[MF] [Teacher Student] The Making of Dr. Hand: When I Fucked My Professor

Picture it: mid 2000s, Dr. Hand as a 21 year old walking around a college campus, not yet a professor, not yet had any students of mine of my own, just a student myself walking to class every day, studying all the time, and living in a tiny apartment next to campus.

I was starting college again at 21. My first go at it failed due to partying way too much. I only lasted 1 year at my first school, then I dropped out and went home for a couple years. I worked as a cashier at a huge retail store, and I hated it. I thought it was the most mind-numbing thing I had ever done. So after a while I decided I wanted to get my shit together and go back to a university. I started taking community college classes to get my GPA back up, and after a few semesters I was packing up my car and unlocking the front door of a tiny 1 bedroom apartment right next to campus.

[MF] [Teacher/Student] Things got out of hand with my FWB when she tied up a student for me

I know it’s been a long time since I posted anything – sorry about that. Thanks to people that messaged me to ask if I was okay, to say they missed my posts, etc. I got kind of bored of writing erotica for a while. Combine that with being crazy busy traveling and working and erotica stuff got ignored.

Some of you may recall my post about hooking up with my coworker, Jenn. A lot of people messaged me about updates, but I didn’t post any because we became a “thing”. I guess you’d say we were dating. I didn’t want to let her in on my little erotica life so I wrote about other hookups. But now it’s over.

It was nice while it lasted. It was largely a physical connection and boy did we hit it off in that category. Jenn was/is…wild. In bed she was loud, willing, and *eager*. She always told me what she wanted, how it felt, etc. Sex with Jenn was, well, sexy.

Re-connecting with a student at an international conference [MF] [Student/Teacher]

Disclaimer: My Reddit username is a pseudonym, not my real name.

I’m currently a professor in a STEM field. I interact with about 200 students each semester. Some of these interactions are more memorable than others.

This is a story from only a few years ago where I ended up seeing one of my favorite students at a conference in our field years after she graduated.

I may have gushed a bit much in this one. Sorry if that’s not your cup of tea. I loved having her in my classes and I guess I can’t help but get mushy when talking about her.

Conferences are fun. I get to spend a week immersed in my field listening to people give talks about the latest research happening. They tend to be in other countries so they are my main mechanic to travel. I usually go to two or three a year, it’s great.

They are also big social events for academics. After each day has ended, everyone converges onto a hotel or nearby bar for drinks. Some people say this is where the “real” conference happens – everyone discussing research, creating new collaborations, and pseudo interviewing people for jobs.

The time a student asked for a special meeting. [MF] [Student/Teacher]

With each new semester there’s a new batch of students. You never know who or what you’ll get. Any students that will go above and beyond? Any class clowns? Kiss asses? Students that will have their parents email you? Students that ask you so many questions you can’t even get through a lecture? Who knows. I remember some years ago I had a new student that *really* surprised me.

It was a summer semester – a quick 10 week schedule. It’s tough to do a whole course in that timeframe but one nice thing is the class sizes are usually small since no one wants to be stressed with courses that move so fast.

I remember that I had about 12 students in this particular class, give or take some. I learned all of their names, joked around in class, and took my time with grading. I even wore *shorts* to work sometimes – it was amazing. I actually felt like I could *teach*, which is not always the case in my usual 150-200 class sizes.

The time my office colleague and I stayed late at work [MF]

This recollection is *not* about a student. It’s about one of my colleagues. I know people like to hear about my experiences with students, but this was something that blew my mind. It happened just this past weekend and I’ve been thinking about it so much that I needed to write it out ASAP. Maybe people will like it.


So, one thing that sucks about universities is that there is a ton of administrative work to be done. There’s so much that we hire people specifically for these tasks, and we generally refer to them as “office staff”. These people are underpaid and overworked. They make very little money compared to professors and they do so much work. Seriously, they do *everything* in our department. Want to reserve a conference room? Staff handles that. Need to purchase a new item for your research lab? Staff handles that. Want to allocate some of YOUR OWN RESEARCH FUNDS to pay a student, travel to a conference, etc.? Staff handles that. They are the hidden engine behind every university academic department.

The time I spent my night exchanging videos with a student [MF]

Disclaimer: My Reddit username is a pseudonym, not my real name.

I’m currently a professor in a STEM field. I interact with about 200 students each semester. Some of these interactions are more *memorable* than others.

This is a story from only a few years ago where I ended up exchanging videos with a student for hours, which led to something a little more.


It was a normal weekday about midway through the semester. No days off anytime recently or anytime soon. I was lecturing about something super math heavy, and I remember seeing almost a whole row of students nodding off.

