Making My Mom Pregnant [Breeding] [Incest] [MF]

Mom and dad are tried to make a baby for years. They wanted another child. And I’d love to have a younger sibling. But it didn’t work out as planed. The fucked like some animals – yes I could hear them through the walls and it annoyed the shit out of me. But no pregnancy. No bun in the oven.

Age wise the should have been fine: Mom was 38 and dad was 61. But nothing. No matter how hard they tried. So they went to visit a doctor. Mom was fine. Perfectly fertile. But dad, his sperm count was next to zero. Probably a result off him working in a chemical plant for the bigger part of his life.

So my parents were checking out options: Adopting or getting a sperm donor. Artificial impregnation or doing it old school. They had many discussions. 19 year old me was present at some of them. But I kept my mouth shut. I just listened and ate my dinner. In the end, the came to the conclusion that they wanted it to be done in the natural way. Without any doctors involved. But who should donate?

Family Vacation Pt. 4 [Incest] [MF]

[*Episodes I-III are over there*](*. I suggest you, you read them first. Happy reading.*

Mom was the first one up in the morning. She was so nice to get the rest of us out of bed too. Sis, dad and I were, politely speaking, not very amused about it. But it was mom’s day of our vacation. She got one of those every year. This time she booked us a trip to some national museum. We had a two to three hours bus ride ahead of us.

So we crawled out of our beds – sis and I cuddled again, but neither mom or dad seemed to care – got in the bathroom, fixed ourselves as good as possible, grabbed some survival kits and dragged our bodies in front of the hotel. To wait for the bus. Everyone was quiet. Except mom. She was talking all the time. About the museum and the cultural artifacts in it. Yes, we must really love her. That is the only explanation why no one told her to shut the fuck up.

My Kinky Family [Incest] [Pee] [Anal] [MF]

I am a happy man. A very happy man. 34 years old right now, while I write those lines. I have a good, a well paying job that only sucks away 30 hours a week. I am sharing my home with the love of my life, a hot 56 year old woman. She is beautiful and kinky as fuck. Maybe even kinkier than I am. Yes, she is my mom too. But well, we fell for each other about 10 years ago. We struggled to accept our love, but we did came to our terms in the end. We are happy together since we accepted ourselves and our love.

We two, mom and I, had a rough start. We had to accept what was going on between the two of us. We had to tell the rest of the family about it. Dad, well dad lost his shit because of it. He just left. Only taking one suitcase with him. Telling us that he never ever wanted to see us again. Yes, I miss him from time to time, but, you can’t have everything in life. And I decided to stick with my mom, the love of my life.

Enslaved And Educated [MF]

It always sucks when a long term relationship is over. Your heart is broken. You loose your best friend. And someone has to move out. In my case, I had to move out. And 30 year old me wanted out as fast as possible. I couldn’t stand her presence anymore.

Due the fact that I wasn’t the richest human being back then, my options were very limited. A place for myself was out of reach. Unfortunately. Well, looking back at it from now: Luckily I wasn’t swimming in money back then. But back to the story: I was looking for a room in an apartment. Yes, time to deal with roommates again. Well, it could be worse.

I was very lucky. I found some suitable. Something affordable after three days of searching. I went to check out the place, to meet my future roommate. She was more than just nice. She asked the right questions, I probably gave her the right answers. She told me I could move in. While I was checking out the place. I said yes, transferred her my first rent and some deposit, three days later I was living at her place.

Family Vacation Pt. 3 [Incest] [MF]

*Before reading part 3, I advice you to read the previous parts.* [*They are over there*](*, titled Episode I and Episode II. Enjoy your read.*

The second day of our vacation took off with a bang. A big bang. When I woke up, sis was cuddling next to me. Wait, she was basically sleeping on top of me. Covering up my morning wood. Fuck, I was horny when I woke up.

Mom and dad were already up. They finished their morning routine and were on their way out, when they realized that I was awake too. Mom jokingly said: “Look at those two lovebirds. They were cuddling all night. They probably need some alone time. To fuck each others brains out.”

Mom and dad laughed out loud. Then they left to get some breakfast. The clearly had no clue what was going between their kids. Or maybe they had, but pretended to have not. Who cares anyways. Sis woke up too. Before mom made her joke. She pretended to be asleep. While listening in.

