[MF] I finally got to fuck a long time crush. Chapter 2.

Amanda arrived Wednesday night. I asked her what she wanted to do while she was down here and her answer was very a matter of fact… “you”.

We got to the car and she kissed me. Amanda wanted to get it on as soon as we had the chance. I put my hand on her waist and she took it and put in under her skirt. I was surprised to feel her bare pussy. She must have wanted to see my reaction because she stopped the kiss and looked at me with a coy little smirk.

“Can you feel how wet I am?” she asked. I said yes.

“Take me home and fuck me. I can’t wait to have you inside me.” she said.

When we got to my house, no sooner have I closed the door behind me that Amanda had her arms around me, kissing me like there was no tomorrow. I put my hands under her skirt and felt up her bare ass and her kiss turned from passionate to lustful.

“I need you in me right now.” she demanded.

[MF] I finally got to fuck a long time crush.

I have always had a crush on Amanda, the office manager where I work since I met her 3 years ago. Since then I have been in a remote location not going to the main office, but Amanda and I are still in contact several times a week regarding work.

Last week we had a come to Jesus sort of meeting to prepare for our company’s year end and I was so happy to see Amanda. I was surprised when I walked into her office that she got up from her desk and gave me a hug. She looked as beautiful as ever. We spoke briefly until her phone rang and she said we will catch up later.

Over the years, my former girlfriend and I traveled quite a bit and since Amanda was the one that approved my time off request, she would often ask me where I was going. Amanda has always wanted to travel, but with three kids and her husband not wanting to do anything, it was just a dream to her. Knowing that I made sure that every time I went anywhere, I would bring Amanda back a souvenir, just a little trinket like a refrigerator magnet or key chain.

The Sexual Awakening of Sister Eloise, Part 2 [FF]

Read part 1 here:


Part 2

Sister Eloise was sure that she wanted more sex, but Sister Angelique talked her out of it.

“Sister, you have just experienced something new and right now you are both happy and excited. But when that high goes away, you will be flooded by different emotions. You will experience happiness, confusion, guilt, regret, yearning and all of it will hit you at the same time. You will need some time to digest everything that you have seen, felt and experienced today. Take the month we have until the next one to think about what happened today.”

Sister Angelique helped Eloise up and get dressed and together they walked out of the garden and back into the convent.

Sister Eloise went into her bed chamber to get some rest but as Sister Angelique suggested, she decided to take a bath. She laid in the warm bath, she drew for herself and her thoughts wandered to what happened. The nakedness, the women’s breast, the buttocks, the penises, the vaginas. The last two things stuck in her mind. She thought about Anders’ penis and how magnificent it felt inside her. She realized that she did not get to put it in her mouth like she saw the other sisters did. She wondered how it tasted and how it must have felt. She wondered if the other sister got dizzy when they do it motion of bobbing their head repeatedly while they had a penis in their mouths.

The Sexual Awakening of Sister Eloise [FFM]

Sister Eloise has lived in a convent her whole life. On her 21st Birthday she is given access to a part of the convent that was strictly forbidden for her to enter. When she walked in, she was not prepared for what she saw. Several sisters were openly having sex with men and women.

Because of her pious upbringing and her vow chastity, Eloise did not know what she was looking at. The concept of sexuality was foreign to her. Looking around, she saw five of her sisters engaged in several actions with some of the town folk.

Two things she noticed. The first was that everything that was happening was centered on the genitals of at least one of the participants. And second was the look of bliss in everyone’s face. She figured it must have been from some type of pleasure they were receiving. She thought of times that gave her great pleasure. Like when she had the first bite of chocolate in her life. And the first warm bath she takes after a cold day working at the gardens. It brought a smile to her face.