Sarah’s seduction [MF] [Wife]

Hey. Thinking about you. Your dress looks amazing today. It's hot. xx

Sarah sighed with annoyance and put her mobile phone back into her bag. Dan had not stopped harassing her ever since he had gotten her phone number from the company records.

He was a nice guy, quite handsome in a rugged, masculine way. He had a sharp jaw and wide shoulders that hinted at a sporty past. The first time they had met, Sarah blushed without realising and mumbled a greeting. That was where it had started, really. Dan saw her shyness and it had captivated him. He had to have her. To see Sarah's face and chest covered in thick ropes of his milky cum as she knelt before him was his newest goal in life.

After all, what was better than fucking a married woman?

For her part, Sarah stoically maintained she was not interested in Dan. She had a husband at home to think about. She was happy. Her husband was loving and caring and all she needed.

Fuck, Dan was hot though. Annoying and persistent, but hot.

Nope. It would not do to think about that.

Pushing her glasses up, Sarah leant back in her chair and stretched. Her dress rode up slightly, giving a view of her smooth, pale thighs. She had chosen to not wear tights today and it felt good. Her legs felt like silk, rubbing them together slightly was strangely erotic. As soon as she was home, she was going to fuck her husband. She was wet at the thought.

What had gotten into her today?

Sarah was a typical, shy office woman. She came in each morning and left each evening, making pleasant small-talk with co-workers and completing her duties. She was the type who didn't make waves and didn't particularly want to. A natural introvert, social interaction was something Sarah wasn't particularly fond of. Something Dan knew and took full advantage of. Every interaction they had face to face ended with Sarah blushing furiously as Dan walked away laughing. She hated herself for watching him go.

Standing just a little over 5", Sarah was a small, curvy woman. Her husband loved kissing her lightly on each ass cheek before grabbing her hips and sliding inside her lightly haired pussy. He particularly enjoyed reaching around and grabbing her pendulous breasts as he fucked her.

Just where were these naughty thoughts coming from today?

It wasn't like Sarah was very experienced anyway. She had been with one man in her life and she had married him. Although there was a particularly adventurous episode at University, but nobody needed to know about that. Suffice it to say, she experimented and came away satisfied.

She didn't need another man in her life. Her marriage was happy.

She had no desire to fuck another man. She had absolutely no desire to rub Dan's cum into her nipples as she licked the rest from her lips and look up into his face, breathless.

Nope. No desire for that. She was someone's wife.

Saw you stretching yesterday. It made me so hot. I wanted to run my hands up your legs. They looked amazing… xx

Sarah bit her lip and tried to feel annoyed. Dan shouldn't be saying these things to her. She was a married woman. She had to be faithful.

It turned her on, though. Her pussy was wet inside her knickers. She desperately wanted to feel Dan spurting his hot thick cum into her tight pussy. The thought of him dribbling out of her slowly as she lay sweaty and exhausted was a huge turn on.

Trying to push the thoughts away, Sarah left her desk to use the photocopier. Situated at the back of the office, the printing room was relatively tucked away and quiet at this time of day.

Slipping inside and shutting the door, the curly-haired brunette shut her eyes and exhaled slowly. She couldn't concentrate on her work at all. Saucy thoughts were so distracting.

"Hey, beautiful. Nice of you to join me in here."

The sound of Dan's voice was so surprising that Sarah let out a little yelp as her eyes flew open. How had she not seen him as soon as she had entered the room?

"H-hi, Dan. How are you?" Sarah tried in vain to stop her voice from shaking, she knew that Dan would pick up on it. Being with him in such a small room was doing all kinds of things to her. She was so nervous.

A cocky, smug smile spread across Dan's face. Crossing the room and pressing up against the breathless woman he whispered in her ear, "I know why you came in here. No need to pretend, Sarah. You want to fuck me. I know you do. I've seen the way you look at me. I can smell your pussy as I walk past your desk. You're wet now, I can smell you. You want this-" he grabbed her hand and placed on his crotch, "inside you. You want my cock sliding in and out of you, don't you? Filling your hot pussy with my thick cum. I like women playing with my cum. You're going to rub it on your face and tits before we're done."

As Dan finished his speech, all Sarah could do was moan low in her throat. She hated herself for it, but she wanted him. At one point, she was sure she was going to cum where she stood. This man was fucking hot. She was going to cave.

"Dan, I-" Sarah began.

His interruption was swift and assertive, "shut the fuck up, slut. Meet me at a hotel in forty-five minutes. I'll text you the address. Now, walk out of here, grab your things and head to your car. I'll meet you at the room."

Room 16, end of the corridor. It's unlocked. Come in, strip, and get on the bed. xx

Just what the fuck am I doing? Sarah thought as she worked her way through the hotel. The entire world had sped up to an incomprehensible speed for her. She was about to cheat on her husband. She felt awful, but at the same time, Sarah wanted this. There was a deep, throbbing lust in her pussy. The pussy juice on her thighs created a delicious feeling as she walked.

Standing outside of room sixteen, the brunette took a deep breath and pushed the door open. The room was plain. It could have been one of millions of hotel rooms in the world. There was no romance to the place. They were here to fuck, and then leave.

Dropping her bag and coat near the table and chairs that always seemed to be present in hotel rooms, Sarah began to undress.

Crossing her arms, Sarah grabbed her tight work top by the bottom and lifted it slowly over her head. The thoughts racing through the woman's mind were half telling her to go home and the other half telling her to hurry the fuck up, she needed cock.

Sarah yanked down her knickers. Kicking them off with one foot, she crossed the room and lay on the bed. She could not wait for Dan. Where the hell was he, anyway?

