Voluptuous Indian Cousin Blackmail (Chapter 4) [MF][blkmail]

Arun looked in the mirror at Narindra. She is looking down at the floor. Defeated? Disgusted? He didn't care. She is half-naked now and he turns her round to face him and proceeds to kiss and caress her breasts. He starts from the top of each one, kissing the soft tender bumps gently and then sucking and licking on each pink nipple until he felt it harden. Her areola are on the largish side and that turns him on even more. He lifts each breast careful and continues the licking and kissing underneath – it is a sensitive, possibly ticklish, spot for her and she gasps at each lick. Arun returns to those amazing pink "nips" and starts sucking them harder and more noisily – like a pig in a trough. "Narindra, is milk being served today? I love the organic brand." he remarks. He then sits on the bed so his face is about level with her tender breasts and while pushing them together, gently bites on both nipples. "Ufff… owww…" she says quietly and Arun releases the tasty treats in response. But he isn't done with this fine pair just yet though and buries his face between them kissing and licking and generally depositing lots of saliva in this sacred barren valley between two hills.

Voluptuous Indian Cousin Blackmail (Chapter 3) [MF][blkmail]

Eventually the hours ticked by and Arun timed his arrival at Narindras home at exactly 3pm. His heart was beating and he tried to control his erection as he walked down the road to her door moments before the clock struck the hour. It would do no good to walk around with a huge boner! He saw through the frosted glass the silhouette of his lovely cousin, looks like she was wearing some smart clothes? "She had better be…" he thought darkly and then the door opened.

"Hello Arun-bhai" Narindra said demurely, again looking down. As promised she wore her office clothes which consisted of a white blouse/shirt, under a black blazer/jacket, tight fitting smart trousers which accentuated her juicy ass and high heels. She was wearing tasteful make-up: red lipstick, a touch of foundation and eye mascara which emphasized her sexy eyes. Her hair was thick and tied with pink band which fell back over her back in a pony-tail to about middle-back level. All the more to release, grab and pull when he took her roughly…

Arun drank in the view for a long moment then said "Hello Narindra. You look amazing, can I please come in?".

Voluptuous Indian Cousin Blackmail (Chapter 2) [MF][blkmail]

In actual fact, Arun had got several text messages and together they painted the picture of what Narinda had done. All that Arun needed was a bank statement (no doubt somewhere in her private files in her house) to have the missing piece of evidence he would need for a "good and proper blackmailing".

He needed to get access to Narindra's home again and have a good rummage around. That was the next step…

Luckily he got his chance that weekend when Narindra's older sister was over from America. It was Narindras older sister with the big tits, who had the distracting penchant for not wearing a bra under her nightshirt, VERY distracting seeing those "pokies" over breakfast let me tell you…. Anyway, this meant that his uncles house was full so Narindra kindly offered to let Aruns' family stay at her house.

Voluptuous Indian Cousin Blackmail (Chapter 1) [MF]

sorry, forgot additional tags, cannot edit title so posting here:

[anal] [blkmail] [huml] [mast] [oral] [reluc]

Arun had a cousin that he lusted after. She would be in his fantasies quite a bit. He would always imagine doing things in a rough way with her. Not quite raping her, but having her engage in unwilling sex with an element of blackmail in it. It really turned him on to think of grabbing a handful of her lovely thick hair with one hand and stuffing his think, throbbing shaft in her wet, unwilling mouth in the other.

"Uhhh, uh, ugrrghhh Narindra… fucking bitch… I'm gonna cum on your pretty face you dirty slut!" he would groan.

"Urhhhhghh you… fuckkkkkking… biiittttcccchhhhhh!!" he moaned as he unloaded fresh hot cum onto his hand while thinking about her.

Then one day – he got his chance and fantasy became reality!