Apartment 303 – Chapter 11: I Want To Cum With You [MF]

*Author’s Note: Another weekend and another round of erotic escapades. But true feelings of love are growing inside Kelly. What will he do? Previous chapters and other smut can be found at* r/KellyBoomErotica. *Enjoy and keep those DMmeYOURpussies pics cumming!*

**- Chapter 11: I Want To Cum With You -**

The second week of classes was nothing like the previous week. The lectures were engaging and the material fascinating. On Monday I was assigned three different papers all due by the end of the week; therefore, I spent every evening in the library. I avoided Charlie’s study nook, reiterating to myself that I couldn’t get behind on my assignments. After leaving the library Wednesday night I went straight to the campus gym to work out and release all my pent up energy. Sitting in lectures everyday and at a library desk every evening since Monday had knotted all my muscles.

Apartment 303 – Chapter 10: Déjà Vu [MF]

*Author’s Note: Thank the gods, Kelly finally got a release. Will his next one be better? Please visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *to find previous chapters, other stories, and more smut. Enjoy and as always DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- Chapter 10: Déjà Vu -**

*I’m a slave to these women… And I think I like it!* I welcomed post ejaculation clarity with open arms. Over the previous couple days I’d done mental gymnastics to justify secretly fooling around with my roommates. Having finally relieved myself – with verbal encouragement from Tracy – I gave control of my body over to any and all three of my roommates. *They’re calling the shots and I’ll take whatever they give me.* With how hard I’d cum and how good their pussies tasted there was no way I was turning back. Only one issue prevented me from reaching nirvana. *What happens if one of them finds out about another? Or others?* I didn’t dwell on that thought however. *This is their game and I’m just playing along.*

The Executive – Part 3 [FM][Mdom][Fsub][Anal][CNC]

*Author’s Note: Something has awoken inside Erin. Will she go through with mystery man’s demands? Please visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *for previous parts and other stories. Enjoy Part 3 and as always DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- The Executive: Part 3 -**

As Sydney’s ass disappeared around her office doorway Erin shook her head trying to break the connection she’d made in her mind between Sydney and the blond pussy eating girl from the porn she’d watched the night before. It didn’t work, her next thought was, *I bet her pussy tastes like sea salt and cucumber*. Erin rubbed her thighs together, pleasuring in the warmth between her legs, but then her computer chimed with an incoming email. Her client demanded the updated contract by the start of business Monday morning. *Fucking pricks change their agreement last minute then make demands to me!* She took a deep breath and began her final QA/QC.

A couple hours later, every “i” dotted, every “t” crossed, Erin sent off the contract. She applauded herself for getting everything done before the weekend. Now she could focus on tomorrow night. She pulled out her phone and read the last sent message, “I understand. Your obedient cumslut will be waiting.”

Apartment 303 – Chapter 9: Why Am I Not Surprised [MF]

*Author’s Note: Poor Kelly just needs to cum. Will he get to? Let’s find out. Please visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *for previous chapters, other stories, and naughty material. Enjoy and as always DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- Chapter 9: Why Am I Not Surprised -**

“Come on, you know you want to!” Tracy chided me. “It’s a great way to start your day.”

“Ugh, fine,” I agreed. Tracy clapped her hands in excitement.

I woke up early. Not for any particular reason, my body was just ready to go. Planning to read on the couch, book in hand, I walked into the living room at the same time Tracy did. As usual, she was wearing jogging attire, but was yet to be coated in sweat. I off-handedly made a comment about getting into an exercise habit like her which turned into Tracy inviting me, then goading me into joining her for a run.

[MF] I fucked my FWB in the street.

The summer after my freshman year of college I was back in my hometown. My friend’s parents were out of town, so naturally he had a house party. I was excited to see all my high school pals again, and especially excited to see my former FWB.

We didn’t keep in touch after we left for our respective colleges so I wasn’t sure what her/our situation would be like. Maybe she had a boyfriend? Maybe she was upset that I hadn’t made an effort to keep in touch? Maybe we would jump right back into our FWB relationship?

The house party was well underway. I was happily participating in all the college-aged drinking rituals – beer pong, keg stands, king’s cup, etc. Every time the front door opened I anxiously spied who was arriving. Finally, she walked into the party with a guy I’d never seen before. She was just as beautiful, actually more beautiful than last I’d seen her. Her chestnut wavy brown hair was tied up, exposing her elegant shoulders. Only thin spaghetti straps held up her light, flowing sundress. She’d grown into her figure over the past year, her tits plumper and ass rounder. She was always curvy, but now she had a perfect hourglass figure. Worried the guy was her date/boyfriend, I returned my attention to the beer pong table pretending I didn’t see her.

Apartment 303 – Chapter 8: Muddy Water [MF]

*Author’s Note: Seems like Charlie can tease with the best of them. Will teasing Kelly continue? Let’s find out! This is a repost from a couple days ago, something went wrong with original post. Enjoy!*

**- Chapter 8: Muddy Water -**

*Hmm, whipped cream on pancakes? That’s usually for waffles.* My grocery basket was already filled with the essentials – pancake mix, milk, eggs, butter – and now I was contemplating the toppings. *Whipped cream on pussy, yum!* I snatched the can and tossed it in with the other items. Throughout the morning I tried to temper my expectations of what would happen with Jamie, but given my new life with my new roommates I wasn’t going to not buy whipped cream.

