Owning her in the shower (f/f)

Her eyes were the richest hazel I’d ever known. Dark borders with veins of gold and flecks of green. They seemed to shimmer and shift with the light. Those eyes were wide as the humidity sailed through the stuffy room and she shivered, goose bumps glittering about her creamy skin. She tasted of strawberries and cotton candy and sex. Her heavy breath soaring round my face.
I pushed harder and she gasped, “Oh my God, oh, oh God, oh God!” Feeling her slight frame tremble under my body gave me a rush. I could feel the blood run to my face. She was loosing control, as much as she didn’t want to, she was. She didn’t want to be here. Didn’t want me. But what did it matter now, I had her and she was loosing herself in my arms.

She had been in the shower when I walked in. The gym was deserted after practice. Everyone had gone home but the two of us. She to run more sprints and I to smoke a joint and enjoy the sunset. As I walked into the locker room to shower there she was.

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Owning You (f/f)

I’m a porn actress. Not a star, but I got my start with a recurring role in a trilogy of really sophisticated, really erotic, really…low budget films. The Phallic Awaking, The Cock Strikes Back, and Return of the Boobs. So dumb.

But then I got my first lead role a while back in a film about a girl who has a string of really bad luck and seeks out a goddess to help turn things around. The goddess then turns her into a sex slave. I play the goddess!

It was amazing to be in control! I’m quite petite and as a result I’m always the sub. I’m told my tiny frame and big puppy dog eyes are perfect for the role. I get my face pushed into the masters while taking it from behind. I get bent over the couch and slapped across the cheeks. But not this time! It was so intoxicating to be in control, fake as it was. And I want more!

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Being the bitch of a bitch (f/f)

Oh God I want to be on my knees in front of her. To be collared and leashed. To kiss her feet and lick her calves. To taste her wetness. To state up into her eyes and feel the sting of her slap across my cheeks. To beg as she spits on me and tells me who I belong to. I want to stare at her longingly as she grins, watching all her friends pound me into oblivion with their strap ons until I’m a quivering mess sobbing on the floor. To have her walk over and dry my tears with her thighs and taste ecstasy. Be fed a soft nipple of delight before she puts me back in my cage and I’m forced to listen to her boyfriend fuck her brains out all night long. In the darkness I hear her scream and thrash. Feel the walls shake and hear the sounds of wet gagging as she chokes on his pride and joy. My master becoming the bitch. What does that make me?
In the morning she’ll take the sheet of my kennel and smile. Take me out and whip me to feel powerful again. She’ll choke me until I pass out to be in control again. She’ll wake me from my stupor with a bite to my nipple and do it again. She’ll fuck me with something the size of Texas until I cry. Tell me I’m her bitch and remind me who owns my life as she traces her finger around her brand on my chest. And I’ll love her even more.

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Becoming her bitch in the bathroom stall. (f/f)

I begged for it. I wanted it. I craved it. Every day. Of course, I’d never gotten up the courage to do it. So many times I’d dreamed of doing it. Today I did. I shyly stalked up to him in chemistry class, flipping my hair, head down, big green eyes looking up into his. “Can I suck you off? Please?” He was taken off guard and laughed like it was a joke and looked at his friends. All of which had their chin on the floor. I continued, with an eager smile, “I’ll suck you off here, under the table.” He blushed cutely and stammered an excuse to get up. Too shy, he missed out. So I sauntered out of class and made a beeline to the bathroom. I swung the stall door closed and began to touch myself. Caressing my chest, and gently tracing my nipples. Moving down, I slipped my hand under my skirt and slid my fingers deep inside myself. I was so wet my thong was soaked through. I gasped and shuddered, slipping and sliding, and moaning his name. “Shut up you slut!” The next stall called out.

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Orgasm for Family Dinner

Madi tried not to squirm as she gazed down upon her plate of dull green peas and dry chicken. Her legs were sliding and hopping under the that long, white tablecloth. After an eternally long day of waiting, this was the time she chose? Of course it was. Clara knew exactly what time they ate dinner. She’d eaten here many times herself. The small vibe she’d been wearing all day had finally come to life and it was all Clara’s fault.

Clara was a little older and definitely more experienced than Madi. So when she proposed the idea of controlling Madi’s orgasm it was both tantalizing and terrifying. But of course she went along. There was no way for her to resist Clara’s piercing blue eyes and blond dreadlocks. That face of a fallen angel had led her to trouble’s door more than once. She’d never tried a vibe before, but oh my God, she was learning she loved it! It just wasn’t a great time for such a revelation. “Meekee,” she let out a little squeal as her parents looked at her.

