Picture it: mid 2000s, Dr. Hand as a 21 year old walking around a college campus, not yet a professor, not yet had any students of mine of my own, just a student myself walking to class every day, studying all the time, and living in a tiny apartment next to campus.
I was starting college again at 21. My first go at it failed due to partying way too much. I only lasted 1 year at my first school, then I dropped out and went home for a couple years. I worked as a cashier at a huge retail store, and I hated it. I thought it was the most mind-numbing thing I had ever done. So after a while I decided I wanted to get my shit together and go back to a university. I started taking community college classes to get my GPA back up, and after a few semesters I was packing up my car and unlocking the front door of a tiny 1 bedroom apartment right next to campus.