Kinky Coworker [MF]

I had some free time the past few days, so I decided to write about another experience I had, this time with a kinky coworker of mine (some rape roleplay at the end). Please keep in mind that this is only the third post I’ve made here, and my first post was my first attempt at actually writing something out, so apologies in advance for any typos/grammar mistakes, or if some things aren’t explained very well/explained in a weird way. Enjoy ;)

At my college I worked at a help desk for students. Basically, my job was to help students with computer problems, and reset student’s passwords if they forgot them or were locked out of their accounts. The spot where I work has the main desk area where I, and my coworkers, work, then there are some desk areas with computers on them for students to use whenever they need to. During the week it can be pretty busy, but during weekends there’s almost never anybody there, so it’s really empty in the building. Also, during the week there are coordinators (actual workers, in charge of the student workers) and stuff in the building to help if someone has a problem that the student workers can’t fix, but on the weekends there are no coordinators and it is only the student workers who run it (though 90% of the time we just do homework at the desk because nobody comes in or calls).

I lost my virginity to my roommate’s GF [FM] (Part 2)

This is part 2, part 1 can be found [here]( Here’s a tl;dr for it: my roommate and his GF thought I was asleep, which I almost was, then they started having sex, I started listening and his GF saw that I was awake. She was into it and I masturbated while watching her and afterwards she gave me a blowjob.

When I woke up the next morning I felt a little gross, my boxers were kinda crusty in spots, along with my blanket. I got up and showered, then did some laundry. I also felt a little shitty, I normally hate it when people cheat on their partners, and what I did last night was sort of cheating. I mean, she only sucked my dick, but still… She also said she wanted to do it again so it was kind of like cheating. I didn’t feel that bad though, after all he was cheating on her already. I was feeling conflicted about what to do. I also didn’t know if she had said anything to him. Tristan wasn’t acting any differently though, so she must not have.

I lost my virginity to my roommate’s GF [FM] (Part 1)

During my first year of college I lived in the dorms on campus. I was still a virgin at this point, I had one girlfriend during high school but we never went all the way, only ever doing oral a couple of times. My dorm room was small, with only a small wall dividing my bed and my roommate’s bed, and even then I could still see about half, maybe only a third of his bed (we both had our beds set up so our heads were on the end that was blocked, so we weren’t staring at each other when trying to sleep). My roommate, Tristan, was alright. He wasn’t really loud or obnoxious, kinda messy but not too bad, friendly but not intrusive. We mostly kept to ourselves, but he would keep his TV on all the time, usually a little (sometimes a lot) louder than necessary, he would always chew gum, loudly, and would mumble to himself a lot (minor annoyances, but as the school year progressed they became worse, along with some other things). But for the most part he was an ok roommate, he could’ve been a lot worse. He was also a football player, but not like a super jocky and in your face kind of one though, it seemed like he just did it for something to do.

Erotic Story, The Toby Sexcapades

First attempt at actually writing out a story, so here goes. Been working on this all day, so I hope you like it.

Based on the description of ( and modifying it a bit, I’m going to make the story about Toby, a guy who stayed in his home town and attended the local community college there, while his two friends Kayla and Scott went off to a state university a few towns away. Toby and Kayla were close friends and neighbors growing up, he always had a crush on her, but never told her, he wanted to ask her out in high school but she started dating Scott before he had a chance. Scott and Kayla dated throughout high school and decided to attend the same university afterwards. Toby liked him well enough, and even considered him a close friend after he got to know him, and he never told Scott (or anyone) about his crush on Kayla.