I finished class a little early, and told them thanks for being here physically – a little jab at everyone that fell asleep. A couple students came up to me after class. They were in a group whenever we did group work, and they seemed to have become friends throughout the semester. They had some questions about the lecture. *Yay, someone was paying attention!*

We walked through their questions until they seem to understand most of the answers. Then one of them, Morgan, asked me, “Do you mind that I recorded this lecture?”

The time a big titty goth student edged me for an A [M/F] Part 3

This post is part of a larger story that is intended to be read altogether, so each part is not standalone. Please read Part 1 in order to catch up with this part of the story.

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r9v17k/the_time_a_big_titty_goth_student_edged_me_for_an/)

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r9v2ev/the_time_a_big_titty_goth_student_edged_me_for_an/)


The room was small – 6×6 at most. Suspension cuffs hung down from the ceiling on a chain in the middle of the room. A small plastic chair sat in the corner. Mirrors covered each wall. There was a dimmer light switch on the wall.

“Get in, and stand under the chains,” she instructed.

“You can’t be serious…” I said.

She pushed me into the room and shut the door behind us. I was still trying to take it all in, growing more nervous by the second. *Am I really about to be cuffed to the ceiling by a student?*

“Stand underneath them and hold your arms out,” she ordered. I did as she said, albeit nervously. She put the cuffs on my hands, and pulled the chain to send my arms straight up in the air. My feet were still flat on the ground, but my hands were held up above my head by the cuffs. She yanked on my arms to test them. When they passed, she took a deep breath before walking all around me and saying “Good…that’s good.”

The time a big titty goth student edged me for an A [M/F] Part 2

This post is part of a larger story that is intended to be read altogether, so each part is not standalone. Please read Part 1 in order to catch up with this part of the story.

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r9v17k/the_time_a_big_titty_goth_student_edged_me_for_an/)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r9v39t/the_time_a_big_titty_goth_student_edged_me_for_an/)


I pushed the door open and walked inside. *Whoa.* This room was a lot different than the one we had been in. There was one light hanging down with not much illumination. There was a table against the wall holding sex toys: a fleshlight mounted on a warmer, butt plugs, and dildos. A sex swing hung down from the ceiling. A full-sized bed with only a top sheet sat off-center in the room equipped with wrist and ankle restraints.

I must have paused to take it all in because she pushed me inside. “Go! Now.”

“Wow, amazing sex dungeon.” I said sarcastically.

She ignored me and closed the door. And locked it. This room was where the music was coming from. A laptop and some speakers were on the table next to the toys, which I thought was weird. *Did she work in here?*

The time a big titty goth student edged me for an A [M/F] Part 1

Disclaimer: My Reddit username is a pseudonym, not my real name.

I’m currently a professor in a STEM field. I interact with about 200 students each semester. Some of these interactions are more memorable than others.

This is a story of a time a big titty goth girl student edged me to get an A.

Reddit’s post character limit is going to make this a three post story. I can’t fit it all in one post or even two posts. I think this story benefits a lot from its longevity so I’m going to post the whole thing in three separate posts right away rather than stringing you all along posting only one part a week. Feel free to upvote and/or comment on whichever post(s) you feel like.

[Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r9v2ev/the_time_a_big_titty_goth_student_edged_me_for_an/)

[Part 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/r9v39t/the_time_a_big_titty_goth_student_edged_me_for_an/)


I was teaching one of my junior level classes. Students were working on a moderately challenging assignment while I walked around to help. I got to the last row and asked a student how it was going. She had earbuds in and didn’t even look up.

I bent down a little and spoke up, “*Hey,* how’s the assignment going?”

An encounter with two of my favorite former students [MFF] [Student/Teacher] Part 3

Disclaimer: My Reddit username is a pseudonym, not my real name.

I’m currently a professor in a STEM field. I interact with about 200 students each semester. Some of these interactions are more…memorable than others.

This is a story of a time I simultaneously had sex with one of the best students to come through my classes and became a sex teacher to another former student.

Link to Part 1: [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/quwite/an_encounter_with_two_of_my_favorite_former/)

Link to Part 2: [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/qysaa9/an_encounter_with_two_of_my_favorite_former/)

This post has a good deal of context and build up from Parts 1 and 2. Part 1 has a long build up for context followed by “the good stuff.” Part 2 is shorter and about half context half “good stuff.” I strongly recommend reading at least Part 1 first, unless you only want “the good stuff,” which is pretty much the entirety of this part.


I stirred awake, and it took a few moments to realize I wasn’t dreaming. *Still dark out…what time is it?* I tried to shift and my arm hit something. No…*someone*. My mind jolted awake, and I heard a voice. “Dr. Hand…”