[FM] Christmas Cuckold (pt. 1)

Christmas is always a time for visiting old friends and family, and for me, it was no different. Well, maybe a little different. I hadn’t been home in over a year. I was running from a chaotic past that seemed to cling to me like that unlucky sock from the dryer. I also hadn’t seen my ex-boyfriend Travis since I moved away. We tried to make things work long-distance, but it was too much for me to handle. Not only was I trying to make new friends, but I was also trying to make a new life. Unfortunately, he was a constant reminder of the old, only ensuring I would never be free of it.

Initially, I had planned on telling nobody I was coming home. I was going to simply have my parents pick me up from the airport, and I would spend the holidays hiding out and biding my time until I could escape yet again. However, fate and rumors had different plans. Travis heard that I would be coming home from a source that remains undisclosed to this day, so he reached out to me. It was innocent at first, only talking about changes since we last spoke. “I would love you see you,” he finally said. My heart froze in place, and my jaw locked shut. In hindsight, I should have prepared an answer to this question beforehand, but I didn’t. Without thinking, I heard myself reply with a cheery, “Sure!” In my mind, I was screaming to myself, “What the hell is wrong with you!”

[FM] Out for Coffee

I just got home for Christmas break and I decided to meet my ex for coffee. We didn’t even make our orders before we realized our time would be much better spent at his apartment. I was on my knees sucking his cock the moment the door closed behind us and he fucked me from behind while I was bent over the arm rest of his couch.

He took me home and my parents invited him in for dinner, they always liked him 😬.

Of course he said yes and I got to spend the next few hours surrounded by family with his cum slowly seeping from my pussy…

[FM] Proving them Wrong (Repost from Old Account)

You would never guess, but I am actually extremely shy around people I don’t know. Especially when the topic of sex comes up.

I was 19 and had just moved into my roommate Ashley’s apartment. We had met a few times before, but she was more a friend of a friend rather than a “friend”. I met her boyfriend Darrel early on and we all got along really well, especially because we would always smoke when he came over.

We had just got done smoking when someone knocked on the door and then walked in on their own. It was a tall black man, our age and well dressed. He had a beautiful smile, but the first thing I noticed was his arms threatening to burst his shirt sleeves. It actually startled me a bit because I wasn’t expecting anyone to be coming over, but I quickly realized it was Darrel’s friend. I smiled and waved awkwardly from my big chair with too many pillows when they introduced me.

I mostly kept to myself while they talked, just pretending to watch whatever was playing on the TV. Like I said I’m pretty shy, and to top it off I was only wearing hang-out clothes. A big t-shirt with long socks and gym shorts.

[FM] Wrapped Up, A Christmas Story

It was Christmas Eve; I knew that much. I was surrounded by voices laughing and celebrating though I couldn’t see their faces. Finally, I heard a voice I recognized call everybody’s attention as he made an announcement, it was almost time. For what? I felt beads of sweat forming in the cervices of my cramped elbows and knees. I was nervous about what was going to happen in a few short moments, but I wanted more than anything to be out of my cage.

The ripping of paper gave way to the first bit of daylight I had seen since early that morning and I gasped, sucking in the fresh air as it flooded in through the torn wrapping paper. With the paper torn away, I could see I was surrounded by beautiful men and women wearing huge smiles as they stared down at me. I had nowhere to go, and I became increasingly aware of how vulnerable it was.

“I hope you like it,” Jack said as he clapped another man on the shoulder. Jack was the only face I recognized and was the one who I met online. He was older, in his late fifties, but he was filthy rich, and it was very obvious he took good care of himself.

[FM] My Night Out

It all started with a half-truth. Technically I wasn’t lying when I told my boyfriend Travis that it was a ‘girl’s night out, but I was omitting certain details. Primarily the ones concerning Chase. I met Chase one night when I was out on an actual girl’s night. The amount of courage it takes to approach someone in a club with loud music and flashing lights with hopes of striking up a conversation is immense, and I can respect that. Still, he offered to buy me a drink which I politely declined. Not because I didn’t think he was cute. He had on a faded pair of jeans with white sneakers that stuck out in the black lights of the club and a polo t-shirt that might as well had “Frat Boy” stamped across the front of it. He filled it out nicely though and had a confident smile framed by a chiseled jawline that could have made him perfect for a Marine poster. Now that I think about it, he would probably be irresistible in that uniform as well.

