[MF]Wife makes me late for work, worth it.

“Shit, I gotta run.” I said, glaring back at the angry red numbers on the LED display beside the bed, scolding
me for how late I was. My wife just moaned in reply, continuing to stroke my morning wood under my
boxers. “No really, I need to go. I’m late enough as it is.” She gave a squeeze with her small hand as I
rolled out of the bed and began to get dressed. As I pulled up my pants and buckled my belt, I turned to
see her lying at the edge of the bed, eyes full of lust, staring at the bulge behind my zipper. “I really don’t
have time for this.” I sighed, taking a step back towards the bed. I was fighting a losing battle, and I knew it.
Finally, she pulled the finisher: biting her lower lip. “You can be a little late, can’t you?” she asked. I
answered by stepping up to the edge of the bed, my crotch inches from her face. She wasted no time in
undoing my pants and jerking my boxers down, my cock springing free and bouncing in from of her.

[MF][outdoors] How to avoid tanlines

A few years ago my wife and I lived in an apartment complex that was adjacent to a large patch of woods. On my days off, I would often take my machete and hike through the woods, exploring the area. Within a few months of hiking I discovered two things: one, besides our own apartment buildings, it was several miles to the nearest house in the area, and two, near the center of the area was a large, open area sort of like a small field. Maybe the summer heat was getting to me, but I got a naughty idea when I discovered the field.

Using my machete, I chopped away at the tall grass, clearing out a small area of the field, just big enough to create a little sunbathing area for two. Over the next few weeks I spent some time hiking around the area and using it to sunbathe, just to be sure it was as secluded as I suspected. I was pleasantly surprised to find that no one else was ever in the area, so I deemed it safe enough for a little nude tanning.


“So what did she want?” Dan asked as Sarah closed the door and buckled her seatbelt.

“Oh, she was just checking in, making sure things were okay. Between us.” Sarah settled into her seat.

“She needed privacy for that?” unconvinced, but he went through the motions of starting the car and shifting into drive anyway.

“Yeah. Girl-talk, you know?” Sarah turned her face towards the window to hide her blushing cheeks.

“Ah. So nothing about how much she wanted my cock then?” Dan smirked, enjoying the hem of Sarah’s miniskirt sliding up her thigh as she squirmed.

“Wha- H-how did you know?”

“Puh-lease. She was drilling holes through my head with fuck-me-eyes all night.” It was true. Rachel’s subtletly came off as pretty explicit when you knew what to look for.

“Well, she did ask… about… you know… your…” The shyness, even after all these years, still gave Sarah that sexy edge despite her plain face. Every time Dan fucked her she made him feel like he was deflowering a virgin bride. So grateful, so unassuming. Rachel, on the other hand, was pure sex and sweat; it was smeared all over her face.

[m/f] Keeping quiet at the thin-walled in-laws. (Not-so Sneaky Shower Sex)

Last year around Christmas time my wife and I traveled up north to visit her family for the holidays. When I say north, I mean a few miles further and we'd be in Canada. As I'm sure anyone who lives in the general area knows, there is very little to do in the winter up there except stay inside and try to keep warm. Playing in the snow is only good for a few days. So here I am, cooped up in this small house full of in laws and thin walls in a frozen wasteland. You can bet the bedroom had to be kept quiet.

I don't know if the cold was getting to me or the cabin fever, but about a week into this I am starting to get horny as all hell, and with no privacy to take care of it (much less get my wife to lend a hand (or a mouth (or ass))). I know what you're probably thinking, but no, the only bathroom had no lock on the door. They were living like savages up there. Obviously this made daily activities like shitting and showering stressful enough, so there was no way I was going to pull off a covert fap in there. The situation was bleak.