One hand came up to her left nipple, tweaking it slightly as her right hand slid down her stomach and over her lightly fuzzed mound. Parting her lips slightly, the brunette began to rub her clit gently.

"Started without me, have you? No matter, I'm sure you've plenty left to give." Dan's voice was surprising and Sarah looked around in alarm. He had been stood in the shadows by the bathroom, fisting his cock. She supposed she hadn't seen him in her excited haze.

Crossing the room, Dan got up on the bed and parted Sarah's legs with his knee. There was no sensuality or romance to this. He was an animal as he grasped his thick, angry cock and slammed inside her up to the hilt.

Sarah screamed. It was so unexpected.

So raw.

So primal.

So needed.

Her scream quickly turned to breathless yelps as Dan's pace increased. Her co-worker was fucking her so fast the cheating wife could not react. Sarah simply laid there and took it. She felt like a slut.

She supposed she was.

"Fuck me, Dan! I'm so wet. I feel like such a slut. Fucking use me. Fill me with cum. I want you to fill me. I'm going to scoop it out with my fingers and eat it. Then I'm going to rub it all over my tits. Do you like the thought of that? I need this. Fuck me. I'm your whore!" Sarah let herself go completely. It was so liberating.

The rugged man grabbed hold of her hips and squeezed the flesh tightly. She was so good. This was a real woman, not some fucking stick figure he picked up at the end of the night in a club.

This was a dirty, perverted cum slut.

The trick was getting that side to come out of her.

They continued like that for a while, Sarah marvelling at how intense this was and Dan desperately trying to hold himself back from cumming. He wanted to. Badly. However, there was other fun to be had first.

Sarah felt as if she was having one long orgasm. She had worked herself up into a frenzy and every thrust sent her careening through waves of pleasure. Every inch of her felt as if it were on fire and she clenched her knees against the sides of Dan as hard as she could in order to stop herself shaking.

She couldn't do anything more than moan, let alone speak. Maybe he had actually fucked her brains out.

Stopping suddenly, Dan withdrew from Sarah with a wet sucking sound. He didn't speak, and instead turned her over and held her down by the shoulders.

Looking down at her, Dan was satisfied. He slapped her ass cheek. Hard.

Sarah cried out in pain. It was so unexpected.

There wasn't much time to enjoy it as Dan was already back inside of her. He was using his weight to pin her flat to the bed as he fucked her mercilessly. He could feel the heat from her asshole on his groin and it spurred him on.

By this point, both were covered in a sheen of sweat and their bodies were sliding together with a slapping sound. The smell of sex was thick in the air. This was dirty.

This was amazing.

Sarah began to cum as she thrust her ass cheeks back against the cock inside her. It was so deep she felt as if she were impaled. The brunette struggled to breathe as she came, it was all too much.

At that moment, Dan felt his slut's pussy clench tightly around his cock, driving him over the edge.

He tensed hard and began to cum inside Sarah. Wave after wave filled her up. They both felt it begin to spill out of her pussy and cover her clit.

There was so much. Sarah was barely aware of the cum currently filling her pussy. She had been trying to get her breath back properly when Dan pulled out again. The wet pop of a cum-covered cock sliding out of her gained her attention. She turned over slowly and felt their mingled juices begin to change direction and trickle towards her asshole.

Luckily, this was the favourite part for both of them.

Dan looked down at Sarah, who looked back up at him with a hungry look in her usually shy eyes. At that moment, both had forgotten about her being married and him being much younger than her.

"Clean me, slut. Lick my cum, and your pussy juice, off my cock." Dan laughed as he said it. He knew this was degrading for her. He wanted to humiliate her, and she wanted him to.

Leaning forward, Sarah placed her mouth near his cock. It was so big and ugly up close. It looked like it could cause damage.

Dan grabbed the brunette by the hair and began to rub his cock over her lips and cheeks. He was asserting his dominance. This was him showing that he could do whatever dirty depraved thing he wanted.

Sarah loved every second of it.

Her face was now coated in a mixture of cum and pussy juice. She licked her lips and opened her mouth to swallow his prick. Sucking hard on the head, she savoured the taste. It was sweet and thick, something she could taste all day and not tire of.

Sliding her mouth down his shaft as far as she could, Sarah swirled her tongue around, eliciting a groan from above and the murmur of "good slut."

Dan's voice startled the cheating wife from her dick sucking trance,

"now, slut, show me how filthy you are. There's plenty of my cum inside you. Put it to good use. Use your imagination."

Sarah giggled with the instruction. The usually shy wife had turned into a wanton slut all over a persistent douchebag she worked with. Leaning backwards and looking Dan in the eye, she reached down with her right hand and scooped his cum from her pussy with her four fingers. It felt wet and dirty to be playing with.

She loved it.

"Is this what you wanted to see, Dan? You want to see me rubbing your cum all over my tits like this? Do you like that? What if I rub it into my nipples? Ooh, that's warm, Dan! Watch me, watch me. Mmm, it tastes good, Dan. Do you like watching me eat your cum and my pussy juice? It tastes nice, do you want some? Lick it off my fingers, there you go. Good boy. It's only fair you should eat it as well. You naughty, dirty boy! Lick it all, Dan. Now, clean my pussy."

She had no idea where that speech had come from but Sarah was glad she found the courage to say it. This afternoon had been so strange for her. She was doing things she never thought possible. A small gasp escaped the cheating wife's lips as she felt Dan's tongue searching inside her pussy for that delicious prize he had been allowed to taste.

Maybe she could get her husband to try this as well.

That was later, though. She would go home and try to live with herself after this was over. As for now, they had this room for the rest of the afternoon.

The guilt could wait.
