nothing ever got very sexual between us and it became a problem for me as I got older.

Which perspective do you enjoy reading from the most?

Hi, I’ve been thinking about getting into writing erotic fiction and I’ve a good bit of writing experience under my belt. I’m just not sure whether to write from my perspective as a female, a third person perspective or a male perspective. I believe I could do all pretty well but I’m just wondering which you guys enjoy reading from the most?

Thanks! – Emma