The reason I told him no was because I had been seeing my boyfriend for the past six months and was loving the way things were going. He was sweet, caring, and thoughtful. Even though he worked full-time and went to school full-time he always figured out a way to have enough energy left for me. In a different world, this may have been the end of Chase, but fate had other plans. My friend Lori fell head-over-heels for his friend Brain, so our ‘girl’s nights’ became something else.

Not to sound too full of myself, but I’m not a stranger to guys shooting their shot and have turned the rejections into a kind of art. Luckily, vodka and soda with lime is my drink of choice so I can usually play off a “Sorry, I can’t drink. I’m driving.” I make a bit of a pouty face and a shoulder shrug before turning back to my friends. If I am really desperate, I can drop a quick, “I’m not 21,” but due to the contents of my cup actually being alcohol this is something I normally don’t advertise too loudly. Either way, as skilled as I was, nothing seemed to work with Chase. When I broke the news to him that I had a boyfriend it didn’t do anything but encourage him further.

Eventually, it just turned into a kind of game. He would make flirty jokes and I would pretend to be annoyed or disgusted, but I think he knew this couldn’t be further from the truth. We would dance occasionally, and I would let him run his hands up and down my sides or even lean into him a bit, teasing him with just the slightest bit of pressure from my curvy butt. I loved that he wanted me so badly, and he was terrible at hiding it. I always waited until his hands began to move from my thighs towards my tight little ass or started working their way up my front before I would swat his hands away and leave him stranded on the dance floor. I thought it was hilarious to send him home alone and frustrated. While I was needy as well, Travis was always eagerly waiting for me to get home.

Our game of ‘Cat and Mouse’ was all good fun, but that only lasts until the mouse has a few too many drinks. I had gone a little crazy shopping that week and my bank account was showing the damage, so when Chase made his weekly offer to buy me a drink, I accepted. Though the forensic evidence is still inconclusive, I firmly believe my single shot vodka and sodas had transformed into doubles, and shots of tequila began coming to our table in waves. It was hopeless.

This time when we were dancing Chase’s hands didn’t get the playful slap. I leaned back into him, and his hands traced a line up my stomach, stopping to cup my breast. I closed my eyes and couldn’t stop a slight moan from escaping my glossy lips. Never one to miss an opportunity, Chase leaned down and I felt his warm breath on my neck. His kiss sent shivers across my shoulders, and he gave the lobe of my ear a playful bite.

As foggy as my memory is, I think we were still doing some semblance of dancing, though I can’t be sure. His hands worked back down, and he tucked his thumbs teasingly inside the waist of my skirt. The thought he may just pull it down any minute in the middle of the dance floor was both terrifying and exciting, but nothing came of it. He moved on, his hands sliding further down to my bare thighs. He squeezed hard enough to make me jump. He laughed in my ear and continued to explore my body with his hands, sneakily slipping one underneath my skirt and getting a slight feel of the wet spot forming on my panties.

With no secrets left to hide, he brought that finger to my lips and grazed them slowly. I opened my mouth and wrapped my lips around his digit. It was official. Our game was over.

[FM] Pool Party (Repost from Old Account)

Let me begin this one with a disclaimer, some things happen in random sexual encounters that may cross some boundaries. Even in these situations, it is important to be respectful of your partner and be able to ‘read the room’. This is not one of those stories…

It was the start of my freshman year in college and for me, that meant pool parties. I was away from home and on my own for the first time and I took full advantage of the situation. I made friends quickly and from my first weekend at college, the party invitations never really seemed to slow down, so neither did I. This particular party was off-campus in an uppity part of town. I rode over with some future sorority sisters and was shocked when I saw the size of the house we were going to. Luckily, I was dressed for the occasion. I wore a white two-piece bikini that contrasted my summer tanned skin perfectly. I’ll never forget the hungry stares we received as the host walked us through the house and back to the patio.