[MF] Waves, cramped front seats, and the time of our lives [public]

I had just began a relationship with Mary. We were in the indescribably fun part of any relationship, you know the one: hard to take your eyes off each other, endless smirks, constantly late to social engagements because of fucking.

She: short, curvy in the most outstanding ways. Large, perfectly round breasts, perfect, plump ass, pale skin and curly hair, mesmerizing eyes. Me: tall, lean, scruffy. Handsome, I hope.

I took her to meet my parents, in my hometown. On the drive of a few hours she began asking me what the living situation was like at my parents house. I tried to describe my parents quaint, small cabin as endearing (it is), gorgeous (it also is), and magical (it definitely is), but she seemed disappointed. I couldn’t figure out why.

We were on the freeway, and I was driving. She unbuttoned her jeans, and pulled them halfway down. “If the house is that small we probably can’t fuck all weekend. I’m gonna need some release before we get there”.

Years of sexual tension being put to bed [FM]

Kelsey I were neighbors, or as close to neighbors as country kids can be. Her house was through the woods and across the canyon from mine, about a 10 minute walk through huge trees and trails left by deer. We weren’t exactly friends growing up, but we knew each other and occasionally even ran into each other while gallivanting through the forest.

In high school we became closer friends. We had more classes together and more overlapping friends, and when I got my license I became Kelsey’s ride pretty much everywhere. There was always some awkwardness and tension between me and Kelsey, because we had crushes on each other, but never at the same time. She openly was into me for a while, while I was crushing on her best friend. I started feeling guilty for giving her rides, and occasionally flirting with her, because I was afraid that I had led her on. Indeed, she seemed a little hurt, but we remained friends.

My suspicions that she was upset at me were confirmed when she started dating one of my friends….right as I stopped crushing on hers. It was clear from the way she talked about it that she was only somewhat interested in him, and somewhat interested in making me jealous.

[MF] First on Her Tits, then in Her Mouth

I’d known Becca for three years before anything happened with her. I’d always been attracted to her, physically and mentally. I was a country boy, and she was a country girl, so naturally I always had my eye on her. She was tall and curvy, looked killer in her cowgirl boots and blue jeans, and was always down for just about anything.

For the first three years of college, Becca and I were nothing more than mild friends. We never really hung out, but shared a lot of classes together, had a lot of mutual friends, ended up at the same house parties, etc. Senior year we started to get a little closer, as our friend groups became tighter and stronger, and there was suddenly more overlap in how much time we spent with the same people.

[MF] Oral on the Top Bunk; Roommate on the Bottom Bunk

When I left for college, my mom gave me one piece of advice: don’t have sex when your roommate is in the room. While technically I obeyed the letter of that law, I sure as shit didn’t obey the spirit of it.

My sophomore year was a weird one. I had tried and failed in a relationship, was struggling finding my academic calling, and all in all was feeling a bit lost and depressed. Katie – one of my five, randomly chosen housemates – wasn’t helping matters. In a word, I didn’t like her. In a lot of words, she annoyed the everloving shit out of me, largely because she was ridiculously blunt. If I went into the kitchen before my shower, she’d proclaim, “you look funny”. It wasn’t an insult; it was an observation. But when these things happen over and over, they tend to rub you the wrong way.

After about two months, I started to get used to Katie’s bizarre social ticks. I’m one of those people that doesn’t see much physical attraction if there isn’t any emotional attraction (or, more accurately, if there’s negative emotional attraction – I find strangers quite sexy!), so as I started to get more comfortable with Katie, I started to realize that she was really sexy. She was short, about 5’1″, but very curvy. Korean descent, chin-length black hair, gorgeous skin, and quite an impressively sized ass.

[MF] From a Music Video Set to an Empty Street

A few years ago, I (a mid-20s male) had just moved to Los Angeles. As is the custom, I was doing some work in the film industry, and so it happened that I ended up in Malibu on a gorgeous summer SoCal day, as an extra for a slightly silly but enjoyable music video.

Anyone who’s worked in the film industry knows the deal: extra work is boring in and of itself. But you get paid to meet similarly-aged people, and in this case, hang out on the sunny beach. Unfortunately, as much as I love LA, the people often fit the stereotype, so at first I found myself hiding out alone at this shoot. The guys were douchey, each thinking their abs were amazing, they were the next big thing, and every woman wanted them. The women were pretentious, worried more about how they thought they looked than whether they looked like what the director was looking for.

[MF] A Long Night in College

This happened a few years ago, and I am a male.


It was a Friday night, my senior year of college, and Friday nights were for one thing: getting drunk and/or high with my housemates, finding a party to go to, and trying to forget that Saturday morning we’d all be at the library again working on our theses.

On this particular night, we decided to try a big frat party that was happening – not exactly the routine party for us, a rather indy/liberal/queer house of 6, but it never hurts to try something new. Get the authentic college experience, right?

I didn’t think much as I got ready. As a permanently horny person, I’m always hopeful that my nights will end in something sexual, but I’d also gotten used to the routine. My housemates and I had a close-knit group of friends, so when you go out with a close group of 12 or so, you don’t exactly plan on ending the night with new people. I was okay with that. Still, it was a social Friday, night, so I tried to look nice. I threw on some nice jeans, a form-fitting v-neck, and a mild dose of some Calvin Klein cologne. Now’s a good time to describe myself: 6’2″ and lean, but with some nice definition. Olive white skin, dark hair, short facial hair, and a pretty solid jaw line. I’m not a universally hot guy, but I have enough unique and nice qualities that the people who do find me attractive seem to find me *really* attractive. I’m hit or miss, and that’s not a bad thing.