Voluptuous Indian Cousin Blackmail (Chapter 3) [MF][blkmail]

Eventually the hours ticked by and Arun timed his arrival at Narindras home at exactly 3pm. His heart was beating and he tried to control his erection as he walked down the road to her door moments before the clock struck the hour. It would do no good to walk around with a huge boner! He saw through the frosted glass the silhouette of his lovely cousin, looks like she was wearing some smart clothes? "She had better be…" he thought darkly and then the door opened.

"Hello Arun-bhai" Narindra said demurely, again looking down. As promised she wore her office clothes which consisted of a white blouse/shirt, under a black blazer/jacket, tight fitting smart trousers which accentuated her juicy ass and high heels. She was wearing tasteful make-up: red lipstick, a touch of foundation and eye mascara which emphasized her sexy eyes. Her hair was thick and tied with pink band which fell back over her back in a pony-tail to about middle-back level. All the more to release, grab and pull when he took her roughly…

Arun drank in the view for a long moment then said "Hello Narindra. You look amazing, can I please come in?".

"Yes, Arun-bhai, please do." They went in and both sat at on chairs in her compact living room.

He looked over at her. The anticipation was making it hard to think straight so Arun just pretended he was in some kind of porn clip of his own. In some odd fashion it made him relax a bit.

"So, how are you?" he asked. "Fine." she replied quietly.

He looked around the room: "You know your house is lovely but I have not seen upstairs, can you show me around?" He wanted to ease into it, and her, gently.


They got up and he followed her up the stairs, he looked at her ass unintentionally swaying sexily from side to side as she walked upstairs, knowing there were lovely juicy legs attached to them with nylon sheen stockings ready to be ripped open. Only Narindra didn't know about the ripping part! Unlike like the umpteen million other times he walked behind her, this time he could do what he wanted and halfway up the stairs he put both hands palms upwards on both her ass cheeks and grabbed hard as they travelled up. She gasped slighlty and tried to move ahead a bit faster but Arun suddenly didn't like that "Don't move away" he warned. She obeyed and he continued to rub her ass as they reached the landing. He savoured the hotness of her butt cheeks under under fabric of her trousers and guided her towards her bedroom. "In here." he said shortly. "Now close the door and the windows." he ordered, she obeyed. Narindra's home was in a terrace but the walls were reasonably thick and sound proofed. Still, he didn't want her cries (and possible screams), and his own animal grunting, to disturb anyone.

"Oh and please turn your phone on silent." he said as an after thought. "What is this a freaking cinema?" he thought comically to himself.

"It's downstairs, I'll get it." Arun let her go down and get it as it gave him the opportunity to quickly conceal a video camera to record the "festivities" that were about to unfold. He would then have something else on her to upload to YouTube and post on her Facebook page should she try and double-cross him or refuse his demands.

He set it to record and stashed it in a good place that would capture it all and stood in front of her bed looking at his reflection in the mirrored wardrobes opposite. "This was it" he thought, finally he was going to know what it was like to fuck his cousin. Narindra returned with her iPhone and set it on her bed. Absently Arun thought another challenge would be to try and get the photos and other data from it and check for any "sexy selfies" or even a "sex-tape" she might have made with that dunce of her husband.

He was brought out of his reverie by Narindra saying something.


"Umm, so what now?" she said.

Arun looked at her, "come stand in front of me…". The top of her head came to the middle of his chest and he felt very macho at that moment as he towered over this piece of fuckmeat he was about to slowly devour. He gently lifted her chin so she was facing him, he then moved some standards of her hair out of her face and they looked at each other in the eyes. Then Arun kissed her full on the lips with her hands clamped firmly down on the side of her arms. He felt her withdraw a little but she then seemed to succumb to the futility of her situation. He slowly drilled his toungue into her mouth and played with hers own. His saliva mixing with hers in a melange of hot breath and slightly minty flavours. He probed her mouth and tounge thoroughly savouring the new smell and sensation of a warm female mouth. His hands crept down over her back onto her ass cheeks once more and he caressed them, slapped them and grabbed them in equal measure. After a minute or two of exploring her mouth he withdrew. She looked away, red and flushed cheeks and slightly gasping for air. His hands moved to her neck and slouders again and then downwards to her breasts as he parted the front of her jacket and felt the firm tenderness of her tits coupled in the housing of her lace bra.

"Mmmmmm… Narindra… I love the feeling of your tits through your blouse…" it was the first thing he'd said since "first contact". He thought he'd keep the commentary running in incrementally obscene steps.

As he caressed her firm breasts, he applied his thumbs to where her thought her nipples were and rubbed them in a circular motion. He had the satisfaction of hearing Narindra's breathing get slightly faster and more deep. After a few moments he felt a short prodding underneath his thumbs and knew he had hit paydirt, her nipples were responding by perking up hard.

He turned her around to face the mirrored wardrobes and went around to the back of her. His cock was getting hard now and it was "pitching a tent" in his trousers. He moved the apex of the "tent" into Narindra's ass cheeks, having to bends his knees to get level, and thrusted forward slightly "aww yeah…" he said quietly. Narindra didn't react but he could feel her pulse pick-up under the hot bare skin of her shoulder where he held her. After a minute of this he slowly removed her blazer and threw it on the floor, a subtle gesture of the way he was going to use this hot bitch in heat. From behind her he cupped each breast in a hand and started squeezing tightly, savouring the firm flesh underneath.

"I want to see you take off your shirt, undo each button." he demanded.

She did so and he watched the spectacle unfold in the mirror reflection. Doing things this way made him feel like he was both watching and starring in his own personal porn movie. She unbuttoned halfway and Arun saw her cleavage become more pronounced and the soft light brown skin of her chest and breasts as they were held back from freedom by her sexy lacey bra. The last button was undone and she removed the shift completely. She made as if to fold it carefully but Arun stopped her.

Arun really wanted to use obscenities while fucking her brains out, but he knew she probably didn't have the depraved imagination that he did. He didn't want to alarm her or freak her out too much this first time. "Narindra, i might say some swear words to you but it's just an act OK?" he reassured her.

"OK". she murmured, still holding her shirt.

He went straight for it. "Your shirt, throw it away on the floor… bitch."

This was the first obscenity and she looked back at him sharply in the reflection. His heart raced at this and he was secretly worried that she would baulk at this treatment but she obediently just threw the shirt away like a piece of trash. This was a good sign. He gently but firmly tilted her head forward to face her half-naked reflection and started to kiss her shoulders down to her bra strap and then proceed to flip down one then the other side of her bra shoulder straps. Her bra cups were loose now and he could see them straining to get out. "Take off your fucking bra." he said quickly and breathlessly, again an expletive used but he was not self-concious about it now, nor did he care, his body was caught up in a swirl of excitement and his pulse was quickening.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/26dx1i/voluptuous_indian_cousin_blackmail_chapter_3