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Pleasing Her Bull [20-30] [mfm] [femdom/cuckhold]

Rosanna was the most beautiful girl he’d ever known. Why she had married him five years ago, he would never understand. Scottie was average in every possible way. His build, his face, his finances. If anything he was a little less than average. She was a model. Literally. Small time, clothing ads and whatnot. It had never been enough work to pay the bills, but she was ravishing! Green eyes, a petite frame at five feet tall on a good day. With thick, layered curls that flowed around her freckled cheeks and bounced about as she walked. It was the color that was most striking. The most vivid, natural red anyone had ever seen. It brought her endless compliments from everyone she met. It had strips of deep, dark, cherry red mixed with brighter highlights of an almost blond/orange. If that was a thing. When she slipped through the sunlight it erupted into a blaze and flames framed her face.

Winter Wonderland (f/f public)

Mandy shivered as her breath lilted up and off into the great beyond. She was a melange of hot and cold as she stared up at the swirling snowflakes. Unique pieces of divinity falling from the heavens, bringing life and wonder. Each one sparkling like the innocence of childhood. Bound to be battered and worn by the world until they became a mud puddle dwelling in the ditch. Then she looked down at the sight below her. Somehow even more divine.

Dahlia sleepily gazed into her eyes, surrounded by snow and pinned to the ground as Mandy straddled her. Mandy’s rosy cheeks flexed as she smiled, “You’re rapturous!” The lazy reply came sarcastically, “And you’re a weirdo.” They both giggled. Dahlia groaned through chattering teeth, “My hair is a tangled mess and I haven’t showered for 36 hours. I’m so gross!” Mandy leaned down and gave a kiss that warmed the both of them. They had little but the flames of their love to fend off the cold these days. “You’re resplendent! My reason for being and the fuel for my sputtering star.” Dahlia cringed, “Okay drama queen. That’s enough out of you!” Her hands flew under Mandy’s hoodie and sought warm sides ready for a tickle. They both giggled again and then Mandy gasped as those cold hands found something far more soft and supple.

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The Big O in Chem Class (f/public orgasm)

The afternoon light burst through the window and lit her like an angel. Just inches away, I could smell her marshmallow perfume. I could taste it! God, it was delicious. Her loose bun of hair flowed this way and that, rebellious strands swiping down to tickle her neck. Abbi had the cutest little freckles speckling her face, not that I could see them at the moment, but they made their way down around her collarbone and traveled across her strong shoulders. I could see a few of them playing with those wayward strands. It was then that I finally heard our chem teacher, “I said are you with us Ms. Lecroix?”

“Y-Yes ma’am…I’m sorry” I replied, embarrassed, but instantly sinking back into the depths of my waking dream. I crossed my legs and began to bounce them in short, soft bursts. A little dance with myself. I hummed my favorite song and longed to lean forward and whisper into Abbi’s ear, “I love you and I want you.”

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Caught in the Church. (lesbian/first time)

It was the most beautiful afternoon Olivia had ever experienced. The sunlight was thick as honey and laid lazily upon the couch. It illumined even the darkest corners of that old storage room. It seemed to heat the wood planks on the wall and give the whole room a slight cedar scent. A breeze floating through the window tickled her sensitive skin. Of course, the tongue gently teasing her nipples helped as well.

Izzy had been her best friend since her first day of preschool. They both wore Disney princess t-shirts. That’s all it took to spawn a friendship that had lasted twenty years. Olivia let out a little moan. Her head tilted back and two teeth peaking out from her open mouth. Cheeks in full blush and shame someplace far, far away. She whispered through her lipgloss, “More. Please more.” She gave a gasp as Izzys tongue found her lips.

The good girls. That’s who they’d been all through high school. Good students, good daughters, good alter girls in this very church. This back room was a place they had prayed many times. A tongue flicked, then slid deep and she sputtered, “Oh my God…Oh God.” The response came as Izzy gazed deep into her eyes, “Yes Liv?”

A Roll in the Hay. (Gentle femdom)

Sasha’s skin glistened under the light of the moon. Her thin frame and wide smile had brought her many gifts over the years. From the time she was thirteen she knew anyone who saw her burned with a desire destined to go unfulfilled. For most that is. The boys habitually ripped their beating hearts from their chest and laid them at her pedicured feet. Girls were even worse, girls worshiped her. She would catch them staring at her in the locker room or the gym shower. Eyes wide and mouths agape. Some unabashedly touching themselves. Yes, she’d had many self sacrificing souls over the years, but she’d never had this.

Lungs filled to near bursting, the air rushed in and out. Her chest heaved and her small round breasts bounced firmly. Her hips beating out the rhythm to her favorite song. “Now suck it!” she said. Her latest admirer was the college quarterback for a team in the Deep South. His drawl and good old boy charm were enough to peak her interest. But she wanted something more. “That’s right, eat it bitch.” She whispered into his ear. She’d never pegged anyone before and he was clearly uncomfortable with the idea, but he acquiesced. Of course he did. A little smile and flip of her pig tails and he melted like butter on a black griddle.