Elijah and Shea: PART 1

Things smelled something like dying outside, but at least they smelled. The summer had brought with it a fantastic volume of expression. It seemed cliche to talk about the sky, but lying there inside his bedroom, Elijah stared out the window, clouds nestling by, periodically squeezing into view from where he lay, and then just as effortlessly leaving. He tried to feel nothing about it, but found himself worried. Each cloud passing felt like another moment missed, seconds spilling through holes drilled in the floorboards. And yet, Elijah did nothing about it.

Summer had started a few weeks ago and Elijah’s productivity had plunged below a threshold he had ever experienced. High School was over and the whole world was open to him with fresh opportunities and blossoming experiences. But Elijah chose to sit beside his bed, watching the clouds, lamenting the clouds, wishing he could just stop one dead in its tracks.

A short vibration startled Elijah from his trance. He extended his hands above his head, pushing his chest out, feeling as his vertebra realigned from bottom to top. Blinking, Elijah stood up and turned to find his phone still alight with a new text message. Grabbing the phone, he noticed it was an unknown number to him. He frowned and unlocked his phone.

22[M/F] Summer Fling – Rewrite

Anne and I hit it off at work almost immediately. She's sarcastic and raunchy, wildly intelligent and great to talk to. We seemed to follow the frantic nature of each others' mind. It was a special bond, but it was limited by Lin, my girlfriend.

Don't misunderstand, Lin is great in her own charming way. Thoughtful and generous, gracious and kindhearted. I care about her, but especially after a year of dating, the connection hasn't lasted. Our tastes have diverged from one another, our perspectives evolving on their own, often in contrast to the other. Even our communication patterns were shifting away from each other. I first met Anne in February and in July my girlfriend had a trip she needed to go on for a few weeks (I think it ended up being 3 uninterrupted, but ultimately it was about 5 or 6 with a few days where she'd stop in and say hey, just to hop on a plane a few days later or even the next day).

22[M/F] Summer Fling

Anne and I hit it off almost immediately. She's sarcastic and raunchy, wildly intelligent and great to talk to. We seemed to follow the frantic nature of each others' mind. It was quite a special bond, but it was limited by Lin, my girlfriend.

Don't misunderstand, Lin is great in her own charming way. Thoughtful and generous, gracious and kindhearted. I care about her, but especially after a year of dating, the connection hasn't lasted. Our tastes have diverged from one another, our tastes evolving on their own. Even our communication patterns were shifting away from each other.

I first met Anne in February and in July my girlfriend had a trip she needed to go on for a few weeks (I think it ended up being 3, but ultimately it was about 5 or 6 with a few days where she'd stop in and say hey). During this period I took a lot of time to assess the relationship. I was happier now, alone, than I'd been in quite some time. I went out and saw people, I did things, I enjoyed my life. It was a blast.