Our Affair – The Boondoggle Part II [FM – Cheating]

The weekend was amazing. I basically laid low and went into the town and had a massage and some shopping and nice meals. David would come back to the room for a quickie during the day and we would spend the last night having sex in front of the fireplace. He woke up early this morning for a round of golf before heading home. Julie said that she would be home tomorrow, so he was in no hurry to leave. I took my time getting out of bed, ordered room service, and took a nice long shower before enjoying all the extra amenities of the room. I sat in a nice comfy hotel robe and waited for David to return.

The door opened and I stood up. He greeted me with a kiss and told me to hold tight and headed to the bathroom. After a quick shower, he emerged from the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I popped out of my chair and we had a long passionate kiss. Our heads separated and I took a step back. He watched as I pulled the tie to my robe and it opened. I slowly nudged it off of my shoulders and it dropped to the ground. I looked directly into his eyes as they scanned my body.

Our Affair – The Boondoggle Part I [FM – Cheating]

The office was quiet. All of the upper execs were out at the annual corporate boondoggle a few hours away. It was a weekend of drinking, big dinners, schmoozing, and golf. The following week was full of hearing a tall tales and chasing down receipts and room charges. I had to make sure that David got the room he wanted and made all of the other accompanying reservations and arrangements for the weekend. He was slated to leave early Friday morning and return Sunday afternoon. When the kids were younger, Julie would bring them along and have some fun being away from home. Now, she just loads them in the car and heads to her parents. Julie texted me if I wanted to watch the dog. Unfortunately, I had already made plans to go “camping”. By “camping”, I meant going to the boondoggle and setting up camp in David’s room while she went around town and openly fucked her high school ex.

Our Affair – The Birthday Gift [FM]

Like most firms, ours has its politics and bullshit that comes while experiencing growth. When Dave started, I was removed from a pool of admins and he became my boss. On occasion, my old boss, Sharon, would pull a power move and have me do a “special assignment”. Instead of using one of her pool admins, she like reminding us “where we came from”. So, I was assigned to the dungeon when Dave was on the road. The dungeon is our old office space, two floors below our pimped out new office space. It’s basically used storage and files. I was given the task of filing away all of Dave’s and one other partners old files and cataloging them, as well as cataloging other files. Dave was slated to be in the office today, his birthday, and I was wrapping up my stint in the dungeon.

Our Affair – Friday Night with the Girls [FM – Cheating]

I had plans to go out with the girls after work and the presentation seemed to be under control. I was completely distracted the whole evening and wanted to “play house” with David, but he was going to work on the presentation and turn in. I did my best not to text him the whole evening. We didn’t want to be messaging during non work hours to avoid anything coming back to bite us. I got home and had a nice buzz on. I took a shower, got dressed in black sweats and decided to head over to his house. I had to be careful, so I had the Uber drop me off blocks away at a house that was far from the road. His street was pretty secluded. Houses were spread apart and divided by trees. Wearing all black, I definitely went unnoticed and worked my way to his backyard. I came around the back corner of his house and found him in the his family room watching a baseball game on tv. He was wearing a tshirt and shorts with his legs propped on the coffee table. I gently tapped on the window. His head turned and he saw me standing there in all black. He smiled and waved me in. I gently opened the door and went in. He got up and came to me and greeted me with a passionate kiss.

Our Affair – The Big Push Part III [FM – Cheating]

I woke up basically in the same position that I fell asleep in, draped on David’s chest. I was amazed that neither of us had moved during the night. It was early and the light was just peaking through the shades. I shifted my body ever so slightly and peaked under the covers. His flaccid cock gently rested to the side. I slid my hand down his torso, over his waist, and ran my finger over its length. It twitched as the blood flow increased and I continued. I looked up at him and knew he was awake, but acting otherwise to enjoy the moment. His cock got harder and began to raise off of his body. I shifted my body and gently cupped his shaft. I softly stroked his hardening cock and watched as the girth spread my hand wider. I adjusted to get a closer look, my body shifting. His breathing picking up as I tightened my grip. My head got closer to my lips made contact with his tip. The last tastes of last night still lingers on his cock and my tongue does its best to get any remaining remnants. I shift my body again to get in a better position. He shifts his body and his hand slides to my ass. He pulls it ever so slightly towards his shoulder. I re-adjust and give a full view of my pussy. His hand moves to my pussy and his fingers penetrate me. I take him further in my mouth and moan. My head slowly works up and down on his hard cock as he works my pussy with his hand. I come up for air, panting, then go back to sucking his cock. He zeros in on my clit and I moan with his cock deep in my mouth. My pussy is dripping. I want to fuck him, but I keep sucking his cock. My head bobs with my stroking hand in unison. Nothing is said. The sounds of me sucking, my wet pussy squishing, and an occasional moan fill the air. My pace quickens and my moaning changes to a few octaves higher as hyper focuses on my clit. I couldn’t take it anymore and had to have him.

