First time in public [MF][20s]

Long ago, the year 2007, I had a friend, Dave, that lived in the big city. A handful of friends from our college town, including my girlfriend, went to the city for a concert. After to show we all crashed at Dave’s one bedroom apartment. The apartment was in a huge complex, six stories tall, and in the middle of the complex was an outdoor pool and hot tub. It was the middle of winter, the pool covered by a tarp for the season, but the hot tub was open and perfect for post-show partying.

Being young, drunk, and close friends, everyone went to the hot tub in the nude. Once in the water though, it wasn’t like anyone could see any naughty bits anyways. Thankfully no stranger were in the tub when our drunken cohort arrived. It was probably well after 2am, and technically the “Pool Hours” were over, but that had never stopped us before. We soaked, drank, smoked, and probably woke up plenty of residents in the apartments surrounding the pool area, but no one yelled at us to shut the fuck up.

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 10: Welcome to my Palace of Pleasure and Pain! [FFM][MMF][20+][BDSM]

*Author’s Note: Are you enjoying the story so far? Other great stories can be found at* [*Must Read Authors*](*. Amazing models can be found at* [*Visual Stimulation*](*. Show them your love!* ***This is the last chapter I’m posting here. All other chapters are on, or will be on*** r/KellyBoomErotica

**- Chapter 10: Sydney -**

*What the fuck am I doing? This is going to be so awkward!* I don’t know why I agreed to join Tracy and her roommates. I’d hung out with her once outside of work, briefly met Kelly, and never met her other roommates, and now we’re all going to watch people fuck. *This is going to be so awkward!*

Ever since agreeing to go, I’d considered bailing out many times, but every time I saw Tracy in the office or began composing a text I told myself to just go; it’ll be different and fun. Now, standing in front of my closet trying to decide what someone wears to a live sex show, I was starting to panic. I was no prude – the idea of a live sex show didn’t freak me out or anything – and the idea of seeing Kelly was exciting. Tracy said he was single and they didn’t have anything going on, but I could sense some hesitation there. Also, according to her, things were “complicated” with him. *Whatever that means*. Either way, Kelly seemed like a fun, interesting guy to spend an evening with, and if the roommates were anything like Tracy and Kelly, they were also going to be fun to hang with.

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 9: Shave My Dirty Little Pussy [FM][20s][Sensual]

*Author’s Note: Nothing like a good orgasm to knock out a hangover, am I right? Is it just me or do you also wake up incredibly horny after a night of drinking? More chapters are posted at r/KellyBoomErotica*

**- Chapter 9: Jamie -**

*Thank the fucking gods!* I screamed inside my head when the professor finally ended the lecture. Usually I enjoyed her lectures, but it was Friday, I finally had a night off work, and I needed to sleep. Nightmares had continued to plague me. *Charlie is right, we’re all handling the impending end of Apartment 303 differently, and I’m not handling it well.* That’s why I needed to get home, soak in the bath all night, and sleep. *Please gods, let me sleep!*

With my head down, rushing across campus towards home, determined to push over and trample anyone who got in my way, I cursed under my breath when someone shouted my name.

I tried to ignore whoever it was, but another, closer, “Jamie, I know you can hear me!” shout cut over the jovial banter of a college campus on a Friday afternoon.

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 8: I Want That… I Want To Cum Together [MF][20s][Cum Play]

*Author’s Note: Another day, another chapter! Who cums today? Hopefully you! If my stories make you cum, I’ve done my job! Checkout* [Visual Stimulation]( *for new content, and show those lovely content creators some love!*

**- Chapter 8: Kelly -**

As was the case ever since moving into the apartment, I woke with a boner. My life had turned into a porno and I, and my cock couldn’t wait to start another day. That morning’s boner, however, was near the point of bursting. I wanted nothing more than to free-use Jamie and Charlie the night before, but I could tell they were both fucked out after their video watching session. Charlie could barely stand on wobbly legs and Jamie was deeply sunk into the couch, strap-on still strapped on. *Nope, these ladies are spent*, I thought. So, reluctantly I bid them goodnight so they could have their post-coitus time together.

Categorized as Erotica Tagged

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 7: I Need Your Cock Daddy [FF][Coeds][Voyeur]

*Author’s Note: Don’t forget to check out the* [*Visual Stimulation*]( *post on* r/KellyBoomErotica *where you can catch a glimpse of Sydney. Make sure to support the amazing content creators that gave me permission to share their material. They’re fucking hot, so show them your love!*

**- Chapter 7: Charlie -**

“I don’t know what’s come over me. I’m all mixed up,” Tracy confessed, halfway through her second margarita.

“So, let me get this straight,” I said, setting down my first, half-full margarita. “Kelly flirted with her in front of you…”

“Yeah, but he was drunk,” Tracy interjected.

I continued, “Then, you tell him to think of her while you fuck him on the train, to which you both cum hard.” Tracy nodded along sheepishly. “Then, she asks you if he’s single and you say he is. Then, for fuck sakes Tracy, you make plans for all of us to hang out together!” Tracy downed another third of her margarita. “What the fuck!”

Jamie reappeared behind the bar, “What’d I miss?”

“Nothing,” I said. “Just listing Tracy’s sadistic chain of events.”

“I’m sorry. Like I said, I’m all mixed up,” Tracy reiterated.

