When My Sister and I Played [F/f, drugs, incest]

*When My Sister and I Played*
*~a fictitious memoir~*


Emily called it an edible. I was seventeen and desperate to seem worldly. What I knew was it was like pot but I wouldn’t have to smoke, thank God. Also it wasn’t like brownies because all it was was a gummy bear.

It tasted disgusting.

I made a face and my sister laughed. She was texting her boyfriend, who was back at college. He’d wanted to join us on speak phone. Em had wanted to use Skype or Facetime. I agreed to text updates.

I don’t remember transitioning from being normal to being high. One moment I was just high. Emily kept telling me to put on my pajamas but I thought she was taking pictures of me with her phone for some reason. What occupied my attention the most, though, was that I had been on the verge of realizing something important but I couldn’t quite remember…

And then I was naked.

Bad Girl[f]riend.

Not long ago, back in August, I did something stupid: I started dating another woman.

We'd been friends for a long time and I knew she was a lesbian. She knew I was straight. We had this sort of unspoken agreement that she could tease me about the outfits I wear (I dress provocatively for my job) and that I could tease her back for her taste in women (usually the more "butch" type). Then, one stupid night, I drank more than usual and ended up asking if we could kiss.

Keep in mind that Leah is three years older than me and has been with girls exclusively sine middle school. I'm not saying she took advantage of me but she was literally the designated driver that night and, well, looking back on it she sort of encouraged me to drink.

We got back to her place and one thing led to another after another glass of wine I just full out asked if she'd kiss me. She didn't hesitate. And then things escalated rather quickly.