Our Affair – The Big Push Part II [FM – Cheating]

We arrived at his house and made our way into the kitchen. As soon as I put the food on the counter, he grabbed me gave a long passionate kiss. My knees wobbled and after our heads separated, I wanted more, but he seemed to want eat and get work done. We spent the next few hours eating sushi, drinking wine, and making changes to the presentation. We got to a point where he was comfortable and he turned to me, “I am exhausted, you want to turn in?”

I smiled and nodded “Sure”.

We packed up and made our way to the bedroom. He gave me a kiss and told me to make myself comfortable and he was going to shower. With the bathroom door open I watched him get in the shower and I changed into a short black nighty and climbed int bed. Moments later the water stopped and a few more later he emerged naked. His cock hanging between his legs, he walked to the end of the bed, “come here”.

Our Affair – The Big Push Part I [FM – Cheating]

We had a new client coming in next week. This wasn’t any new client. This was a Dave’s largest client at his old firm and they want to see if he “still has the magic” that was lost at his old firm after he left. It was late on Thursday and the owner of firm decided to get involved in the pitch when everything was basically wrapped up. Dave handled it well, but I could tell that the next few days were going to involve some long hours to make the “needed adjustments” that Dave’s boss wanted to be made. Without even batting an eye, Julie packed up the kids and headed to her parents. It didn’t matter to her that their kids had games that weekend, she felt they would better off spending quality time with grandma and grandpa while she “hung out with some friends”. In my house, Jason told me that he’d be working some extra shifts. I would later find out that Jason’s “extra shifts” were him hanging with his other girlfriend.

Our Affair – The Birthday Gift [FM]

Like most firms, ours has its politics and bullshit that comes while experiencing growth. When Dave started, I was removed from a pool of admins and he became my boss. On occasion, my old boss, Sharon, would pull a power move and have me do a “special assignment”. Instead of using one of her pool admins, she like reminding us “where we came from”. So, I was assigned to the dungeon when Dave was on the road. The dungeon is our old office space, two floors below our pimped out new office space. It’s basically used storage and files. I was given the task of filing away all of Dave’s and one other partners old files and cataloging them, as well as cataloging other files. Dave was slated to be in the office today, his birthday, and I was wrapping up my stint in the dungeon.

Our Affair – The Lost Sock [FM – Cheating]

It had been a long and boring weekend. They were due home in a few hours, so I was doing my laundry and running on the treadmill before heading back to my place. Usually these weekends were a getaway for Jason and I. We would house sit, watch their dogs, order takeout, drink some good wine, and have some great sex in their guest room all awhile getting paid. The only problem is that Jason had planned to go away with “the guys” and “forgot” to tell me. I had my suspicions, and I was pretty sure this “last minute trip” was with someone other than “the guys”. I was sweating out the bottle of wine I drank by myself the night before and was in a “I don’t give a fuck” mood. Out of the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something move, but continued to finish my run. A few minutes later, I finished and did my warm down then headed back into the house to get some more water. I could hear the dogs at the other end of the house and called out. “Hello”. I immediately heard a “Hey Beth” and I could hear someone walking across the house and the dogs following. I watched as Dave rounded the corner and greeted me. Dave was basically my boss and I was standing in his kitchen in running tights and a sweat soaked jogging bra. He has never seen me in anything but work attire and I immediately felt self conscious.

Our Affair – Intro [FM – Cheating]

Dave had started working at our firm about two years earlier and I was assigned to be his assistant. He is an amazing man and had the beautiful wife (complete cheating bitch), two kids, two dogs, and newly remodeled house. On the outside he was “the man”. On the inside, it was a completely different story.

Dave and Julie looked like the perfect couple, but he was miserable. Julie’s parents lived four hours away and she would take the kids and visit throughout the year. The problem was that Julie’s high school sweetheart still lived in the town and they had been fucking each other for years. Julie’s parents either didn’t have a clue or what he’d find out later, knew and turned a blind eye to the pint of even helping her cheat.

Dave and I would go to corporate events and tie one on. He would tell me all about Julie’s less than discrete escapades and I would share Jason’s (my boyfriend) obvious cheating behaviors as well. I was his his right hand woman and we worked well together. That all changed one day when both of our significant others were cheating on us and our feelings for each other finally came out.