[MF] Oral on the Top Bunk; Roommate on the Bottom Bunk

When I left for college, my mom gave me one piece of advice: don’t have sex when your roommate is in the room. While technically I obeyed the letter of that law, I sure as shit didn’t obey the spirit of it.

My sophomore year was a weird one. I had tried and failed in a relationship, was struggling finding my academic calling, and all in all was feeling a bit lost and depressed. Katie – one of my five, randomly chosen housemates – wasn’t helping matters. In a word, I didn’t like her. In a lot of words, she annoyed the everloving shit out of me, largely because she was ridiculously blunt. If I went into the kitchen before my shower, she’d proclaim, “you look funny”. It wasn’t an insult; it was an observation. But when these things happen over and over, they tend to rub you the wrong way.

After about two months, I started to get used to Katie’s bizarre social ticks. I’m one of those people that doesn’t see much physical attraction if there isn’t any emotional attraction (or, more accurately, if there’s negative emotional attraction – I find strangers quite sexy!), so as I started to get more comfortable with Katie, I started to realize that she was really sexy. She was short, about 5’1″, but very curvy. Korean descent, chin-length black hair, gorgeous skin, and quite an impressively sized ass.

As she realized that I was shifting from being annoyed with her to being her friend, she became even more open with me, and our topics often turned sexual. Not in a flirtatious way – she was still blunt as ever. We cuddled a lot, as we were both touchy people – Katie cuddled with everyone who would let her, regardless of age, gender, etc….it was just her way of interacting. So often we’d be sitting on the couch, her with her head on my lap, and she’d just blurt out, “I’m so horny”, or “I’ve never had a really big cock, but I’d really like to see what that feels like”. Absolutely no filter on this girl. None.

Because she was so open with everyone, I never thought of any of her actions as advances, even as my mind started to wander. I didn’t let myself get too caught up in her, because I didn’t want to risk getting awkward around her, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t take second showers just to find some alone time to think about what she looked naked and rub one out.

As we got more and more comfortable, Katie started getting more and more touchy. Occasionally when we’d cuddle, she’d put my hand under her shirt on her bare skin, or place it on top of her breast. This was always under the guise of “that feels nicer” – just Katie being blunt Katie. Until it was suddenly more.

One night we were hanging out in the living room, half cuddling. My roommate had gone to sleep about an hour ago. I was getting tired, so I told Katie I was heading to bed. She half-jokingly, half-seriously pleaded with me to stay, saying she wasn’t tired yet and wanted to cuddle before bed. With only innocent intentions, I told her to just come to my bed, so we could cuddle but I could fall asleep. We crept into my room, to the loud snores of my roommate Eric, asleep on the bottom bunk. In the dark, I stripped down to my boxers and wifebeater, and climbed up into the top bunk, and then helped Katie up. She slid down in my bed on her side, and I spooned her from behind, placing my had on her breast.

Well, Katie noticed that I’d never done that before. She’d put my hand there for me, but I’d never initiated. She playfully asked me, “did you just cup my boob?”

“Yes”, I said, and squeezed it. She feigned anger, so I squeezed it again, and she slithered backwards so that she was pressed up against me tightly, her ass against my boxers. I tried to think of something else, *anything* else, as I felt seemingly all the blood in my body rush to my penis. Thankfully, my cock was pointed upwards already, so as it got hard it only got bigger and harder, rather than rising up and poking her. I know it was just noticeable enough for her to notice, but not so much to make her feel awkward if she wasn’t into it.

We stayed there for probably two minutes. My hand cupping her breast, her ass pressed firmly against me hard cock (which, while being average length, has a very nice thickness). In silence.

Suddenly, as though we’d been having a conversation that was leading to this, she turned to face me right as I pulled her into me, and we started making out. She was an idyllic kisser, the perfect mix between romantic and sexy. Gentle enough to be seductive, aggressive enough to make you feel like she was getting wet doing so.

After 20 seconds we broke apart and looked at each other sheepishly.

“What are we doing?” she asked.

Sadly, I didn’t have a clever response. Thankfully, I didn’t have a stupid porn or sitcom-style response either. I just smiled and shrugged.

“I don’t know” she continued. “But I want you”.

With that she reached into my boxers and grabbed my cock, tugged it a few times, and began rubbing my balls. We began making out again, and after exploring her breasts, my hands moved down to her underwear. I traced the line of her lacy panties, and noticed that they were already soaked. I slipped them off, and as I did so, she unbuttoned her loose flannel, and tossed it off.

I sat over her and lightly traced her whole body with my hands; her legs, hips, stomach, breasts, underboobs, arms, neck, lips. She had the softest skin I’ve ever felt, and I couldn’t stop touching it, while she lightly rubbed my cock. The moon was coming through the window just enough that I could see her goddess-like curves.

We continued to touch each other while not addressing the elephant in the room. It was clear we were each hesitant to move forward with my roommate just a few feet below us, even though he was snoring away.

“I can’t fuck you with Eric here”, she said.

“I know”, I replied. I wasn’t going to fight it. Eric had turned into one of my best friends, so while I was okay being reckless for the sake of sexiness, I wasn’t going to be stupid and disrespectful. But I also wasn’t going to let a curvy, naked, dripping wet girl out of my bed, especially when I could smell her sweet, musky juices.

