[Msub] State of Mind

Looking for CC, particularly since I'm a woman and the story is in a man's voice. If there's interest I'll post a part II.

Man I did a great job at work today! Everybody was really happy with how the project turned out. Still have a few beautiful hours left before sunset – may as well walk home. Get some exercise and time to think… maybe think about Her. Maybe fantasize about her legs around my head while I'm walking down the street in public. I bet she'd be happy if I got an erection in public. Heyyy now, if I told her about it she might even reward me…! The thought alone just made me twitch. This won't be hard (heheh, hard.) Hard as I was earlier this week when she told me to save my cum for her. Okay, what were the rules… I could touch it, look at porn, fuck my own ass, do whatever I wanted as long as I didn't cum. She didn't mention it but I'm sure she'll want an explicit report. I've avoided regular porn because the only reason I ever watched it was for a quick cum. She thinks I can't hold out without calling her and begging? Please, I have my dignity.

I have found myself stroking my cock a lot more, though. Not as intensely, but more often throughout the day – like in my office when I took that call and closed the door, or in the bathroom. Since I can't cum at work anyway it keeps me really horny all day but I'm not in danger of violating the rules. If I walk a certain way in these pants they rub against it, oooh I'm already hard and the pressure makes it worse. I mean, better. God I wish I could rub it right here in public. I bet she would love hearing about that. This street is pretty quiet… maybe I'll just kneel to tie my shoe – OH GOD YES i want more. I'm so hungry to cum. I need to get home as fast as possible and call her.

WAIT. NO. It's been just two days. I can't give up now. I'd never hear the end of it from her. Gotta be strong and show her I'm not just her eager slut. Slide my hand down my pocket and give my outer thigh a hard pinch to shock my (STOP) solid cock into softness. It works but I have to hold the pinch until I'm sure I'll have a nasty blue mark. When she sees it, will she know I had to physically restrain myself using pain? I'm not sure if that will get me a punishment or a kiss of approval. I'm still discovering her moods and tastes… mmm, her tastes.

Maybe… maybe I should call her. I can mentally prepare myself not to cum, but there's a chance she'd punish me by riding my face to orgasm a couple of times or letting some of her friends use me. Oh god, that last time a couple days ago when she sat on that swing thingamabob and dangled her sweet cunt just out of my reach, so I had to strain and pull at my ties to taste her – and when I had brought her right to the edge she somehow suddenly was everywhere, turning around on my mouth, slapping my face, yelling at me to suck on her clit like a good little toy, and then the sounds she made when she contracted around my head and threw her head back… she won't let me cum but if I catch her in the mood I might at least get to make someone ELSE cum. besides, if I can do that without cumming that'll definitely show her I'm worthy to be her toy.

Source: reddit.com/r/sexystories/comments/26envo/msub_state_of_mind