I had a very promiscuos slutty phase in my late 20’s. I used to hook up with this friend (Mile) who also used to be my coworker. Mile got a new job in another Hospital.
Mile had a boyfriend but once in a while we sexcaped together, where we just used to get super drunk and had sex. No feelings or strings. Her boyfriend was also very friendly pal, I felt bad but no judgement on my end.
During a Halloween celebration, Mile invited me to have drinks and party at a bart. I was not dressed up or anything and she said it was ok she was wearing her work scrubs. No joke some of them had shift next day and she was off next day so they decided to go out in their work outfit. I did not have other plans so I went to meet with them. I found out Mile had called me because she was with her boyfriend an another friend (Pam) who was very cute and outgoing and wanted to party. They wanted to dance and needed another boy for the mix. Pam and I hit it off pretty well. Drinks, dance and laughs went back and forth all night. The night came to at end, her boyfriend lived closed by so he decided to go back to his place bc he was working next day. The three of us took a cab and went to Mile’s place.