Becoming her bitch in the bathroom stall. (f/f)

I begged for it. I wanted it. I craved it. Every day. Of course, I’d never gotten up the courage to do it. So many times I’d dreamed of doing it. Today I did. I shyly stalked up to him in chemistry class, flipping my hair, head down, big green eyes looking up into his. “Can I suck you off? Please?” He was taken off guard and laughed like it was a joke and looked at his friends. All of which had their chin on the floor. I continued, with an eager smile, “I’ll suck you off here, under the table.” He blushed cutely and stammered an excuse to get up. Too shy, he missed out. So I sauntered out of class and made a beeline to the bathroom. I swung the stall door closed and began to touch myself. Caressing my chest, and gently tracing my nipples. Moving down, I slipped my hand under my skirt and slid my fingers deep inside myself. I was so wet my thong was soaked through. I gasped and shuddered, slipping and sliding, and moaning his name. “Shut up you slut!” The next stall called out.

I was too horny to be embarrassed, I just kept thrusting my fingers in and out. Squish, squish, squish. “You little whore!” The voice was giggly. I looked up and saw Melody looking down at me from over the top of the next stall. Her smile was wide and her eyes were full of lust. “Keep going slut, I want to watch.” I quivered and I shook, my eyes watering as the intensity built. I had never been watched before, but was quickly learning I liked it.

When I opened my eyes I saw Melody standing in front of me. She had crawled under the divider and had her firm chest inches from my face. “Suck them,” she whispered. The geyser between my legs was soon to explode! She grabbed my hand and led my fingers to her mouth. She sucked up all the juice there was and her chest began to heave. “Suck them,” she said again, more forcefully this time. Then she slapped me.

“Suck my tits slut!” I was shocked and surprised. And so aroused I almost came right there. I slipped off her white top. Then her black strapped tank top. Gorgeous tits gazing at me, firm and full. Everything on her was tight! What else would you expect from the volleyball star. I nibbled at her neck and slid my tongue down between her collar bones. Down. Down. Round and round. She grabbed my head and thrust her nipple into my mouth and gave a gentle gasp.

“Yes,” she moaned as I sucked. She slid her fingers between my thighs and lapped up more of my juice. The look of lust twisted her face and she grabbed my throat, her black hair tickling my nose and she looked down on me. I couldn’t breath and I loved it! I had never been dominated. I wasn’t really that experienced. There was the time I kissed Tommy behind the school and he ran his hands under my shirt. The only blow job I gave was last year to a boy I met on a band trip. I was ridiculously nervous, but he didn’t seem to care. It was clear it was his first time as well. And then of course there were the countless times I’d humped my favorite teddy bear.

Melody pushed me down to my knees. “Take them off,” she commanded. I slid my fingers around her waist and slipped her yoga pants down to her ankles. Standing in nothing, but her sneakers she took a commanding tone, “Eat me!” I hesitated, I’d never done anything like this before! She slapped me again, harder. I could taste blood. She slapped me again across the other cheek. The blood ran down my chin. “Lick my clit bitch!” I couldn’t even remember the name of that fucking dickwad in class. I began to lick, like I was trying to get to the center of a tootsie pop. She moaned and grabbed my head, pressing it deeper. She began to thrust and cuss. “Fuck! Fuck me you little bitch! Fucking suck my clit! Ah, ah, oooohh god!” She screamed and my blood mingled with her cum. Then I came. Hard!

She fell down around my shoulders, panting in my ear. “Oh my god,” she she whispered. Her fingers running through my hair. She kissed my neck and was sure to leave giant hickies everyone would see in geometry class. “You’re my bitch now and you’re going to do that every fucking day!” The grin was audible in her voice. She giggled. I giggled. “Gladly,” I whispered back with tears of delight streaming down my checks.


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