Watching Porn with my roommate [F/M]

The year after I graduated college I lived in an apartment downtown. Rent was pretty expensive so I had a roommate who had attended the same university. We met through mutual friends who suggested we split the place. Alan was an engineering grad but was looking for work all the time. He was getting short contract hires for a month or so to at a time to fix buildings but it wasn't very stable and he would be at home for weeks with no job.

There was a few times where I would walk into our apartment and could catch the few seconds of porn noises or the shuffle of turning off the TV quickly. My roommate would watch porn often when I was gone. I didn't care, it's not like I didn't watch porn myself. I usually watched it on my laptop in my room with headphones so he wouldn't know but he liked to plug his laptop in the TV to watch instead. It didn't bother me as much as he probably thought it did.

My [F]avorite ti[m]e visiting ho[m]e

To give you a little background on me, I come from a small Colorado town which has close to 8000 people. It's not much but most people like the scenery and the area is nice. My HS class was only 150 people so you can imagine that it is one of those towns that everyone knows everyone. I moved away after High School and went to university and then moved to Denver for a job. I was able to drive down for family holidays and this past thanksgiving I did. I came back on a Wednesday afternoon and hit up some of my HS friends on Facebook. There is a tradition where everyone goes out to party and gets drunk on thanksgiving. I wanted to join in since the past few years I wasn't able to. My friend Jenny who still lived in town offered to drive so I could drink and I gladly accepted.

There are only a handful of bars so whenever you go out you will most likely run into the same people every time which is great because anytime I come home it's like a small reunion. We had all the hugs and "what have you been up to" along with a lot of Coors and Jack Daniels. Two guys from my HS are there and we all play catch up. Tony and Billy will be there name for anonymity sake.