[m/f][f/f] Sweet ‘n’ Deadly Burlesque + #FreetheNipple Solidarity on DrSuzy.Tv – Listen Free.

Sweet 'n' Deadly ‪#‎BURLESQUE‬ on The Dr. Susan Block Show with Deanna Deadly & Sasha Sweet – Supporting Free The Nipple in Solidarity with Iceland & The Bonobo Way Listen Free: http://bloggamy.com/sweet-burlesque (click to see uncensored freed nips) Broadcast LiVE from the Villa Bonobo in Bonoboville.com at The Dr. Susan Block Institute

By Dr. Susan Block

A splash of classic burlesque, a lick of Icelandic #FreetheNipple-inspired Bonoboville Communion, Bonobo Spring politics, Sperm Wars, old friends and new discoveries get stirred and shaken into a tasty concoction that makes this show go down nice and easy like a shot of Agwa or Dirty Tequila…

Burlesque is the theatricalization of “striptease”— the soon-to-be-released Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sex includes my entry on the subject. This the most ancient art of teasingly stripping off clothes probably originated pretty much when people began wearing clothes. What we call “burlesque,” however, could be said to have kick-started itself in the late 19th century when Parisians of la belle époque started showing off their legs, and even their genitalia, in a new dance called the can-can. In 1905 the Dutch dancer Mata Hari, later shot as a spy during World War I, was a burlesque sensation at the Musée Guimet, in the Roaring Twenties, a nearly naked and often arrested Sally Rand teased her audience—and the police—from behind ostrich feather fans and bubbles, and mid-century, the witty Gypsy Rose Lee showed us that “anything worth doing is worth doing slowly.”