An affair as old as time (part 1)

When Mathew was younger he thought he had it all figured out, get an education, get a good job, get the girl and have a family, and he did. He had done all of those things, and yet as his 50th birthday approached, he couldn’t help but feel he was missing something. His wife Nancy really was an amazing woman, but she was typical. After the kids were born she stopped working to raise them, which is fine, but she gained weight and Mathew just wasn’t attracted to her anymore. He felt bad thinking these things about Nancy, after all she has done for him and their family, but he just didn’t feel complete.

Mathew had his own law firm, he had made it pretty big and was quite successful, more money than he knew what to do with. Even though he had several employees working for him, and enough money to buy a country, he still insisted on going to work every day. Law was his therapy, his quiet time.

The three story on Blossom Drive [RAPE]

I’m walking down the street as you pop out of a coffee shop. We don’t know each other, but I caught your eye and apparently kept it. You couldn’t help but stare. You knew you wanted me. Knew you needed me, but didn’t know how to get me.
You decided to follow me down the street, trying to find out where I was going. We walk for about 15 minutes, keeping a safe enough distance away you wouldn’t get caught. Finally we reach the destination.

A little three story Victorian home just a couple streets over from the coffee shop. You watch as I walk inside and close the door behind me, you take note of the address knowing you’ll need it later. 23 Blossom Dr. And you go about your day returning to work.

A couple hours pass by and you’re done for the day, but it’s still daylight, you know you can’t go back yet. No worries you have to run some errands anyways.

[F] Moving to Ontario..

I wrote this for one of my new sexy friends. It’s my first one so please be nice. It’ll be in first person( me and you). ?

I will start off by saying that obviously in this story you live in Ontario..

You are on your way home after a long day at work. Exhausted from the day you cannot wait to get home and relax. Since you moved to Ontario for me ;) you just moved in with me, I do all the household work and have dinner ready for you on top of my other responsibilities. Its only fair since I was just so amazing you had to leave everything you have known.

Wondering what I have made for dinner you park your car and head for the front door, you open it and much to your disappointment you walk in and don’t smell the usual aroma of food cooking that you have grown accustomed to.

[F]20 I fucked my dads best friend

Not sure how well this story will do here. It is 100 percent truth and happened this past summer.

My parents had this friend, my step dad is younger than my mom and they sometimes have friends outside of their age range. He was only 10 years older than me and at first, our friendship started off completely innocent. We all took a “trip” together for 5 days, and the first day is when he started to not so subtly hit on me. I kind of brushed it off as there had been a lot of partying and drinking that day. Later on in the night however, I ended up in his room with him (story for another day) and after he was successful in comforting me and I stopped crying, he just held me. Until finally the tension was too much to handle and we quickly started kissing. He was the first to pull away and ask if I was sure I wanted to do this, I said yes and that was all the assurance he needed. He pulled my clothes off and he wasn’t wearing much to begin with, and started working away on my body. He was way better in bed than I could have expected in all the aspects Imaginable. I was in heaven, I was sure of it.