So I started kissing her. First her cheek. Then her ear. Then her neck. Then her collarbones. Then her breasts. I stopped there and bit her right nipple, while pinching her left one. She whisper-moaned, which damn near sent me over the edge untouched.

I bit her nipple a little harder, until I felt her holding her breath. Then I let go, and started kissing down her torso. It was only then that she realized where I was going with this. I kissed all down her stomach, and when I got to her waist, I came back up to her breasts, and once again nibbled, twisted, licked, and bit her nipples. Then I again moved down her body, mouth first, this time along her side: kissing her rib cage, licking her waist, biting her hip.

Katie’s breathing was getting fast, and her body twitching, and I hadn’t touched her pussy yet. This blunt, straightforward woman who had always intimidated me was now completely at my mercy, and I had every intention of keeping it that way.

I planted deep kisses down her pelvic line, until I reached her pussy, but I stopped there. I placed my face right above her, so that she could feel my warm breath on her labia and clit, but so I wasn’t yet touching her. I inhaled loudly enough that she could hear me, and I moaned as I took in her scent.

She was shaking harder now, but the tease continued. I moved over to her left pelvic line and licked it, then started working my way down her leg, kissing and licking as I went. When I got to her foot, she suddenly sat up, and pulled me up with her legs.

“Will you stop teasing me and eat me already?” she said somewhat sternly. Her straightforwardness had gone from annoying, to endearing, to downright sexy.

Just to throw her over the edge of teasetown, I went straight for her pussy as though I was going to obey her command. I kissed her labia and inhaled, then started kissing my way down her right leg. She squirmed in disappointment. As I neared her knee her body started to relax, and I knew she’d come to grips with the fact that I was going to kiss all down her leg again.

With her guard finally down, I abandoned her leg, and dove headfirst into her pussy. It turned out her scent was indicative of everything else; she was perfect. The wettest pussy I’ve ever felt – by far -, firm but soft lips, a throbbing and shaking clit, and a taste that I could have licked all day, night, and the next day.

I started by licking up and down her lips, til my tongue and mouth were sufficiently coated in pussy juice. I moved up to her clit and flicked my tongue lightly, and she squealed loudly.

“Oh, shit” she whispered, as she remembered that we were in a room with another person. We both stopped to listen, and quickly heard Eric’s snores resume. We were in the clear.

I started licking her clit harder, alternating between swirling my tongue, flicking my tongue, grinding my tongue against her, and sucking on her clit. With my right hand I explored her breasts, and with my left I worked my way up her leg until I reached her pussy. She was so wet that my finger went in without me even realizing it. I added a second, and slowly a third. She was so tight that she was clamping down on my fingers, but so wet that they went in easily. I started slowly thrusting my fingers in and out, keeping rhythm with Katie’s tense breaths. As her breaths got quicker, I sped up, until I was fucking her hard with three fingers, while rapidly licking her clit.

As I felt her getting near, I put more pressure in her clit, then started licking it from the underside, while wrapping my arm around her leg and rubbing the top of her clit. With my left-hand fingers still deep in her soaked pussy, I start swirling them while trying to hit the top of her vagina.

With her clit being pleasured in two ways, and her g-spot being hit, I could feel her about to climax. Her already tight pussy clamped down on my three fingers, making it impossible to move them, and her fingernails dug into the wrist of my hand that’s rubbing her clit. With a gasp and a damn impressive job of holding her voice in, she came hard. Her legs wrapped around my head and she nearly choked me, as she bucked up in the air through her climax. I didn’t think her pussy could get any wetter, but a gush of cum came as she shook and inhaled; this was even sweeter than the rest of her juices.

I kept my three fingers inside her for a while; I don’t think I could have taken them out if I tried. As I felt her breathing start to slow, I gently licked her pelvic lines and the outside of her labia, getting all the juices, smelling her, and soothing her twitching pussy. Finally she full relaxed, and I slid my fingers out, licked her a few more times, and licked my fingers clean.

I kneeled over katie and stroked myself softly as we looked at each other. Katie was down for the count; her body had tapped out. But her bluntness certainly had not. She slowly got to her knees, took my cock in one hand, looked me in the eyes, and laughed.

“You’re a lot better at that than I thought you would be.”

If that doesn’t sum up her personality and our relationship, I don’t know what does.

From our open discussions, I knew that Katie didn’t like giving oral. That was fine by me; I love nothing more than eating pussy, and I was honestly on cloud nine from a completely unexpected encounter. It’s not everyday that someone actually has the sexual encounter that they masturbate thinking about.

Katie suddenly realized that her underwear had gone missing, and the resulting paranoia from both of us ended any chances I had of getting some help finishing. We quietly tore my bed apart trying to find them, but they were nowhere to be found, at which point we realized they must have fallen onto Eric’s bed. Oops.

We couldn’t have him wake up to girls underwear in his bed, so we crawled down quietly, and, thank goodness, found them lying on top of his blankets, Eric still sound asleep. But that was enough paranoia, so we left the room, kissed a few more times, and said goodnight.

I crawled back into my bed, and took a whiff of my pussy stained fingers. They smelled so, so good. While I kept smelling and licking them, I lay in bed stroking my cock, edging myself multiple times while I replayed the night, and Katie’s perfect pussy over and over. Finally I came, shooting warm, sticky loads all over my stomach, and I happily fell asleep without even cleaning up.

Edit: spelling, grammar, clarity, etc.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/5i10kx/mf_oral_on_the_top_bunk_roommate_on_the_bottom

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