That Time With Bebe [m/f]

'Bebe?' I doubted. 'Bee-Bee?' 'Yes.' The unimpressed stare shot back at me. I had maybe two seconds to work my way back from this one. I mean, half of it was confusion – I was convinced I'd misheard: had her parents really had the foresight to add a French element to this already petite form now glaring up at me from behind the desk? 'And?' 'I never thought I'd hear a name that would make my heart skip a beat.'

To be fair, it wasn't just a line. No preparation. It just came to me. And it had skipped, though not at that moment. Her name was simply the cherry on top of the already incredibly cherried cake. No, it happened when I walked in to make the appointment. The dyed pink hair was the first hit, then the piercing blue eyes that cut through me, then the glinting cheekbones; the voice, welcoming me in but warning me that she'd heard it all before and not to even dare to think about fucking her.

That time I never wanted to stop. Part Three: The night that didn’t end

It was hot and we were sticky. The air conditioning and exposed brickwork was doing nothing to cool our bodies in those moments. The shower was all encompassing and inviting, with the dull red tiles rippling in as the water streamed down them. I was behind her, holding her arms tight to her sides with my grip on her wrists. My teeth and lips were being purposeful about her neck and lobes, and the very nature of having her at my whim was casually bringing my cock back to the start. I took a moment to gather her hands behind her back with one of mine, and pressed firmly, forcing her to nestle the side of her cheek to the fresh tiling. And now, with the water beading and running from the small of her back, I teased into her warm pussy; short, shallow thrusts followed by a deep one, nice and slow.

I’m a complete tease at heart. If I could do it all day I probably would; I was torn between reeling myself back in after our initial lust and at the same time just wanting to fuck for every minute of the night. I pulled out and spun her round, drawing her in close to feel her breasts up against my chest. We kissed under the drenching. I allowed her to touch and play with what she wanted.

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That time I never wanted to stop. Part Two: The Hoxton

So I was at Stanstead airport, leaning casually on the the arrivals’ railings with a cardboard S’fucks (scalding the already over-roasted blend), feeling an apprehensive pang in my stomach. Yeah, I wasn’t casual at all. Everyone fucking knew what I was doing – there’s no way you can hide that. The facial reactions always give it away. You can always tell the “nervous to meet because it’s a fuck liaison” in any situation: restaurants, cafés, bars, buses…libraries…you get the picture; body language is a whole other post. Yet, this time really was different; it wasn’t just some booty call – I really wanted to know this girl.

Finding someone with which small talk doesn’t ever exist

Categorized as Erotica

That time I never wanted to stop. Part One: Voice Memo

There’s always someone with which you share your most erotic and fiendishly sensual moments. Someone that your experiences with go beyond one telling. Someone that defies all reasonable and sensible thought because you just have to have that final, lingering, kiss. C was my “someone”.

We’d met by random chance. I was struck down, immediately, by her smile, her laugh, her flowing brunette locks – how could I possibly look away, even for a second, from those effervescent irises… And then, fuck…then she would speak. Her softly accented tone making my name sound fresh and new, like no one had ever articulated it properly before; making it her own and me more hers with every, single, syllable. I was utterly sold.

Categorized as Erotica