As badly as I wanted to, needed to, jerk off last night to relieve the blue balls Charlie left me with, I somehow resisted. *Jamie loved getting covered in my cum, I’ll save it all for her.* After Charlie made sure the coast was clear, we had scooted out the back door of the Park Ave into the alleyway. We strolled down the main street of the university district, chatting and laughing with each other. We stopped for some tacos before Charlie abruptly said she had plans to meet up with a guy for a drink.

The Executive – Part 2 [FM][Mdom][Fsub][Freeuse][CNC]

*Author’s Note: Erin found she likes the thought of being a cumslut. But will she go through with it? All my other stories, plus other erotic materials can be found at* r/KellyBoomErotica*. Enjoy Part 2 and as always DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- The Executive: Part 2 -**

It was ten after five when Sydney slinked into Erin’s office. “Ms. Chen,” Sydney muttered meekly, annoying Erin even more. “I just uploaded the revised draft.”

“Good. I’ll look over it now,” Erin snapped at her. She pulled up the shared directory on her computer and began reading the document. However, she couldn’t focus. *Maybe I’ve been too hard on her this week.* Sydney anxiously fiddled with her hair, not helping Erin’s focus. *I’ve been an erratic mess this week.* Skimming the document just enough to see that Sydney had incorporated the new information, Erin looked up at her, trying to put on a genuine smile, “This looks good Sydney. Thank you.”

The tall blond girl – who looked straight out of an Australian surfer babe magazine, her name only adding to Erin’s depiction of her – breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “Is there anything else you need Ms. Chen?”

Apartment 303 – Chapter 7: That Wasn’t Part of the Bet [MF]

*Author’s Note: Jamie, Charlie, and now Tracy! What kind of trouble can Kelly get into next? Let’s find out… Visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *for previous chapters, other short stories, and smut stuff. And as always DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- Chapter 7: That Wasn’t Part of the Bet -**

“The professor finally started lecturing on interesting topics today. I feel like I wasted a week of my life,” I bemoaned.

“Well, you’re a freshman. The intro classes are designed for 18 year old kids that don’t know how to wipe their own asses yet.” Charlie sipped on her dirty martini, an aptly named drink for her. It looked clean and fancy, but was dirty on the inside.

The week had gone by without any excitement. My classes we’re mostly just going over syllabi and stupid ice-breaker activities. I rarely saw my roommates. Everyone had varying class and work schedules, and since the girls were upper division, they actually had tons of homework already. When I was in the apartment with one of them, it was as if nothing sexual had ever happened. That was actually a relief. Not having any sexual tension allowed me to relax into my new life. I figured that we’d all released that tension over the weekend, moved on, and now we were just roommates.

Apartment 303 – Chapter 6: Secrets, More Secrets [MF]

*Author’s Note: Man, Tracy is quite the tease. Will Kelly see what’s under her lace lingerie? Visit* r/KellyBoomErotica *for previous chapters, other stories, and erotic material. Enjoy, and as always DMmeYOURpussies.*

**- Chapter 6: Secrets, More Secrets -**

Tracy was browsing the different jars of pasta sauce while mumbling something to herself. I was standing next to her in the grocery store aisle holding our basket that was halfway filled with items. I guy rounded the corner into our aisle pushing a shopping cart, the wheels squeaking loudly which pulled my attention away from trying to process what the hell just happened in Victoria’s Secret. Tracy didn’t bring it up at all after purchasing the lingerie, or while we walked over to Trader Joe’s. She had chit-chatted about random stuff. I wasn’t really paying attention, too confused to engage properly. What is happening to my life. Now all three roommates have shown me their bodies. *Was Tracy fucking with me? Is she trying to spark something physical like the other two did? Or is she really just that casual and only wanted my opinion? Fuck!* As the guy came close I saw his eyes lock onto Tracy’s ass as she bent over looking at the bottom row of sauces. His eyes darted to the Victoria’s Secret bag in my hand, then darted up to meet my gaze. He gave me a smirk and slowly nodded his head in approval as he passed by. I opened my mouth to say something, inform the random guy he had the wrong impression, but then I thought, *Oh who gives a fuck what that guy thinks.*

The Executive – Part 1 [FM][Mdom][Fsub][Freeuse][CNC]

*Author’s Note: Please enjoy the first part of my new series. All my other stories, plus other erotic materials can be found at* r/KellyBoomErotica*. Let me know what you think and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- The Executive: Part 1 -**

“No, god dammit! Your report does **NOT** include the most recent information from the document I sent you!” Erin berated Sydney. “Write it again, do it right, and get it to me by the end of the day!”

*For fuck’s sake, I have to do everything around here!* Erin, of course, was used to doing everything herself. You don’t become the youngest Executive Director of one of the fastest growing nonprofits without doubling… tripling your own workload. Erin didn’t complain about the immense hours she had worked to become the ED, but now there weren’t enough hours in the day to start doing Sydney’s job.

All that being said, Erin loved her career. Leading the charge on women’s rights was her destiny and she was fucking good at it. She was respected and praised the world over. She was loved by her employees and she loved them, except Sydney. *I can’t wait for Sydney’s internship to be over.* Thankfully, Erin would be getting a new intern next year.