Voluptuous Indian Cousin Blackmail (Chapter 2) [MF][blkmail]

In actual fact, Arun had got several text messages and together they painted the picture of what Narinda had done. All that Arun needed was a bank statement (no doubt somewhere in her private files in her house) to have the missing piece of evidence he would need for a "good and proper blackmailing".

He needed to get access to Narindra's home again and have a good rummage around. That was the next step…

Luckily he got his chance that weekend when Narindra's older sister was over from America. It was Narindras older sister with the big tits, who had the distracting penchant for not wearing a bra under her nightshirt, VERY distracting seeing those "pokies" over breakfast let me tell you…. Anyway, this meant that his uncles house was full so Narindra kindly offered to let Aruns' family stay at her house.

After breakfast in Narindra's small home, everyone wanted to go to the town centre for shopping and to stretch their legs. Arun made an excuse that he wanted to stay in and study for college so by late morning he had the house to himself. He crept into Narindra's bedroom and took a little detour in the side cupboards next to the bed… he didn't find any condoms which told him that she was using other another contraception method… "thats great!" he thought as he really wanted the first time with Narindra to fill her with globs of his hot fresh cum! He didn't want a condom to dull his pleasure one bit. He wanted to feel the skin friction of his thick ramrod pumelling her tender pussy down deep. In another draw he found some flavoured lubrication jelly and imagined her husband smearing it over her tits and on his cock and having them lick it off each other. Also if lubrication was needed then maybe that meant her pussy was nice and tight. "Oh man…" he thought and looked forward to soon destroying her gash with his piledriver of a cock!

A sound from somewhere outside broke him out of the daydream and he remembered he was on a mission. He began by looking through her desk drawer and then there it was hidden under a pile of other papers in the lowest drawer – the bank statement showing a large deposit in her bank account. "I'd love to leave my own deposit on her chest…" thought Arun, in reference to a porn clip he'd seen where the man defacates a hot steaming pile on the girls chest. It was gross but there was something about debasing this girl that really turned him on. he was going to take her to the depths and was curious to see her reaction as she couldn't do anything about it… He smiled grimly at the thought.

"Ahem – Arun-bhai, whats going on? Why are you in my bedroom!?"

"Ohhhh fuck." He turned round and there was Narindra stood arms-crossed in the doorway of the bedroom, blocking any means of escape. He was so totally absorbed in his fantasies that he didnt hear her return! She wore a frown which quickly turned to shock as her eyes lowered to the bank statement in his hands, her mouth dropped open slowly.

"Oh my god." she whispered "you know don't you?"

Arun's heartbeat was racing but he saw that he had her trapped now. He feigned a mock serious/reluctant tone and sighed.

"Yes Narindra, I'm really sorry but I came into possession of some incriminating text messages and rather than tell your father right away-" (at this point Narindra's expression had a look of horror) "- I wanted to verify it first." He let the silence hang for a few moments and looked over at her. "I honestly could not beleve that you, of all people, would do something like this." he said calmly, waving the bank account paper for emphasis.

Narindra made as if to speak and defend herself but then she sighed and sat on the bed. She started sobbing "Yes, you're right Arun-bhai… It was me. I am so ashamed of myself. I just couldn't help myself, it was so tempted to do it. I really needed the money…" she started crying some more.

Arun felt like consoling her but he wanted to guilt-trip her a little more, to soften her up for his "indecent proposal".

"I understand Narindra, really I do. I have succumbed to temptation in the past before but never to this level." He went and stoof in front of her and looked her in the eyes. "Imagine what your dad would think, what your family would think – hell, what everyone, your employers included, would think if they found out!" She started sobbing again. Arun saw that her eye mascara was running a little and it made him a bit horny to think of him causing that from a painful bout of anal sex…

He snapped out of it ("not now, later…")

"This would absolutely ruin you Narindra, you would lose your house, your job… not to mention the damage to your relationship with your husband – and your in-laws!".

"I know!" she wailed. He knew she loved her in-laws, as much as her own parents even. They were very religious and pious and would no doubt disown her and anull the marriage. Something Narindra would 101% want to avoid at all costs.

Arun let a minute pass as Narindra sobbed into her hands, he went to get a tissue and handed it to her.

Now was the time. "Hey now… here you go."

"Thanks Arun-bhai" she said between tearful sniffs.

"No one has to know about this Narindra, ok?"

She looked hopefully up at him through tear stained eyes and Arun started get a little hard again, he snapped out of it again. "Focus!" his inner monologue shouted.

"But." he began.

"- you have to do me a favour Narindra."

She looked up at him "Yes, Arun-bhai, I'll do absolutely anything! Anything, just name it."

OK, this was it, he didn;t know how she would react, she might take call is bluff because he wouldn't really expose her. He liked her too much, but she didn't have to know that.