My Daughter, My New Wife [Incest] [Breeding] [MF]

Life can be a bitch. It can bring you down on your knees within the blink of an eye. It did that to me about two years ago. My 58 year old wife and 55 year old me filed for a divorce. We barely were able to stand each others presence anymore. It just was enough. It was time to end it.

No, we weren’t giving up on the first sight of trouble. We went through a lot of ups and down in our 35 years together. We tried to fix our relationship. We brought in professional help. We tried to light the flame in bed again. But we failed. We failed horrible. So we both decided to end our marriage.

Nonetheless it hurt. It really hurt losing her. It fucked me up. It broke my heart. Because somehow I still was in love with her. The day she moved out, I jumped onto a huge downward spiral. I lost my will to life. I saw no point in going on. I only dragged myself through my life from that day on. I stopped exercising, I stopped taking care of my house – my wife tried to get her hands on it, but luckily my lawyer knew his job – and I stopped going out at all.

Family Vacation Pt. 2 [Incest] [MF]

[*Part I is in here*](*. I advice you to read it first. Enjoy your read.*

After leaving the hotel room, after fucking my mom up the ass, I went to a coffee shop next to the ocean. For some coffee, for some nice breakfast while enjoying the views: The ocean and some hot asses – yes, I am a horny fucker. I even got a newspaper, to stay up to date. It was a very relaxing morning.

After some time my sister showed up. Dressed to impress, but somewhat nervous. By the looks of it the experience of earlier was getting to her – yes, finding out that your brother fucks your mom can do that to you. She asked me if it was okay for me when she joins in. I said no problem, sit down wherever you want.

Sis placed herself on the opposite side of the small table. She ordered some coffee and some food. All the time there was some awkward silence between the two of us. No one knew what to talk about, all attempts to break the ice failed. All attempts to start a conversation died off pretty fast. Yes, something was in the air. Then I came up with a grand idea: “Wanna join me in on a boat trip in an hour or two? Nothing but cruising around the ocean. Only the two of us, with no one listening in.”

Family Vacation [Incest] [Anal] [MF]

Going on a family vacation is our only real family tradition. It is the only thing we do together since I can remember. Even after my sister and I moved out from home, to get our college degrees, we kept on going on summer vacation together. We always had a blast. But our last one, was the best one of them all. It was fucking awesome.

We all – my 52 year old mom, my 55 year old dad, my 25 year old sister and 23 year old me – met up at the airport. We hugged each other. Said hello, went for some coffee and chit chat before we boarded our plane. The flight went over without any troubles, the transfer to our hotel worked out great. But at the check in, they had bad news for us: They screwed up our booking. Something went wrong with our reservation. Or at least they told us that it did. The only had one free room left. With two king sized beds in it. And yes, it was the only free room in the whole hotel.

My Mom’s NSFW Accounts [Incest] [MF]

Mom took me by surprise about six months ago. She told me that 48 year old her had lots of NSFW accounts up and running: She was posting, producing and selling her own nudes and videos. And she was doing more than just well. Lot’s of men, and some women too, were throwing money at her. She was thinking of doing it full time. But she needed help to pull the stunt. She needed some photographer that helped her producing content: She was sick of fooling around with a selfie stick or cameras mounted to a stand. It was time consuming for her to set it all up and limited her in what she was able to do.

After mom confessed me what she was doing, she asked me, her 26 year old son to help out. She asked me because I have a background in photography. Sort off. But I had done mostly landscapes. Mixed with some occasional portraits. It was good enough for her. She even offered me a decent pay day. I told her that I need some time to make a decision. She gave me that time.

Wanna Play Some Games, Brother? [Incest] [MF]

It all began three months ago. One ordinary boring Saturday morning my 27 year old sister texted 24 year old me: Wanna come over to my place, playing some video games? It didn’t take me long to send her an answer: Yes, sounds great. I am already on my way.

The reason for my fast decision making was: I hat nothing planed for the day. So instead of spending time alone at my place, playing video games, jerking off and eating junk food, I was doing the same thing now with my sister. Minus the jerking off. But I could go without it for a day or two.

When I finally arrived at her place, with a bag full of the unhealthiest snacks out there, I knocked at the door, she opened up, then we hugged, we had some chit chat, I stored the supplies in the fridge and then we went over into her living room: To start the gaming marathon.

As you can imagine, time flew by. We had a blast. We played a lot of games, mostly against each other. Competition between the two of us was fierce – yes, the classic sibling experience. We cursed a lot, we called each other names, until I said something that had consequences: “Suck my dick, sis.”