My friends like to jerk off to my sister Pt. 2 (m/f)

The house was quiet that Saturday. Our cozy TV-watching den was quiet except for the sound of our local carpet company’s jubilant commercial bumping from the built-in speakers. I was flipping through the guide looking for something interesting to watch when a familiar thumping sound could be heard coming down the nearby stairs.

She was the only one home. I knew it was her. I tried to push the thoughts from my head. I convinced myself that I was not the least bit intrigued by her. I didn’t care what she was wearing… what her tits looked like… how covered her round, juicy ass was and how much flesh I could get a glimpse at. I didn’t care as I adjusted my slightly thickening cock into a more comfortable and spacious position.

She came into view as she stepped down from the last step and bounced from her springy forefoot. I glanced briefly and watched as her giant natural tits bounced lewdly in her tight cutoff t-shirt. Her smooth, youthful midriff was shown off under the flimsy cloth which was suspended outward by two big globes of bouncy flesh and two hard nipples jutting proudly toward me. Her thick, muscular thighs and ridiculously juicy ass were firmly clad in a pair of pink, skin tight yoga pants. It was gross. I further adjusted myself as my cock continued slowly thickening.

My Sister’s Lotion Pt. 04

I slid in and out of consciousness. The sound and smell of highly chlorinated water filled my senses as it slapped at the edges of the pool a few feet away. This is what I needed. A nice warm day to clear my head. A solitary bird’s frustrated, high-pitched chirps echoed through the backyard, probably signaling to another bird in the area that it was time to fuck. I halfheartedly giggled to myself at the thought.

Just as my slumber threatened to completely take me, I was jarred awake by the sound of our creaking back gate opening.

“Well well well… If it isn’t the ‘ol cash cow in the flesh. Perfect timing” Amber chuckled to her friend, Connie, as they casually invaded my backyard and my privacy. They clicked the gate shut behind them and made their way up the decking steps.

My friends like to jerk off to my sister. (Pt. 1?)(MMM)

My little sister was absolutely disgusting. My friends picked on me constantly about her. They would literally come over, sit on the couch in the living room and just wait for her to walk through the room. The whole ordeal was embarrassing, and frankly, annoying…

“Dude, Whaaaat?” My buddy RJ exploded with incredulity as my car soared through the air, landing a perfect shot on his net in our favorite PS game.

“You’re fuckin cracked my man” My other buddy Colt punctuated RJ’s facepalm, complimenting my performance. “Why do we even-”

His sentence was cut short by the creaking sound of my sister’s small, delicate feet padding down the steps. A hush filled the room. RJ and Colt were on the sofa facing the stairs where my sister would soon appear, myself on the recliner facing both the sofa and the stairs.

RJ swiftly grabbed a throw pillow nearby and covered his crotch, not breaking eye contact with the stairway opening.

Light Rail Halloween

I tended to avoid the light rail in general, but especially on Halloween. I was not a fan of the occasion in the first place and the light rail was the central transit system for many party-goers and enthusiasts on the despicable holiday. The sight of blood turns my stomach, and horror movies, especially those of gory observance, are something I specifically forgo.

The manufacturing company I worked for as a project manager was drastically understaffed as over half of the graveyard shift called in “sick”. I had no choice on this most eventful night. I prepared myself for a nightmarish evening plenteous with inconsiderate hoodlums of varying ages and varying states of drunkenness.

I found myself at the rail stop pleasantly surprised by its emptiness. I scanned the outdoor waiting area quickly as to prepare an avoidance tactic for any ambling drunken morons that may attempt to engage me. Not a body was found. The area was dimly lit by the indirect light of a nearby street lamp which served to give the whole area the resemblance of a horror movie set. I was glad when I heard the faint sound of the rail car approaching the station. The sooner I got this eerie evening over with, the better.

Mom Caught Me [M/F]

I received a PC from my grandfather for my 18th birthday and spent most of senior year discovering the wonders of the internet. I quickly became the one to beat in chess club with the intricate and advanced strategies I learned from chess sites. I became fairly decent at drawing my favorite cartoon characters, I studied photography, weightlifting, golf, military history, anything that sparked my interest.

While waiting patiently in the lunch line one day at school, I was snapped out of my drooling cheeseburger daydream by the word "tits". After some careful eavesdropping, it appeared that some kids in front of me discovered a place on the internet with animated naked women. I mentally wrote down the name of the site just out of mere curiosity and sprinted off the bus to my PC later that day.

With a shaky hand, I quickly typed in the URL of the website and hit "enter".