Out in the Open: Consu[M]mating our A[F]fair in the Park.

We master the art of accidentally meeting. Today it is in the park around the corner from your office. It is windy and I keep one hand on my skirt–not sure yet if I want you to know how even when I was getting dressed that I thought about fucking you.

There is almost no one around us, but still you start the charade. “How strange to see you here,” you say, loudly. Then almost in a whisper, “I’m hard already.”

“I needed the fresh air,” I reply, letting go of my skirt, wanting the wind to lift it enough to show you what I’m not wearing.

We walk along the cement path, talking about nothing. Making sure to mention our spouses, our kids. It’s almost as if speaking about them proves what is happening between us has nothing to do with them.

Your hand moves to my back and moves me from the path toward an enormous willow tree with branches that touch the ground.

We slip between the branches and the trunk, hiding from the few joggers and strollers in the park. “I can’t stop thinking about your cock,” I say.

Starting an affair with a blow job. Help me get it right.

“Do you like dirty talk?”

I nod before taking a slow sip from my iced coffee. Running my tongue against the straw, I think about what his cock will taste like. He tells me he wants to lick my pussy. The woman at the next table turns her head and stares at us. This isn’t a conversation we should be having in Starbucks. It isn’t a conversation we should be having at all. We are married to other people.

But I can’t stop it. I don’t want it to stop. I want him to rub his face, his beard against my pussy. I need him to make all of the smooth parts of me rough. We go outside and walk around the back of the building looking for privacy.

“The thing I want to do to you will take hours,” he says as he pulls me into a secluded alcove.

We don’t have hours. People know our schedules, they expect us to be in certain places at certain times. He pushes me against a wall and kisses me hard. I bite his lip, gently. We can’t leave any marks on each other’s bodies, but I want him to. I want him to bite my neck and slap my ass.