Geting Bens Laid Part 1(Fm) (Blowjob)

This story is designed to set the premise for Part 2. It is also the first piece of writing I have actually tried on. So premise give me FEEDBack

I also have some questions.

–How can I introduce Physical aspect of The charecters?

–Why does it have to be Jake that seduces Bens why not some girl, after all ben is attractive?

Jake was driving to his friend Ben's house. Jake and Ben had been best friends for most of their lives. Their mothers had worked together and had became close friends. Surprisingly their children were polar opposites.

JAKE was very outgoing and talked to people. BEN on the other hand was shy and tried to not be seen. He surrounded himself with a few close friends and didn't often make new ones. And while Jake almost always had a girlfriend. BEN was still a virgin. Jake knew that Ben was'nt ugly. Ben was actually quite attractive. Jake himself had a crush on Ben when he was twelve.

Ben's sister Gabby opened the door. "Come in" she said and wheeled herself backwards.