"Well, the thing is…"

"Yes Arun-bhai, please what is it?" she asked intently.

He sat close next to her and lowered his eyes "I've liked you for a long time Narindra… and I've always wondered… you know…"

Narindra looked at him expectatntly, she really didn;t know where he was going with this! How delicious!

Arun decided enough is enough, just tell he straight "Well, I won't tell anyone about this ever …", her put his hand on her inner thigh, "- if you let me fuck you".

He can't believe what he had said! But if all went to his plan, the word "fuck" would be one of a handful of obscenities she would be hearing up close and personal, maybe screamed in her ears on a regular basis.

"Arun-bhai!" she stood up suddenly, now getting upset.

It was time for him to match this angry tone himself. " – or I could just upload everything I have to the internet and expose this vile deed you have done! It's your choice." he said as sternly as possible.

It was like a verbal slap-in-the-face to Narindra, she made as if to respond but he saw the fight drain out of her and knew that he had her cornered. They just stared at each other "Submit to me you little whore!" he thought.

A long minute passed and eventually he heard a resigned and quiet "OK." as Narindra looked down at the floor shamefully.

"Good." He said briskly, his confidence was back "- and this will not be a one-off, I expect a series of 'favours' like this at a time and place of my choosing."

He expected another stare like daggers but she just kept looking down on the floor to his feet "OK." she said quietly.

"What was that? I didnt quite catch that? Was that 'Yes, Arun-bhai?'" he said sternly, throwing some ice into his voice. "And kindly do me the courtesy of looking at me when you speak!" he had never spoken this way to her and his heart was racing with excitement at the new sensations of it.

"Yes Arun-bhai" she said looking him, or maybe not him as she knew it but a new incarnation of him. "Got ya bitch." he thought and tried not to make a sly smile.

Arun was business-like for his delivery of the next bit: "Good. I will meet you here next weekend. You will arrange to be here alone and not disturbed for a couple of hours. Wear your office suit, high heels, your favourite lace bra and panties and -" he reeled all this off quickly not waiting for her reaction "-wear nylon stockings underneath. And make sure you smell nice and clean like you always do."

She just looked at him, unsure of what to say to all of that.

He smiled down at her "You always smell nice Narindra, kind of 'cocunutty'."

He turned to move and then stopped, "Oh, and I'll take this of course. Evidence."

And that was that. Aruns fantasy was now on a coundown and he couldn't wait untill "ground-zero". That weekend Narindra avoided making eye contact with him and moved out of his way respectfully when he passed her.

At those times when they were together around other family members, he felt he could have made her squirm immensely by making references to accounting scandals in the news. But he didn't, he didn't want her to hate him and he felt an odd need to be kind to Narindra, maybe then the contrast of engaging in raw animal sex with her would be an even greater turn-on than it already was. "If that is even possible" Arun thought as he drove home on Sunday evening. The next week was going to go slow.

Arun knew that he wanted to save up as much cum as he could for the upcoming Saturday afternoon. It was like anticipating a kickoff of an important soccer match. The only "balls" in play here though were Aruns which through lack of wanking, were getting increasingly swollen as each day passed. He thought of taking selfie of his balls and sending it to her as a taunt but he remembered he was in "kindness mode" outside of actually enjoying her.

It took all his willpower not to turn to his porn stash and unload his frothy love juice every night. He actually resorted to putting a 7 day password timer on his porn stash directories so they he would not be tempted to access them or any filthy websites. By Friday evening his balls were sloshing with heavy thick and hot sperm. "Narindra is so lucky – she is gonna get splooged!" He thought.

Luck was on his side and on Saturday, there was yet another family occaison and his uncles home was again fully occupied. So of course, he went right to Narindra's home and if there was any objection to him staying it would be quashed by the unspoken understanding he had between himself and the cousin he had lusted after since puberty. As he brought his overnight bag into her home, she stepped aside and he passed her he caught a whiff of her perfume and savoured the musky smell – to him it was maybe mixed with a bit of fear. "It could probably be measured in gallons the amount of hot sperm he had ejaculated over her!" he thought with a sly grin as he passed her.

He exchanged pleasantries with her husband who was going to help his father-in-law today on some business matter. He apologized that he couldn't spend time with Arun. "Oh no, don't worry – I'm sure I'll find something to do." he grinned, knowing Narindra was in earshot in the kitchen nearby. It was going to be a tough final wait till the afternoon. After Narindra's husband left, Arun spoke to her.

"Uhmm so narindra, I'm going to go out and I'll see you back her about 3pm?" "OK…" she said not looking at him. "OK great, see you soon." he said brightly as if discussing the weather or something mundane. He then walked to the local town centre and tried to kill the next several hours without thinking about "ground zero"…

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/25kgwv/voluptuous_indian_cousin_blackmail_chapter_2