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 6: I Know You Get Fucked Good All the Time [FF][20s][Teasing]

*Author’s Note: How was the first five chapters? Let me know in the comments section. Enjoy another erotic week with the roommates, and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 6: Tracy -**

“Paddle! Paddle! Paddle hard!” Sydney yelled. I felt the wave start to carry me with it and paused for a split second enjoying the thrill. *Stand up dammit… Surf!*, my mind screamed. I popped up, placed my feet wide apart and centered on the board just how Sydney taught me on the beach. Wobbly, but upright I rode the wave as it crashed around me. I threw up my arms triumphantly and bellowed in exuberance.

My arms and shoulders burned from paddling out, trying to catch a wave, falling, and repeating. So, after finally riding a wave I wanted nothing more than to paddle to shore and call it a day. However, Sydney was still out past the breakers and waving me back. *Fuck my competitiveness*, I thought, then turned the board and paddled to Sydney once again.

With a high-five and her bright, wide smile Sydney congratulated me, “Fuck yeah babe! You did it!”

“Ugh, why am I back out here then? My arms are dead,” I groaned.

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 5: I Give You The Power To Fuck Me Silly! [FM][20s][Creampie]

*Author’s Note: Tracy sure has some internal conflict going on, eh? Let me know how you’re liking the novella so far in the comments section. Enjoy, and as always DMmeYOURpussies!*

**- Chapter 5: Charlie -**

*Pacu took control, grabbing Loris’ ankles, sliding her backwards, and pulling her sex up towards him. Loris squealed in both fright and excitement. Pacu knew if anyone entered the canvas tent everything he’d worked for would be lost, but in that moment he didn’t care about the rebellion, about his warriors, about the shadow cult. All he cared about was Loris. Gusts of wind rattled the tent, the desert sands loudly assaulting the world outside; however, all Pacu could hear was Loris’ heavy breath.*

I couldn’t help but rub my thighs together trying to put into words what Kelly had done to me. Writing from Pacu’s point of view was still difficult, but never-the-less made me horny. I didn’t hear anything – my mind floating through the mixed-up world of *Untitled* and my own experience – so I gave a little shriek when Kelly plopped down on the couch next to me.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” he apologized. “Deep into it I guess.”

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 4: I Bet Her Pussy Tastes Like Sea Salt and Caramel [FM]

*Author’s Note: Sydney and Ms. Chen, hmmm? Those names sounds familiar. Check out The Executive if you haven’t read that series yet. All my work can be found at* r/KellyBoomErotica

**- Chapter 4: Kelly -**

Tracy had already exited the ladies room, but before I went back into the bar I gave myself a once-over in the mirror – straightening my tie, finger combing my hair, and brushing off my shoulders while winking at my reflection in self-congratulations. I pulled the door open, looked down to confirm that my zipper was zipped, and bumped right into Farrah Fawsett.

“Oh shit,” I blurted out in shock. “My apologies.”

“No, it’s my fault. I thought this was the ladies room,” Sydney replied in an earnest tone. Too embarrassed to correct her I just smiled and nodded, sliding past her towards the party. I took a few rushed steps towards the bar, desperate for a drink, then I heard her chuckle and that’s when I knew she realized I was the one in the wrong restroom.

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 3: Give Me Your Cum Now! [FM][20s][Public]

*Author’s Note: Are you enjoying the different POVs? Let me know in the comments. Previous and future chapters can be found at* r/KellyBoomErotica *so head over there to get caught up. Also, don’t forget to get some* [*Visual Stimulation*](*, and support the amazing content creators. New models will be added soon!*

**- Chapter 3: Tracy -**

“She’s hot, isn’t she?” I whispered into Kelly’s ear. He was awkwardly standing in the middle of the bar, not knowing anyone at my company party I’d roped him into going to with me. I had gone to get us drinks, then disappeared into the crowd to chat with a coworker, leaving him alone, uncomfortable, and thirsty. Making Kelly uncomfortable gave me some weird satisfaction and I smiled watching him awkwardly shuffling his feet, surrounded by strangers. He was avoiding eye contact, clearly not in the mood for empty chit-chat. Then, he spotted my gorgeous coworker, Sydney, from across the bar. The young woman was beautiful, no doubt, but he was ogling her a little too much for my liking. The pangs of jealousy welled inside me, which was strange because I already shared him with two other women… three if I count our adventure with Cammi. But the way he was looking at Sydney was different. He wasn’t just eyeing a beautiful woman, he was studying her. I’d had enough and I snaked up behind him, catching him still staring. I always pointed out beautiful people, asking him if he thinks they’re attractive. Considering our experience with Cammi, and being in a four-way relationship, he never held back his opinion knowing I would never get jealous. I admired beautiful things, especially beautiful women, but…

The End of Apartment 303 – Chapter 2: I Love Being Your Dirty Little Whore [FM][20s][Cum play]

*Author’s Note: Charlie sure is a good girl, isn’t she? Who’s your favorite character? Let me know in the comments below. Chapters are posted first at* r/KellyBoomErotica *so join and stay up-to-date. Also, don’t forget to check out my* [Must Read Authors]( *for other amazing stories. Show them your love!*

**- Chapter 2: Jamie -**

*Why am I on a parade float? Was I just singing to the crowd? Wait… Everyone is leaving… Wait, don’t leave me! There’s the drummer, he’s still on the float with me, he’s not leaving. It’s Kelly! Just you and me now. Wait, no… No… I don’t want to go… I want to stay here with Kelly, I don’t want to leave… Kelly, I’m sorry, I don’t want to leave!*